Spencer Reinhard credited as playing...
The Real Spencer Reinhard
- The Real Spencer Reinhard: Van Gogh ended up killing himself. Monet went blind. I felt like they understood something more about life that I wasn't getting to experience. Art has to be about more than just, "My life is great and I'm really good at drawing."
- The Real Spencer Reinhard: I don't remember if the guy I saw in Central Park was someone that I saw or somebody that Warren told me I saw.
- The Real Spencer Reinhard: Looking back on it, I've often wondered which events I remember from Warren's point of view, or I remember from my own. And, if it was easier to choose one over the other because of what it provided for us.
- The Real Spencer Reinhard: To have this, this need to know what is on the other side of that line, and realizing the only way to actually do that is to cross it, there's never a point in your life after that where you haven't already crossed that line. Um... you know, it's... it was... It was definitely a terrifying thing.