205 reviews
- Leofwine_draca
- Jun 3, 2021
- Permalink
Where Die Hard was funny, The Doorman is cringeworthy. Where Die Hard was visceral, The Doorman is pathetic. Where Die Hard has action, The Doorman has quick viewpoint change scenes to hide how ridiculous they are. Where Die Hard had an intelligent, pompous and scary villain, The Doorman has a stupid old Frenchman. Die Hard had a budget, The Doorman had an unused building. The acting is terrible, the plot is ridiculous, the characters are cardboard and still they couldn't get them right. How can anyone fail this much?
For crying out loud, there are five Die Hard movies there and the one you are trying to copy from was made in '88. You had 32 years to do it right! Ruby Rose was two years old when that movie came out! What more do you need?!
Bottom line: If at least they would have gender swapped it and copied the rest this would have been a good movie. No, they had to completely mess it up. Avoid this boring unsuccessful attempt at a movie.
For crying out loud, there are five Die Hard movies there and the one you are trying to copy from was made in '88. You had 32 years to do it right! Ruby Rose was two years old when that movie came out! What more do you need?!
Bottom line: If at least they would have gender swapped it and copied the rest this would have been a good movie. No, they had to completely mess it up. Avoid this boring unsuccessful attempt at a movie.
So let me be clear this is not a cinematic masterpiece BUT I don't think it was written to be. It has decent fight scenes, keeps you guessing and is a ok use of time for an action movie, it definitely does not deserve the hate it's getting. I wouldn't pay new release money to watch it but for a small rent fee it was worth it..especially during Covid boredom and a rash of terrible terrible movies.
What is up with Hollywood and The use of this terrible actor. She has 1 emotion. Thats it.
Could Be a decent action movie. But that lead star - Damm she is so so overrated.
Imagine Steven Seagal's body-double is offered his own action movie... a low-budget "Die Hard" clone. Then imagine that Seagal needs his body double on a shoot in Kyrgyzstan, so they have to re-cast the film at the last minute. The only person available is Ruby Rose, a second-rate Angelina Jolie, with no discernable acting talent. Then imagine Jean Reno has run out of money... and takes this clichéd bad-guy role to pay off his debts to Luc Besson. That's "The Doorman".
Jean Reno might be beyond his prime these days, but moviegoers remember the time when he was a top actor of French cinema. His name is the only selling point of this ultra-low budget action flick. Not that his presence saves the movie. Everything about it is cheap and ridiculously bad: the fight coreography, the script, the acting and the cliché characters.
It's just sad to see Jean Reno ruining his legacy for a few coins. Don't bother to watch this, you'll have more fun watching paint dry.
No. Just don't.
Heroine is awful, flat.
Characters are unlikeable, including her.
Completely predictable plot.
Don't waste your time.
Watch anything else by Jean.
Cold Blood is a good option.
- cerivs-29558
- Oct 19, 2020
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Yes it's been done many times before. Sure maybe it's like Die Hard. But if you're into this genre, don't expect anything extravagantly new... just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Directing by Ryuhei Kitamura was spot on, although the choreography needed more work and less choppiness. Now the writing... 4 writers - 2 nebs and 2 amateurs, and we got nothing spectacular but a bunch of cliches and a predictable story. BUT, it was still an enjoyable watch, especially with the slim-pickings available these days. The cinematography was good. The score was very fitting, and not obnoxious which is typical in B-grade films. The acting was actually good, even for the "Kristen Stewart" expressionless Ruby Rose. Compared to Megan Fox in Rogue, Rose actually worked for it. It was also refreshing to see the always smiling Louis Mandylor and his hilarious demeanor.
I feel the critics went too hard on this one. And to those that gave it a 1/10 on here, give your heads a shake and learn how to properly rate a film (read my bio). It's not just a 1 or 10 rating, there's many numbers in between, and the production value and directing alone starts at a 4 for this one. It's a well deserving 7/10 from me.
Directing by Ryuhei Kitamura was spot on, although the choreography needed more work and less choppiness. Now the writing... 4 writers - 2 nebs and 2 amateurs, and we got nothing spectacular but a bunch of cliches and a predictable story. BUT, it was still an enjoyable watch, especially with the slim-pickings available these days. The cinematography was good. The score was very fitting, and not obnoxious which is typical in B-grade films. The acting was actually good, even for the "Kristen Stewart" expressionless Ruby Rose. Compared to Megan Fox in Rogue, Rose actually worked for it. It was also refreshing to see the always smiling Louis Mandylor and his hilarious demeanor.
I feel the critics went too hard on this one. And to those that gave it a 1/10 on here, give your heads a shake and learn how to properly rate a film (read my bio). It's not just a 1 or 10 rating, there's many numbers in between, and the production value and directing alone starts at a 4 for this one. It's a well deserving 7/10 from me.
- Top_Dawg_Critic
- Oct 13, 2020
- Permalink
People could call this a cheap movie (by hollywood standards).. I'd say it has more of an indie-feel..
With sloppy camera work that makes a mess of action scenes, and boring interactions and dialogue. This is one of those that isn't worth watching for any reason. You won't learn anything, isn't fun to criticize, and will be forgotten the next day.
The plot is as simple as it could be summarized in one line of text, and none of the characters are decent or memorable (not even the little girl who you are supposed to like).. with the exception of Jean Reno, maybe, who poses as a smart and calculating villain. He does a fine job, but for his resume, it is rather lacking.
I wouldn't recommend it, not even for the action. It's too average in every department.
I wouldn't recommend it, not even for the action. It's too average in every department.
- daisukereds
- Oct 8, 2020
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I was surprised, I was prepared to not like it. But Ruby Rose, Jean Reno and cast make it palatable. It's not a blockbuster movie, but there is still enough action to keep it interesting. And yes you might have to suspend your disbelief.
This movie is basically Die Hard if the writers, director, and editor were all drunk. And I don't care how low budget your movie is, you should still sport for a military consultant/choreographer in your action film about a ex-military hero.
- arjunm-57838
- Dec 10, 2020
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I'm not too sure why this film received so many bad reviews, but each to their I own I guess. It was a fun and very entertaining action film that delivered in every aspect. As always Ruby Rose is gorgeous and shines in the role of Ali and it's a great performance from Jean Reno and Rupert Evans, too.
I don't tend to over think films too much, I watch them for escapism and this is a perfect action flick to take your mind off things. The fighting scenes are great and very convincing, and once again, I've got to mention how good Ruby Rose is.
If you enjoy action movies and escapism then give it go, it's definitely worth a watch.
I don't tend to over think films too much, I watch them for escapism and this is a perfect action flick to take your mind off things. The fighting scenes are great and very convincing, and once again, I've got to mention how good Ruby Rose is.
If you enjoy action movies and escapism then give it go, it's definitely worth a watch.
- BlueMoon19
- Jan 19, 2021
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- stevendbeard
- Oct 9, 2020
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- irvinemarketinggroup
- Oct 18, 2020
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I saw this only cos of the the director. I have enjoyed most of his films, Midnight Meat Train, Downrange, No One Lives, Versus n even the segment from Nightmare Cinema.
Most of his films r very violent but this one is lame without any noteworthy action sequence.
Ruby Rose aint convincing as the bad ass fighter. Jean Reno looked puffy n tired.
The fight choreography aint done well n the film lacked the thrill factor.
The screenplay is very similar to the recent Mel Gibson disaster Force of Nature.
- Fella_shibby
- Oct 8, 2020
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This is terrible, other than Jean Reno the acting is wooden and unrealistic. The storyline is not great to begin with.
- mandcsharma
- Apr 20, 2021
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Even though former Marine Gunnery Sgt Ali Gorsky (Ruby Rose) felt guilt not being able to protect an Ambassador and his family in Romania, she takes a job as Doorman at an elite Hotel, The Carrington, which is undergoing renovation. Victor Dubois (Jean Reno) knows that a former German Officer now lives in the Hotel and took rare paintings with him after WW II and Victor and his men want those valuable paintings.
Ali comes to know that her brother-in-law Jon Stanton (Rupert Evans) is now living in the Hotel and he is a college Professor and writer of sorts, and who married Ali's sister now deceased from a car accident. And, of course, he still has eyes for Ali, who wants nothing to do with him.
Victor and his guys learn where the paintings are and yes, they are in Stanton's apartment. Of course, they are. They find the safe and start drilling to open it.
Ali must find a way to protect her family and get rid of Victor and his men. She is given a second chance because it is now her family that is involved. This starts cat and mouse scenarios and these take up the rest of the movie.
Notables: Aksel Hennie plays Boris and he is the other Doorman and Victor's right-hand man; Phillip Whitchurch is Ali's uncle, Pat Gorsky, who is in charge of the renovation and gets Ali the Doorman job; Julian Feder as Max, Ali's nephew (Jon Stanton's son) and Ali uses him to navigate the hotel as he knows the hotel layout; Kila Lord Cassidy as Lily, Ali's niece (Jon Stanton's daughter).
Just so you know: you should never bypass a movie with Jean Reno in it as he is an exceptional actor and it doesn't matter if he plays a good guy or a bad guy like he does in here.
And now for a pretty Ruby Rose, who you might know, or not, that she played Batwoman in the recent Batwoman TV series and then she quits that job and we are all the better for it. She is very good. I just hope those Tats behind her neck and on her left hand are washable, but she can fight. I am sure we will see more of her and yes, keep an eye on her neck and left hand just to be sure. Ha! (7/10)
Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Humor: No. Language: Very brief in the beginning. Rating: B
Ali comes to know that her brother-in-law Jon Stanton (Rupert Evans) is now living in the Hotel and he is a college Professor and writer of sorts, and who married Ali's sister now deceased from a car accident. And, of course, he still has eyes for Ali, who wants nothing to do with him.
Victor and his guys learn where the paintings are and yes, they are in Stanton's apartment. Of course, they are. They find the safe and start drilling to open it.
Ali must find a way to protect her family and get rid of Victor and his men. She is given a second chance because it is now her family that is involved. This starts cat and mouse scenarios and these take up the rest of the movie.
Notables: Aksel Hennie plays Boris and he is the other Doorman and Victor's right-hand man; Phillip Whitchurch is Ali's uncle, Pat Gorsky, who is in charge of the renovation and gets Ali the Doorman job; Julian Feder as Max, Ali's nephew (Jon Stanton's son) and Ali uses him to navigate the hotel as he knows the hotel layout; Kila Lord Cassidy as Lily, Ali's niece (Jon Stanton's daughter).
Just so you know: you should never bypass a movie with Jean Reno in it as he is an exceptional actor and it doesn't matter if he plays a good guy or a bad guy like he does in here.
And now for a pretty Ruby Rose, who you might know, or not, that she played Batwoman in the recent Batwoman TV series and then she quits that job and we are all the better for it. She is very good. I just hope those Tats behind her neck and on her left hand are washable, but she can fight. I am sure we will see more of her and yes, keep an eye on her neck and left hand just to be sure. Ha! (7/10)
Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Humor: No. Language: Very brief in the beginning. Rating: B
So sad to see great actors doing such a terrible job in a terrible movie.
Jean Reno does not do a lot of bad movies so this was really dissapointing. sure hope he does not end up like Bruce Willis. It is very clear that neither the actors or writers have ever used a drill that needs water to cool. Here a big part of the story is to get water for the drill. But the drill does not use water or have a connection for water.. Its a standard magnetic drill where you can cool down the drillbit with a can of sprayable oil... This was really boring and i regret spending time on it
- zathan-32848
- Oct 8, 2020
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Tiny woman whips up on the bad guys, yet again. Please stop making these stupid films. Worthless.
- gary_sites
- Sep 22, 2021
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But the most ridiculous thing in this stupid movie is the leading actor changed her costumes. She wore some floral blouse, high-heel shoes to 10C, then miraculously changed into tailored jacket, fashioned jeans and boots after she encountered those thieves and started her private war against them. Then again, a grenade miraculously appeared in her hand and bombed the hell out of that guy.
Hey, you morons who directed and made this lousy movie, DO NOT TREAT US like you, okay?! You think we'd be blind enough not saw these stupid arrangements?
Hey, you morons who directed and made this lousy movie, DO NOT TREAT US like you, okay?! You think we'd be blind enough not saw these stupid arrangements?
- MovieIQTest
- Oct 10, 2020
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The doorman share the same basic elements of those old action movies.There are some fantastic fights scenes and action scenes Ruby Rose is great.The original The doorman movie are all those famous old action movies when bad becomes good all fun action movies to intertain people.Jean Reno is also great in the movie as Victor Dubois is a fun bad guy as Krieger in mission impossible and Petrovich in rollerball the audience is introduced to the hero and bad guy character with the absolute minimum on their background so it,s cool. The rest of the movie is action and fights scenes.Great VOD movie it,s a low budget movie but still very interstaining
- nogodnomasters
- Oct 10, 2020
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- Shahin7631
- Oct 10, 2020
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