Samuel L. Jackson credited as playing...
Joe Morris
- Joe Morris: That's what I like about you. You are a good person. Ain't been corrupted by the world yet. Like a child. But, that's gonna change when you get rich.
- Joe Morris: When a white person screws you over, they can count on other white folks out there to look the other way. And just knowing that brings out the worst in people.
- Joe Morris: I'm not fucking your wife.
- Bernard Garrett: You go to every table in here to reassure your patrons of that?
- Joe Morris: No. Might have to skip some of them.
- Joe Morris: I don't trust white people.
- Bernard Garrett: How do you even go through life like that?
- Joe Morris: Truth be told, I don't trust black people either.
- Bernard Garrett: You said this was gonna be complicated.
- Joe Morris: What I said was, "This is a bad idea."
- [Bernard scroffs]
- Joe Morris: Then I agreed to drive off the *cliff* with you and here we are. Now, we gotta buy a kid with 90 days of banking experience his own goddamn bank.
- Joe Morris: I'm not the asshole you think I am.
- Bernard Garrett: You a different kind of asshole, huh?
- Joe Morris: When I first laid eyes on you, I thought you were this uptight, square-ass negro who wouldn't know whitey's hand was 'round his neck if he was staring at it in a mirror.
- Bernard Garrett: Glad, I made such a good first impression.
- Joe Morris: Turns out, you a goddamn revolutionary.
- Joe Morris: No matter what, there's always something extra going on in the relationship. It's just the way shit is. And when you accept that, you can't get caught off guard when it rears its ugly head.