The Love Betrayal
"The Love Betrayal" tells the story of Brandi Wilson, a former inmate of the Allen D. Edwards Women's Correctional Center in Elmhurst, IL. Wilson is released from prison after serving a five... Read all"The Love Betrayal" tells the story of Brandi Wilson, a former inmate of the Allen D. Edwards Women's Correctional Center in Elmhurst, IL. Wilson is released from prison after serving a five (5) year sentence for involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of her abusiv... Read all"The Love Betrayal" tells the story of Brandi Wilson, a former inmate of the Allen D. Edwards Women's Correctional Center in Elmhurst, IL. Wilson is released from prison after serving a five (5) year sentence for involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of her abusive husband.