A young couple Manfred (played by Tony Barber) and Sarah (Joanna Adams) King turn to alcohol to deal with the pain of the needless death of their daughter Lucy (Bethany Schilling and Averi Adkins). Their bitterness tears their relationship apart leading to Manfred losing Sarah, his job, and his bar tab all in one day. Manfred begins to attend Celebrate Recovery after his friend Paul (played by Chris Malone) and his bartender Randy (Mark Wodarski) shows him how his life has become a prison due to alcohol. Sarah contemplates divorce with the advice of her Fab Four Friends (Melissa Temme, Paulette Gardner, and Sarah Velems) while she wrestles with the grief of her previous decisions. Everyone has hang-up, hurts, and habits and need people to come along side in support. That maybe dealing with the anger and how that affects children (James Allison, Dominik McKenney-George, Susannah Hare, and Sydney Keating), depression (Dave Wisniewsk) or addiction ( Jody Gardner)
—Jeff Adkins, Director