Katlyn Carlson credited as playing...
Sloan Kelly
- Sloan: I saw what's in the bag, Kay K. It's there, it's real.
- Kay K: We already went through this - Santa Claus burying something.
- Sloan: Obviously it was someone DRESSED as Santa.
- Kay K: Who?
- Sloan: I don't know! It could be anyone. But I remember another piece of it! It came to me in a dream.
- Kay K: A dream? No. No, no. You do NOT pull me out of tactical tagging to tell me about a dream. Six! Five! Four!
- Sloan: What are you doing? Why are you counting?
- Kay K: I only give people six seconds to tell me about dreams. Three! Two!
- Sloan: Forget about the dream. The important part is the money! What if it's still there? Just waiting for us to dig it up?
- Kay K: Wait, wait. Back up. What money?
- Sloan: That's what I'm trying to tell you. There's cash in that bag! Like, a real life buried treasure!