Directed by
Dennis Cabella | ... | (segment "Pathos") |
Javier Chillon | ... | (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Todd Cobery | ... | (segment "Eden") |
Andrew Desmond | ... | (segment "Entity") |
Benni Diez | ... | (segment "Kingz") |
Marcello Ercole | ... | (segment "Pathos") |
Richard Karpala | ... | (segment "Iris") |
Justin McConnell | ... | (segment "wraparound") |
Antonio Padovan | ... | (segment "Eveless") |
Fabio Prati | ... | (segment "Pathos") |
Ethan Shaftel | ... | (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Marinko Spahic | ... | (segment "Kingz") |
Writing Credits (in alphabetical order)
Dennis Cabella | ... | (segment) (segment "Pathos") |
Javier Chillon | ... | (segment) (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Todd Cobery | ... | (segment) (segment "Eden") |
Andrew Desmond | ... | (segment) (segment "Entity") |
Dolores E. Diaz | ... | (segment) (segment "Eveless") (as Dolores Diaz) |
Benni Diez | ... | (segment) (segment "Kingz") |
Marcello Ercole | ... | (segment) (segment "Pathos") |
J.P. Ferré | ... | (segment) (segment "Entity") (as Jean Philippe Ferré) |
Richard Karpala | ... | (segment) (segment "Iris") |
Justin McConnell | ... | (anthology concept by) |
Antonio Padovan | ... | (segment) (segment "Eveless") |
Fabio Prati | ... | (segment) (segment "Pathos") |
Ethan Shaftel | ... | (segment) (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Marinko Spahic | ... | (segment) (segment "Kingz") |
Giorgio Viaro | ... | (segment) (segment "Pathos") |
Produced by
Dave Alexander | ... | anthology executive producer |
Hanuman Brown-Eagle | ... | associate producer (segment "'Flesh Computer'") |
Dennis Cabella | ... | producer (segment "'Pathos'") |
Javier Chillon | ... | producer (segment "'They Will All Die In Space'") |
Jay Clarke | ... | anthology associate producer |
Todd Cobery | ... | producer (segment "Eden") |
Benni Diez | ... | associate producer (segment "'Kingz'") |
Greg Engbrecht | ... | executive producer (segment "'Eveless'") |
Marcello Ercole | ... | producer (segment "'Pathos'") |
Peter Etzweiler | ... | associate producer: exteriors (segment ": "Eden") |
Avi Federgreen | ... | anthology producer |
Luis Fuentes | ... | associate producer (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Laurent Fumeron | ... | producer (segment "'Entity'") |
Nikolai Galitzine | ... | producer (segment "'Iris'") |
Abram Grae | ... | executive producer (segment "'Iris'") |
Rodrigo Gudiño | ... | anthology executive producer |
Dain Ingebretson | ... | producer (segment "'Flesh Computer'") |
Alec Joler | ... | associate producer (segment "'Flesh Computer'") |
Mong Hui Kao | ... | co-producer (segment "'Eveless'") |
Richard Karpala | ... | producer (segment "'Iris'") |
Vin Kridakorn | ... | executive producer (segment "'Eveless'") |
Jackie C. Lin | ... | producer (segment "'Eveless'") |
Tom Lynch | ... | producer (segment "'Eden'") |
Amy Ma | ... | co-producer (segment "'Eveless'") |
Justin McConnell | ... | anthology producer |
Kevin Obsatz | ... | associate producer (segment "'Flesh Computer'") |
Fabio Prati | ... | producer (segment "'Pathos'") |
Frédéric Rossignol | ... | producer (segment "'Entity'") |
Ethan Shaftel | ... | executive producer (segment "'Flesh Computer'") |
Darryl Shaw | ... | anthology associate producer |
Marinko Spahic | ... | executive producer (segment "'Kingz'") |
Heidi Zadok | ... | associate producer (segment "'Flesh Computer'") |
Music by
Daniele Carretta | ... | (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Patrizio Deidda | ... | (segment "Kingz") |
Cirilo Fernández | ... | (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Árni Valur Kristinsson | ... | (segment "Iris") (original music) |
Sean Motley | ... | (original score by) |
Dominick Sivilli | ... | (segment "Eveless") |
Fabrice Smadja | ... | (segment "Entity") |
Symmetry | ... | (segment "Eden") |
Veronique Vaka | ... | (segment "Iris") (original music) |
Cinematography by
Hanuman Brown-Eagle | ... | (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Dennis Cabella | ... | (segment "Pathos") |
Nicolas Chalons | ... | (segment "Entity") |
Marcello Ercole | ... | (segment "Pathos") |
Luis Fuentes | ... | (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Nikolai Galitzine | ... | (segment "Iris") |
Bo Hakala | ... | (segment "Eden") |
Fabio Prati | ... | (segment "Pathos") |
Oliver Staubi | ... | (segment "Kingz") |
Editing by
Michael D. Black | ... | (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Dennis Cabella | ... | (segment "Pathos") |
Javier Chillon | ... | (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Benni Diez | ... | (segment "Kingz") |
Marcello Ercole | ... | (segment "Pathos") |
J.P. Ferré | ... | (segment "Entity") (as Jean Philippe Ferré) |
Luis Fuentes | ... | (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Richard Karpala | ... | (segment "Iris") |
Joe Martin | ... | (segment "Eden") |
Fabio Prati | ... | (segment "Pathos") |
Marinko Spahic | ... | (segment "Kingz") |
Greg Zappile | ... | (segment "Eveless") |
Casting By
Lynn Blumenthal | ... | (segment "Eden") |
Arantza Vélez | ... | (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Production Design by
Idoia Esteban | ... | (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Michelle Gilstead | ... | (segment "Eden") |
Roxy Martinez | ... | (segment "Eveless") |
Natalie Ruiz | ... | (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Art Direction by
Nick D'Amico | ... | (segment "Eveless") |
Alec Joler | ... | (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Ryan Tallant | ... | (segment "Eden") |
Set Decoration by
Kari Setterholm | ... | (segment ": "Eden") |
Shannon Massey Smith | ... | (segment "Iris") (as Shannon Smith) |
Costume Design by
Clara Bilbao | ... | (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Kerry Riley | ... | (segment ": "Eden") |
Makeup Department
Joshua Adams | ... | makeup effects: Monster Makeup FX (segment "Iris") |
Crist Ballas | ... | makeup department head (segment ": "Eden") |
Gema Barrada | ... | assistant makeup/hair artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") (as Gema Barrado) |
Jen Barreiro | ... | makeup/hair artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Oriane Cattiaux | ... | makeup artist (segment "Entity") |
Midian Crosby | ... | makeup effects: Monster Makeup FX (segment "Iris") |
Martina Ehrat | ... | makeup artist (segment "Kingz") / special effects makeup (segment "Kingz") |
Tara Feiman | ... | makeup (segment "Iris") |
Ciara Rose Griffin | ... | makeup (segment "Eveless") |
Stefan Jankov | ... | prosthetics (segment "Kingz") |
Laura Lopez | ... | assistant makeup/hair artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Ana Maria Martin | ... | assistant makeup/hair artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Lidia Minì | ... | makeup (segment "Pathos") |
Philipp Rathgeber | ... | makeup artist (segment "Kingz") / special effects makeup (segment "Kingz") |
Lucía Ricote | ... | assistant makeup/hair artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Katrin Sahre | ... | prosthetics (segment "Kingz") |
Miki Sautbine | ... | makeup assistant (segment ": "Eden") |
Ryan Schaddelee | ... | key makeup artist (segment ": "Eden") (as Ryan Schaddellee) |
Elena Seepe | ... | makeup: wraparound |
Marina Tobalina | ... | assistant makeup/hair artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Janine Vogel | ... | makeup artist (segment "Kingz") / special effects makeup (segment "Kingz") |
Olivia Vose | ... | makeup (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Production Management
Álvaro Díaz Calvo | ... | production manager (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Laurent Fumeron | ... | production manager (segment "Entity") |
Julia Schaffer | ... | unit production manager (segment "Eden") |
Johannes Schmid | ... | production manager (segment "Kingz") |
Andreas Zienteck | ... | production manager (segment "Kingz") |
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
Pepo Barreiro | ... | first assistant director (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Juan Carlevaris | ... | additional second assistant director (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Pascal Fetzer | ... | first assistant director (segment "Kingz") |
Kevin W. Fitzgerald | ... | assistant director (segment "Eveless") |
Emma Galve | ... | additional second assistant director (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Rick Hankes | ... | first assistant director: interiors (segment ": "Eden") |
Jackie C. Lin | ... | assistant director (segment "Eveless") |
Pilar López | ... | second assistant director (segment "They Will All Die In Space") (as Pilar 'Pipi' Lopez) |
Joseph Mischo | ... | first assistant director: interiors (segment ": "Eden") |
Kevin Obsatz | ... | assistant director (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Christopher Powers | ... | second assistant director (segment ": "Eden") |
A. Rochelle Smith | ... | assistant director (segment "Iris") (as Rochelle Smith) |
Art Department
Noemí G. Avizanda | ... | prop master (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Julio Fernandez Banos | ... | props (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Clint Bohaty | ... | set dresser (segment ": "Eden") |
Agustín Borlaf | ... | set dresser (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Noomen Bouzidi | ... | technical support (segment "Kingz") |
Robert Claisse | ... | craftsman (segment "Kingz") |
Sebastian Hahn | ... | props (segment "Kingz") / set design by (segment "Kingz") |
Peter Hoffmann | ... | craftsman (segment "Kingz") |
Matt Joyer | ... | leadman (segment "Eden") |
Victor Lopez | ... | set dresser (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Carly Lujan | ... | prop master (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Juan M. Mohedano | ... | set constructor (segment "They Will All Die In Space") (as Juanma Mohedano) |
José Luis Orive | ... | set concept (segment "They Will All Die In Space") (as José Luis 'Rambo' Orive) |
Sergio Ramirez | ... | assistant set constructor (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Johannes Renz | ... | props (segment "Kingz") |
Eider Ruiz | ... | assistant art director (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Scott Sayer | ... | scenic (segment ": "Eden") |
David Schulte | ... | art department (segment "Iris") |
David Roman Serrat | ... | technical support (segment "Kingz") |
Etienne Spengler | ... | weaponry: martial arts (segment "Kingz") |
Álvaro Suárez | ... | set dresser (segment "They Will All Die In Space") (as Álvaro 'Palo' Suárez) |
Ryan Tallant | ... | lead scenic (segment ": "Eden") |
Chris Thickins | ... | set dresser (segment ": "Eden") (as Chris Thickens) |
Antonio Turati Romero | ... | set dresser (segment "They Will All Die In Space") (as Antonio Turati) |
Zoltan Zem | ... | set design assistant (segment "Kingz") |
Sound Department
Gerard Bonnette | ... | sound mixer (segment ": "Eden") |
Benjamin Christ | ... | production sound mixer (segment "Kingz") |
Roberto Fernández | ... | sound designer (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Rustam Gimadiyev | ... | foley editor/mixer (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Martinez Gonzalez | ... | sound designer (segment "Iris") |
Tilman Hahn | ... | foley editing (segment "Kingz") / sound designer (segment "Kingz") / sound mixing (segment "Kingz") |
Pierre Henry | ... | sound operator (segment "Entity") |
William Hsieh | ... | sound designer (segment "Eveless") |
Frank Intorcia | ... | additional sound recording (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Patrick Joyner | ... | production sound (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Rafael Kajatt | ... | boom operator (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Arina Knyazeva | ... | foley artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Jaime Lardiés | ... | sound mixer (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Borja Luis | ... | additional boom operator (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Michael Maier | ... | boom operator (segment "Kingz") |
Alberto Martinez | ... | sound recording (segment "Iris") |
Benoit Mora | ... | sound effects editor (segment "Entity") |
Jim Morgan | ... | sound mixer (segment ": "Eden") |
Kelsey Nie | ... | boom operator (segment "Flesh Computer") (as Kelsey Jonikas) |
Kelly Pieklo | ... | sound designer (segment ": "Eden") |
Kevin Roache | ... | sound designer (segment "Flesh Computer") |
María Rodríguez-Mora | ... | boom operator (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Wilmont Schulze | ... | foley artist (segment "Kingz") |
Andrew Silagy | ... | sound mixer (segment "Iris") |
David 'Lion' Thompson | ... | boom operator (segment ": "Eden") (as Lion Thompson) |
Bogdan Zavarzin | ... | foley artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Special Effects by
Javier Chillon | ... | miniatures (segment "They Will All Die In Space") / special effects (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Anthony DiFolco | ... | special effects (segment "Eveless") |
Steven Hintz | ... | special effects (segment ": "Eden") (as Steve Hintz) |
Matthias Krug | ... | pyrotechnician |
Paul Neumann | ... | pyrotechnician (segment "Kingz") |
José Luis Orive | ... | miniatures (segment "They Will All Die In Space") (as José Luis 'Rambo' Orive) |
Alondra Excene Shields | ... | special effects assistant (segment "Flesh Computer") (as Alondra Shields) |
Nam Tran | ... | special effects (segment "Eveless") |
George Troester | ... | special effects (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Visual Effects by
Donald Altamirano | ... | match mover (segment "Flesh Computer") / tracker (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Alexis Amant | ... | compositor (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Juan Arribas | ... | smoke artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Viola Baier | ... | visual effects artist (segment "Kingz") |
Tom Balev | ... | visual effects: Integnity Effects (segment "Iris") |
Alba Barriuso | ... | cgi artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Juan Behrens | ... | motion graphic artist (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Gianluigi Bevilacqua | ... | visual effects assistant: Integnity Effects (segment "Iris") |
Romain Bourzeix | ... | 3D: astronaut modeling/texturing/lighting and rendering (segment "Entity") |
Stéphane Chasseloup | ... | 3D: spaceship designer (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Javier Chillon | ... | computer graphics (segment "They Will All Die In Space") / graphic design (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Matthieu Corade | ... | design and animation: HUD widgets (segment "Entity") |
Benni Diez | ... | design (segment "Kingz") / grading (segment "Kingz") / previs (segment "Kingz") / visual effects supervisor (segment "Kingz") |
Sébastien Drouin | ... | special visual effects: support by (segment "Entity") |
Verena Fels | ... | visual effects artist (segment "Kingz") |
J.P. Ferré | ... | 3D: spaceship animation, lighting and rendering (segment "Entity") (as Jean Philippe Ferré) / animation: 2D/3D (segment "Entity") (as Jean Philippe Ferré) / compositing: 2D/3D (segment "Entity") (as Jean Philippe Ferré) / rendering: 2D/3D (segment "Entity") (as Jean Philippe Ferré) / visual effects supervisor (segment "Entity") (as Jean Philippe Ferré) |
Laurent Fumeron | ... | 3D: spaceship animation, lighting and rendering (segment "Entity") |
Philippe Gonzalez | ... | 3D: astronaut modeling/texturing/lighting and rendering (segment "Entity") |
Thomas Haegele | ... | head of animation: visual effects and digital postproduction (segment "Kingz") (as Prof. Thomas Haegele) |
David Heras | ... | film conform (segment "They Will All Die In Space") / visual effects supervisor (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Thomas Hinke | ... | 3d modeling (segment "Kingz") |
John Hwang | ... | visual effects artist (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Vanessa Kima | ... | 3D: spaceship texturing (segment "Entity") |
Tanja Krampfert | ... | texturing (segment "Kingz") |
Christophe Lejay | ... | 3D: spaceship design (segment "Entity") |
Csaba Letay | ... | visual effects artist (segment "Kingz") (as Czaba Letay) |
Pierre-Alexandre Loy | ... | 3D: wormhole modeling and rendering (segment "Entity") |
Javier Martínez Pacín | ... | cgi artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") (as Javier Pacín) |
James McGillin | ... | compositor (segment "Flesh Computer") / visual effects supervisor (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Rodrigo Molina | ... | cgi artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Christopher Murch | ... | visual effects: wraparound (as Chris Murch) |
Benjamin Nolde | ... | grading (segment "Kingz") / visual effects artist (segment "Kingz") |
Leszek Plichta | ... | design (segment "Kingz") |
Marius Plock | ... | 3d animation (segment "Kingz") |
Carlos Puchol | ... | visual effects producer (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Jesús Sanz | ... | cgi artist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Sebastian Schmidt | ... | technical director support (segment "Kingz") |
Moritz Schneider | ... | visual effects artist (segment "Kingz") |
Patrick Schuler | ... | visual effects artist (segment "Kingz") |
Daniel Stern | ... | technical director support (segment "Kingz") |
Frank Stringini | ... | CG artist (segment "Flesh Computer") / lead animator (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Emanuel Strixner | ... | 3d animation (segment "Kingz") |
Shivas Thilak | ... | compositor (segment "Flesh Computer") / matte painter (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Claudius Urban | ... | 3d modeling (segment "Kingz") |
Javier Urrutia | ... | digital compositor (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Florian Waldenmaier | ... | technical director: shading/lighting/rendering (segment "Kingz") |
Ben Watne | ... | additional visual effects (segment ": "Eden") |
Scott Wenner | ... | visual effects supervisor (segment ": "Eden") |
Michael Wortmann | ... | on-set visual effects supervisor (segment "Kingz") / previs (segment "Kingz") |
Mickaël Yon | ... | 3D: astronaut modeling/texturing/lighting and rendering (segment "Entity") |
Christoph Zollinger | ... | texturing (segment "Kingz") |
Iván de Miguel | ... | stunt team (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Christian Gneissl | ... | Stunt Co-ordination (segment "Kingz") / stunts (segment "Kingz") |
Jason Hilton | ... | stunt coordinator (segment ": "Eden") |
Mathis Landwehr | ... | Fight Choregraphy (segment "Kingz") / stunts (segment "Kingz") |
Mike Möller | ... | stunts (segment "Kingz") |
Alberto Rama | ... | stunt team (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
José Antonio Rojo | ... | stunt coordinator (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Ben Schamma | ... | Fight Choregraphy (segment "Kingz") / stunts (segment "Kingz") |
Jim Williams | ... | stunt coordinator |
Camera and Electrical Department
Nathan Armstrong | ... | first assistant camera (segment ": "Eden") |
Alberto Arribas | ... | gaffer (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Joscha Brück | ... | gaffer (segment "Kingz") |
Megan Jade Burrows | ... | electrician/grip (segment "Kingz") |
Kacho Cano | ... | additional camera operator (segment "They Will All Die In Space") / still photographer (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Álvaro Carla | ... | camera operator (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
John Carr | ... | gaffer (segment "Eveless") |
Patricia Charlin | ... | first assistant camera (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Changxin Chen | ... | grip (segment "Eveless") |
Michael Chen | ... | key grip (segment "Eveless") |
Chiky | ... | additional camera operator (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Ben Curry | ... | additional cinematography (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Javier de Usabel | ... | additional lighting technician (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Kris Drake | ... | still photographer: Kris Drake Photography (segment ": "Eden") |
Arnaud Duault | ... | camera operator (segment "Entity") |
Andre Durand | ... | swing: exteriors (segment ": "Eden") |
David Echeverría | ... | steadicam operator (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Scott Ferril | ... | video assist (segment ": "Eden") |
Jeff Fischer | ... | rigging crew (segment ": "Eden") |
Sean Flannery | ... | additional cinematography (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Dmitry Futoryan | ... | digital imaging technician (segment ": "Eden") / still photographer (segment ": "Eden") |
Markus Förderer | ... | first assistant camera (segment "Kingz") |
Sara Gallego | ... | lighting technician (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Joseph Gallup | ... | key grip (segment "Eden") |
Nicolas Gascuel | ... | first assistant camera (segment "Entity") |
Eric Gerdts | ... | second assistant camera (segment ": "Eden") |
Dan Godar | ... | grip (segment ": "Eden") |
Yann Goiran | ... | best boy electric (segment "Entity") |
Cristina Grande | ... | video assist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Chris Hadland | ... | second assistant camera (segment ": "Eden") |
Don Hales | ... | second unit photography (segment "Iris") |
Michael Handley | ... | gaffer: exteriors (segment ": "Eden") |
Ben Hippely | ... | rigging crew (segment ": "Eden") |
Sophie Hou | ... | second assistant camera (segment "Eveless") |
Mike Jantz | ... | gaffer/key grip (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Charlotte Jaouen | ... | best boy electric (segment "Entity") |
Tiberius Jay | ... | gaffer: interiors (segment ": "Eden") |
Casey David Johnson | ... | first assistant camera (segment "Eveless") (as Casey Johnson) |
Justin Yardley Jones | ... | grip (segment "Iris") (as Justin Jones) |
Matt Kane | ... | electrician (segment ": "Eden") |
Philip Kannenberg | ... | electrician/grip (segment "Kingz") |
Metehan Karakus | ... | electrician/grip (segment "Kingz") (as Metehan 'Taffa' Karakus) |
Brock Kingsland | ... | grip (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Marie blanche Knill | ... | second assistant camera (segment "Entity") (as Marie-Blanche Knill) |
Debora M. Geanini | ... | first assistant camera (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Thibault Maillard | ... | best boy electric (segment "Entity") |
Eoin McGuigan | ... | first assistant camera (segment ": "Eden") |
Matt Muegge | ... | key grip (segment ": "Eden") |
Benjamin Munz | ... | electrician/grip (segment "Kingz") |
Roberto Márquez | ... | still photographer (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Chris Nightingale | ... | first assistant camera (segment "Iris") |
Alejandro Perez | ... | second assistant camera (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Eric Pierson | ... | grip (segment ": "Eden") |
Katja Piolka | ... | still photographer (segment "Kingz") |
Austin Ray | ... | grip (segment "Iris") |
Rasmus Rønberg | ... | grip (segment "Eveless") |
Karbis Sarafyan | ... | second assistant camera (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Fred Scheller | ... | electrician/grip (segment "Kingz") |
Needham B. Smith | ... | assistant camera (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Oliver Staubi | ... | steadicam operator (segment "Kingz") |
Jon Steinhorst | ... | swing: exteriors (segment ": "Eden") |
Brian Suerth | ... | electrician (segment ": "Eden") / second assistant camera (segment ": "Eden") |
Xavier Sylvestre-Bru | ... | gaffer (segment "Entity") |
Erik Thomsen | ... | electrician (segment ": "Eden") |
Claudius Urban | ... | electrician/grip (segment "Kingz") |
Romain Veillon | ... | set photographer (segment "Entity") |
Hannah Witopil | ... | electrician/grip (segment "Kingz") |
Casting Department
Daniel Voloz | ... | casting assistant: extras (segment "Kingz") |
Leigh Rousson | ... | segment (uncredited) |
Costume and Wardrobe Department
Miranda Cole | ... | on set wardrobe: attendant (segment ": "Eden") |
Jessica Dery | ... | wardrobe supervisor (segment ": "Eden") (as Jesi Dery) |
Rebeca Duran Estrada | ... | assistant costume designer (segment "They Will All Die In Space") (as Rebeca Duran) |
Deena Graf | ... | on set wardrobe: attendant (segment ": "Eden") |
Tammy Hollingsworth | ... | on set wardrobe: attendant (segment ": "Eden") |
Vicki Jenkins | ... | wardrobe stylist (segment ": "Eden") (as Vicky Jenkins) |
Josefi León | ... | costume maker (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Marta Martín | ... | assistant costume designer (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Loli Moreno | ... | costume maker (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Franziska Roth | ... | costume supervisor (segment "Kingz") |
Julia Schaffer | ... | on set wardrobe: attendant (segment ": "Eden") |
Laura Tiefer | ... | wardrobe (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Barrett Vann | ... | on set wardrobe: attendant (segment ": "Eden") |
David Yeves | ... | costume constructor (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Editorial Department
Guy Ducker | ... | edit advisor (segment "Iris") |
Steve Fait | ... | post producer (segment ": "Eden") |
Stuart Ferreyra | ... | colorist (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Tancredi Monaco | ... | grading (segment "Iris") |
Fabien Pascal | ... | colorist (segment "Entity") |
Gabriel Pielke | ... | assistant editor (segment "Kingz") |
Michael Sandness | ... | colorist (segment ": "Eden") |
Adriana Solé | ... | colorist (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Nam Tran | ... | color correction (segment "Eveless") |
Location Management
Chris Naab | ... | locations (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Music Department
Haiqiong Deng | ... | zither (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Alexandre Shaftel | ... | bassoon (segment "Flesh Computer") / viola (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Genevieve Shaftel | ... | violin (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Veronique Shaftel | ... | violin (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Nathan Towns | ... | additional score recordist (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Script and Continuity Department
Adela Gutiérrez | ... | script supervisor (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Marie-Christine Hilaire | ... | script supervisor (segment "Entity") |
Transportation Department
Justin Yardley Jones | ... | transportation (segment "Iris") (as Justin Jones) |
Austin Ray | ... | transportation (segment "Iris") |
Additional Crew
Mark C. Abney | ... | compression routines (segment "Eden") |
Lisa-Marie Abraham | ... | production assistant (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Nina Tunac Basey | ... | English translation (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Alex G. Blume | ... | production assistant (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Kacho Cano | ... | making of (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
May Chang | ... | production assistant (segment "Eveless") |
Brianna Deihl | ... | production assistant (segment "Eden") |
Sara Fuente Torres | ... | production assistant (segment "They Will All Die In Space") (as Sara de la Fuente) |
Alicia Fuentes | ... | consultant (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Daniel Herwig | ... | production assistant (segment "Kingz") |
Eri Huang | ... | production assistant (segment "Eveless") |
Jonathan Hugh | ... | production assistant (segment "Eveless") |
Yasmeen Jawhar | ... | production assistant (segment "Eveless") |
Agnes Lustig | ... | office production assistant (segment "Kingz") |
Paloma Macía | ... | production assistant (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Drew Moerlein | ... | production assistant (segment "Eveless") |
Benjamin Munz | ... | production assistant (segment "Kingz") |
Christian Müller | ... | production assistant (segment "Kingz") |
Gerry Needle | ... | set teacher (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Samantha Pasculli | ... | production assistant (segment "Entity") |
Jeanne Joe Perrone | ... | production assistant (segment "Eveless") |
Elvis Plese | ... | production assistant (segment "Kingz") |
Nuria Ramírez | ... | English translation (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Arturo Salmerón | ... | production assistant (segment "They Will All Die In Space") |
Brian Santos | ... | production assistant (segment "Flesh Computer") |
Chris Savage | ... | production assistant (segment "Eden") |
Kate Scamman | ... | production assistant (segment "Flesh Computer") (as Kate Tracy Scamman) |
Thomas Schadt | ... | director: of Filmakademie (segment "Kingz") (as Prof. Thomas Schadt) |
Adam Spanier | ... | production assistant (segment "Eden") |
Amy Thompson | ... | craft service (segment "Eden") |
Claudius Urban | ... | caterer (segment "Kingz") |
Daniel Voloz | ... | production assistant (segment "Kingz") |
Hannah Witopil | ... | production assistant (segment "Kingz") |
Dan Wittenburg | ... | production assistant (segment "Eden") |
Wade Wojcik | ... | production assistant (segment "Eden") |
Kim Yong | ... | production assistant (segment "Kingz") |
Zoltan Zem | ... | production assistant (segment "Kingz") |
Ramon Alonso | ... | special thanks |
Blanca Alzu | ... | special thanks |
Isabel Auernheimer | ... | special thanks |
Eva Aycart | ... | special thanks |
Sam Barber | ... | special thanks |
Javier Barreiro | ... | special thanks |
Mauro Beccatini | ... | special thanks |
Daniel Bellon | ... | special thanks |
Luke Bender | ... | special thanks to |
Herve Bertrand | ... | special thanks |
Gretchen Bloss | ... | special thanks |
Nicolas Bonnet | ... | special thanks |
Alexander Borst | ... | special thanks |
Ángel Boyano | ... | special thanks |
Jonathan Bunning | ... | special thanks |
Begoña Calvo | ... | special thanks |
Alberto Canale | ... | special thanks |
Federica Castagnola | ... | special thanks |
David Chalmers | ... | special thanks |
Andrea Cobery | ... | special thanks |
Adrien Cohen | ... | special thanks |
Barbara Condit | ... | special thanks (as Barb Condit) |
Clayton Condit | ... | special thanks |
Alex Cox | ... | special thanks to |
Denise Cubbins | ... | special thanks |
Eric Delafoy | ... | special thanks |
Kevin Deysson | ... | special thanks |
Marialuisa Dilonardo | ... | special thanks |
Bettina Dobler | ... | special thanks to |
Jon D. Domínguez | ... | special thanks |
Martin Egelhaaf | ... | special thanks |
Josh Erickson | ... | special thanks to |
Frederic Fleurier | ... | special thanks |
Richard Freeda | ... | special thanks |
Roxane Gabriel | ... | special thanks |
Claude Gaillard | ... | special thanks |
Alessia Gatti | ... | special thanks |
Stefano Gentili | ... | special thanks |
Michael Gingold | ... | special thanks |
Lisa Goldsworthy | ... | special thanks to |
Christopher K. Grap | ... | special thanks (as Chris Grap) |
Frédéric Groetschel | ... | special thanks |
Teresa Guerra | ... | special thanks |
Denise Hestner | ... | special thanks to |
Jonathan Hlibka | ... | special thanks |
Elaine Hsiao | ... | special thanks |
Keith Hurley | ... | special thanks |
Johnny Jewel | ... | special thanks |
Gauthier Jurgensen | ... | special thanks |
Dylan Kiszlowski | ... | special thanks to |
Katja Kuhl | ... | special thanks to |
Ryan Bruce Levey | ... | special thanks |
Sabrina Longo | ... | special thanks |
Marc Lutz | ... | special thanks to |
Antti Maki | ... | special thanks to |
Arthur Martinez | ... | special thanks to |
Peter Matt | ... | special thanks to |
Brian McCulley | ... | special thanks to |
Bob Medcraft | ... | special thanks |
Marzio Mirabella | ... | special thanks |
Elena Morales | ... | special thanks |
Keko Morales | ... | special thanks |
Roland Mönch | ... | special thanks to |
Reza Nedai | ... | special thanks |
Larisa Netterlund | ... | special thanks to |
Daniel Noldedaniel | ... | special thanks to |
Berta Olivas | ... | in memory of |
Michael Paszt | ... | special thanks |
Anna Pembroke | ... | special thanks |
William Prouty | ... | special thanks (as Bill Prouty) |
Matteo Richetti | ... | special thanks |
Piermarco Rosa | ... | special thanks |
Heidi Schuster | ... | special thanks |
Besa em Stadtle | ... | special thanks to |
Lindsay Staloff | ... | special thanks (as Lindz Staloff) |
Kalani Tapia | ... | special thanks |
Yair Tapia | ... | special thanks |
Annette Urban | ... | special thanks to |
Marc Van Buggenhout | ... | special thanks (as Marc Von Buggenhout) |
Juliane Weininger | ... | special thanks to |
Debra Wilcox | ... | special thanks to |