Hi love Grand Designs NZ I live in Australia and record the show on lifestyle channel. Today Chris Moller said he found the original foundation of the Feng Shui plan brutal in the context of the northland bush it revealed to him it was not Feng shui as he saw it originally in his mind as fitting into its landscape. Well Chris yes that's because the history of NZ land is disconnected to the current couple building. You would be surprised what you have just highlighted for me. Good TV series all round. I have my own land left to me by my mother who has a well known tribal history and I know when I take that land and build a inspirational home it will connect with its history attached and I have found so many of your series have given me some interesting concepts and objectives to think about. Lots of your hosts and their planning so show their nz heritage which spoke to me immediately regardless of their colour and colonial theory it all connects perfectly however I found the Feng Shui programme very much a stand out of another culture driving its theory into a landscape still adapting. Good work to highlight what you thought also. Love and blessings to the Feng Shui couple for telling us not to take our heritage for granted.