35 reviews
Watched 'Trolland' with very mixed expectations, veering towards the negative. On one hand, there was some good talent on board with childhood treasure Dick Van Dyke, prolific voice actress Debi Derryberry and Jerry O'Connell (a dependable actor who debuted in 'Stand By Me', which has some of the best ever child acting in film). As well as my love for animation and my want to see anything regardless of age, studio or quality.
On the other hand, there were also the issues of the trailer looking absolutely terrible, it has to be down there as one of the all-time worst animated trailers. And that it was made by The Asylum, who (with the odd surprising exception) churn out countless abominations year after year, ripping off anything it can lay its hands on and being significantly cheaper in quality, one expects that seeing their efforts and get it without fail nearly every time. 'Trolland' is yet another one of their abominations, one of their worst that year perhaps, with my reservations being proved right. That it makes a mockery of, and rips off, 'Trolls', which to me was an enjoyable film, is the least of its problems.
The worst thing? The animation by far. Have seen some bad-looking animation recently, but that in 'Trolland' takes the cake and insultingly too. Everything looks flat and there are no detailed or vibrant textures. Worst of all are the character designs and the way the characters move, saying that the characters look ugly is being too kind, even describing them as deformed looking would be too kind, likewise with traumatising, the female characters in particular. And the way they move should come with a health warning for particularly epileptics, because never in animation have there been more seizure-inducing character designs (especially the protagonist).
Despite the talent in the vocal cast, and bless them they do their best, they are hopelessly and shamefully let down by the voices not fitting at all with the characters. Particularly for the far too mature-sounding protagonist by not just a few years but like over twice the age of the character. Only Dick Van Dyke fits in his role, and even then he doesn't even sound that interested when in his prime he was one of the most energetic and likable performers around.
As well as being poorly recorded, making some sound creepy, and the lip synching being some of the sloppiest in animation history. And not just a little, we're talking never fitting with the mouth movements or the dialogue.
None of the characters engage, there's no development to them whatsoever or distinct personality traits while some are irritating and others will cause nightmares. The villain is too much of an idiot to be taken seriously, there is never anything menacing about him, so the conflict is never convincing.
Story-wise, 'Trolland' is paper thin, repetitive and ever so dull in pace. One actually not only feels its short length but feels it almost in slow motion effect. The script will insult younger and older viewers alike, nothing funny or sophisticated, otherwise being juvenile and awkwardness overkill. The music is forgettable at best and is often discordant in alternative to dynamic to what's going on.
In conclusion, an abomination. 1/10 Bethany Cox
On the other hand, there were also the issues of the trailer looking absolutely terrible, it has to be down there as one of the all-time worst animated trailers. And that it was made by The Asylum, who (with the odd surprising exception) churn out countless abominations year after year, ripping off anything it can lay its hands on and being significantly cheaper in quality, one expects that seeing their efforts and get it without fail nearly every time. 'Trolland' is yet another one of their abominations, one of their worst that year perhaps, with my reservations being proved right. That it makes a mockery of, and rips off, 'Trolls', which to me was an enjoyable film, is the least of its problems.
The worst thing? The animation by far. Have seen some bad-looking animation recently, but that in 'Trolland' takes the cake and insultingly too. Everything looks flat and there are no detailed or vibrant textures. Worst of all are the character designs and the way the characters move, saying that the characters look ugly is being too kind, even describing them as deformed looking would be too kind, likewise with traumatising, the female characters in particular. And the way they move should come with a health warning for particularly epileptics, because never in animation have there been more seizure-inducing character designs (especially the protagonist).
Despite the talent in the vocal cast, and bless them they do their best, they are hopelessly and shamefully let down by the voices not fitting at all with the characters. Particularly for the far too mature-sounding protagonist by not just a few years but like over twice the age of the character. Only Dick Van Dyke fits in his role, and even then he doesn't even sound that interested when in his prime he was one of the most energetic and likable performers around.
As well as being poorly recorded, making some sound creepy, and the lip synching being some of the sloppiest in animation history. And not just a little, we're talking never fitting with the mouth movements or the dialogue.
None of the characters engage, there's no development to them whatsoever or distinct personality traits while some are irritating and others will cause nightmares. The villain is too much of an idiot to be taken seriously, there is never anything menacing about him, so the conflict is never convincing.
Story-wise, 'Trolland' is paper thin, repetitive and ever so dull in pace. One actually not only feels its short length but feels it almost in slow motion effect. The script will insult younger and older viewers alike, nothing funny or sophisticated, otherwise being juvenile and awkwardness overkill. The music is forgettable at best and is often discordant in alternative to dynamic to what's going on.
In conclusion, an abomination. 1/10 Bethany Cox
- TheLittleSongbird
- Sep 25, 2017
- Permalink
Apparently 99-percent of this movie's budget went to bribe the big-name talent into being involved in this abysmal waste of time. The computer animation, which looks like it was done in one weekend with a hacked Commodore 64, might have been acceptable in 1978, is inexcusably bad. The storyline is trite, tiresome and predictable - not that it matters because the visuals are so off-putting that it makes everything else moot. Even small children would give this thing a pass, unless they have never seen anything else. In fact, if you put a laptop with an animation program installed in front of a two-year old, they would create something far superior. Not even severe medication would make this abomination tolerable.
- doppleganger19692
- Mar 16, 2018
- Permalink
My. God. Where do I even begin? Well, let's start with the animation. DEAR LORD, THE ANIMATION IS INSANELY BAD. You've got character's body parts fidgeting, having seizures, fingers that look broken, characters having trouble sitting down/standing up, and some parts of the movie have characters don't even move their mouths when they talk. One other thing I will talk about that especially bothers me is the layering. I don't know what to say. The characters look like they got slapped over the background, creating a lot of perspective issues. To top this off, this was released in 2016 to "try" to steal viewers from Dreamworks Trolls. I highly recommend that you do watch this dumpster fire.
- donovan-98683
- Apr 30, 2020
- Permalink
IDK why but i know from the trailers that it was going to suck: 1.the voices don't match the characters 2.its a trolls ripoff 3.the animation sucks 4.they are all floating 5.ETC
so just what dark reindeer said,its a tragic movie for this company and there is no excuse for this one
so just what dark reindeer said,its a tragic movie for this company and there is no excuse for this one
The animation does not seem to be done very well. It does not fit into the background up which it was placed. The words spoken does not sync with the animation. I could not watch it for long. It looked like it was made during the beginning of computer animation instead of a couple of years ago.
- maxpj-46551
- Sep 19, 2017
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Nothing fits with the movie, The Lip sync is horrible the animation is terrible (they don't even move much) And it's probably just a cash grab
- goldengameryt
- Apr 2, 2018
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I don't even know where to start with how bad this movie is. Character expression is absolute trash, if it even exists. Lip movement is off, if it even exists, everything clips everything, backgrounds are distorted and make the characters look like some weird floating overlay, and if the characters re holding something, it's usually just levitating out of their hand. The voices are not good either, with dumb emotion. The entire movie has no regard to anything in it, like the people making it just gave up. Just making it for the heck of it, not caring how anything fits. One of the characters sleep with their eyes open, while at having a hand seizure. I've said enough. Worst movie in existance. I hope.
- felixzkfan
- Jan 28, 2019
- Permalink
Holy crap... this movie has the worst animation I have EVER seen! The animation errors were all over the place to the point where it wasn't even funny anymore! All of the characters had no expressions, limbs kept flailing, everything kept clipping, and all of the perspective shots were out of proportion!
- nicolebello-45938
- Aug 14, 2018
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The graphics are terrible, and the mouths barely move with the words being spoken. It looks like the people are floating against the background. The story line is not great and pretty much just a copycat story of Trolls. I can't take more than about 10 seconds of paying attention to the movie at a time before I can't watch anymore. The animation is just so terrible that I can't even focus on the story. I mean, was it made in like an hour by a 7th grader for their final animation project? Or was it made in like 1985 on the most primitive of computers and software? Don't know, don't care. Never allowing my kid to choose this movie again. Ha!
- sueg-83639
- Mar 25, 2018
- Permalink
I love this movie sooooo much I taped a tv to my face so I could always watch it! I snuggle with my cat babies and watch it nonstop! We should boycot trolls they copied this wonderful outstanding masterpiece! I like to eat wedding dresses while watching this they are very tasty! My cat babies attack me every time we watch it because they love it so much! This is my favorite movie I highly reccomend! The animations are great and everything is high quality! I would rate this a 1000/10 if I could!
- maddiegrace-16363
- Oct 9, 2020
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Ugh, no effort was put into making this movie, so I will put no effort in making a review. This movie doesn't deserve a proper review. This movie is just another mockbuster by asylum that attempts to trick people into buying it.
All I will say is that I have never seen a movie that had so little effort put into it. The animation is so bad that it is downright disgusting. Whatever... just avoid this movie and everything else this studio makes. If they just start making silly B movies like Sharknado, I wont have a problem, but If they insist on continuing to make mockbusters, they deserve to go out a business. Dont support them.
- MarkyMarkus
- Sep 8, 2018
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The character designs are ugly, and it's a ripoff of Dreamwork's Troll's.
The animation is also horrible. 1/10, TERRIBLE.
- sarahthebaldifan
- Aug 9, 2020
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This 'movie' is actual trash. Literally the worst thing I've ever seen. It's horrid. The animation sucks, the characters are stupid and boring, the story sucks, it all sucks! I really hope for the love of God, that you take my word for it and never, EVER lay eyes on this horrid beast of an animation. I actually pray at night that God will let this movie rot away and never surface to our mortal world again. This movie scarred me for life, and I will never be the same. At first I thought leo the lion was the worst. Then I thought cargo was the worst. Then I thought Joshua and the promised Land was the worst, and so on. But this movie truely tops all of that in the awful category. I have literally never seen anything worse! I cry myself to sleep at the thought of this monster that asylum has created. Asylum is the worst animation studio I've ever seen, and I can't even believe it's legal for these movies to actually be published and set loose into the world. Just don't watch it, please. I beg you don't...
The animation was so bad that is gave me cancer and killed my grandma. I am now actively seeking compensation from these film producers.
The fact that the characters literally hover at many points of the film shows that they worship the devil. At the end of the film, the boy literally ceases to exist for a mere second before teleporting somewhere near bye. That is concrete proof that there is work of the devil at play.
Their mouths dont move when they speak which implies that it is not them speaking, but in fact a demon speaking for them.
If you dont want to tarnish your soul and live a life of pure sin. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE.
The fact that the characters literally hover at many points of the film shows that they worship the devil. At the end of the film, the boy literally ceases to exist for a mere second before teleporting somewhere near bye. That is concrete proof that there is work of the devil at play.
Their mouths dont move when they speak which implies that it is not them speaking, but in fact a demon speaking for them.
If you dont want to tarnish your soul and live a life of pure sin. DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE.
I've heard a lot of bad stuff about Asylum. And since I have a bad habit of watching and reviewing crappy movies, I have just started watching their films. So far, this one is hands down the worst. It's a rip-off of Dreamworks "Trolland" that makes the Emoji movie look good.
For starters, the story is poorly put together. The introduction alone contradicts itself on the importance of Trolls staying hidden from humans and then reveals their tradition for pranking humans right afterward. How does that make sense? The rest of the plot was either boring, sloppy, or simply unoriginal and does nothing to draw you in.
The character designs are plain at best or hideous at worst, especially the trolls. The baby trolls were the ugliest of all, looking like deformed, sentient green globs of slime. The characters expressions barely even change at all, since they all have permanent, stupid grins plastered on their faces.
The animation was abysmal, and just watching it was like having acid dropped into my eyes. The characters made constant, jittery movements as if they were having seizures. The lip syncing was the worst I've ever seen. Sometimes their lips don't move at all as they spoke. Their fingers often looked broken. They constantly clipped through the scenery or through their own bodies. Olaf even had a bulge in his shorts that looked as though he crapped himself. Seriously, a team of high school students could have done better than this!
The layering was terrible too. It looks as though the characters were crudely placed over an equally bad looking green screen background. Olaf's feet clearly don't touch the ground in one scene when he drops down from a tree. There's obvious copying and pasting everywhere: trees, character models, cabins, etc.
Obviously, most of the budget was blown on the voice cast, which included names like Ja Rule, Jerry O'Connell, Tionne 'T-Boz' Watkins and, amazingly enough, Dick Van Dyke. How they managed that is beyond me. But as talented as the actors were, they all sounded bad and simply didn't fit their roles.
Even by Asylum standards, this was bad. In fact, it was hilariously bad. I couldn't stop laughing at the ridiculous number of flaws. Now I know why the company is named Asylum: because watching too many of their movies could land you in one.
For starters, the story is poorly put together. The introduction alone contradicts itself on the importance of Trolls staying hidden from humans and then reveals their tradition for pranking humans right afterward. How does that make sense? The rest of the plot was either boring, sloppy, or simply unoriginal and does nothing to draw you in.
The character designs are plain at best or hideous at worst, especially the trolls. The baby trolls were the ugliest of all, looking like deformed, sentient green globs of slime. The characters expressions barely even change at all, since they all have permanent, stupid grins plastered on their faces.
The animation was abysmal, and just watching it was like having acid dropped into my eyes. The characters made constant, jittery movements as if they were having seizures. The lip syncing was the worst I've ever seen. Sometimes their lips don't move at all as they spoke. Their fingers often looked broken. They constantly clipped through the scenery or through their own bodies. Olaf even had a bulge in his shorts that looked as though he crapped himself. Seriously, a team of high school students could have done better than this!
The layering was terrible too. It looks as though the characters were crudely placed over an equally bad looking green screen background. Olaf's feet clearly don't touch the ground in one scene when he drops down from a tree. There's obvious copying and pasting everywhere: trees, character models, cabins, etc.
Obviously, most of the budget was blown on the voice cast, which included names like Ja Rule, Jerry O'Connell, Tionne 'T-Boz' Watkins and, amazingly enough, Dick Van Dyke. How they managed that is beyond me. But as talented as the actors were, they all sounded bad and simply didn't fit their roles.
Even by Asylum standards, this was bad. In fact, it was hilariously bad. I couldn't stop laughing at the ridiculous number of flaws. Now I know why the company is named Asylum: because watching too many of their movies could land you in one.
- MrPaull0324
- Aug 3, 2024
- Permalink
I appreciate that this is a trolls ripoff and I appreciate that it has bad animation and worse mouth moving animations but, this movie looks like it's going to gross my heart out of me, I'm not going to lie, the animation looks too gross and disgusting, it looks like tiny little grogu babies, also this movie brainwashes me from my show called The Amazing World of Gumball and I don't want that to happen, it is the only show that is fun to watch, like I said this movie is so gross that I had to write this review, this is one ugly disgusting movie that, I really hope that I don't think about this movie ever again.
This is so horrible. That 3/4 of the steaming services made it free. And I'm going to sue youtube for making use pay for this!!!!!!
- johnpollock-60203
- Jun 6, 2021
- Permalink
The animation is so bad a 5 grade could make a better movie. when the characters move it looks like they are having a seizure. Its not even a copy of trolls how bad it is. trolls is 1000000 compared to this garbage. don't waste your time watching this garbage its not even worth seeing how bad it is.
- leothemechanic
- Jan 10, 2021
- Permalink
- squiddybuffboy
- Aug 9, 2021
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This movie is one of the worst things I have ever seen. The animation looks like it was cobbled together in a sweaty guy's basement that he rents from his mother, the voice acting is poor, and the character models look like reject DreamWorks models. The only thing that makes this film watch worthy are the scenes that are so bad you just have to laugh. Other than that, just don't watch this movie.
- Sussy_Bubby
- Oct 13, 2021
- Permalink
This movie's parents guide says very mature stuff happens if you check. Even IMDb mentions that this movie is a rip off of Dream Works 2016 film Trolls.. the animation is awful.. body parts would move around or fall off it's so bad.. even for the assilum it's bad!!
- catherineelangan
- Apr 13, 2020
- Permalink
The animation is clunky, lazy, terrible and filled with errors, the voice acting and the plot is bad, the voice acting is subpar and the characters look like they've been terribly green-screened over pre-rendered backgrounds, in which are bad too, characters look flat and in some scenes they use the same models for different characters, or the models of the objects they're holding clip through them, or they just straight up spaz out due to the aftermentioned terrible animation. Probably most of the budget for this movie for the main name VAs, Ja Rule, Greg Cipes, Debi Derryberry and Dick van Dyke. This was only made to trick people into watching another great movie, don't bother watching it.
- mauimicloudcom
- Feb 16, 2022
- Permalink
This movie is the3 most amazing beautiful fu njxthi have gngtk sen thank yjfxgnb tfor thsbe opportunutty singhing out good by hop u enjioy the movie
- paullavery-89585
- Feb 3, 2019
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