The movie The Samuel Project directed & written by Marc Fusco is about Grandfather Samuel ( Hal Linden) , his son Robert ( Michael Silver.. from TV Royal Pains)and his 17 yr old grandson Eli( Ryan Ochoa). Eli lives with dad and has typical teenage mannerisms . Eli is an artist and loves to draw. Robert works as a realtor and is always busy buying and selling houses and has average fathering skills. But Robert is a good listener and talks to his son about the significance of education and value of academic degree. Eli's mom left when Eli was a baby. Grandfather Samuel lives alone and has his own dry cleaning business. Robert makes it a point to visit Samuel regularly and tells his son about the importance of visiting dad. Eli does not particularly like spending time with granddad Samuel because they have nothing much in common and nothing to say to each other. But Eli is a good son and a very nice human . Eli is interested in everything he sees and listens. He realizes his granddad Samuel was born in Germany and lived through the war and landed in San Diego years back. Eli chooses his grandfather's life to be the project for his class and works with his teammate Kasim (acted by Mateo Arias) who is obsessed with rock music and has no interest in working with his dad who works as a butcher in his own shop. The movie is directed very well. Excellent acting. It is nice to see clean teenagers focused on their hobbies and ambitions. Ryan Ochoa is perfect for the role of Eli and his acting is Oscar worthy.