128 reviews
I have seen many terrible game movies,like battleship or Doom so i have always been hesitant of these type of movies. When I heard that they made n Uno movie, I thought the production company Rooster teeth had jumped the shark on their film business, ad this was only their second feature film. But i was surprised that a nearly 3-hour long movie about a card game of Uno was one of the funniest and most enthralling films I've seen in 2016. The plot is so simple its like their isn't a plot. the film takes place in the production company's video game unit (i forgot what it's called, I think it's like trophy hunters or challenge finders or something like that) and 4 of their workers (Geoff, Gavin, Jeremy and Ryan) decide to record a game of UNO. Thinking it should take a short time, they all discuss what they will do after, maybe record another game, maybe watch the election going on, maybe just get something to eat.However, after a rule of 0 and 7 enters the play, the 500 point game spirals out of control to complete madness. The entire cast of the movie was excellent. I think the performance by newcomer Ryan Haywood should be up for best supporting and Geoff Lazer Ramsey is easily the best lead of the year. Gavin Free also did very good at portraying the dread that everyone was feeling, a performance so good it felt real. Rounding out the cast is Jack "dillhole" Patillo and Jeremy Dooley, and that's it. The film is a bottle movie, taking place only in the Goal Getters office. The direction was clear and crisp. And the dialogue felt so loose and unscripted. the characters flubbed and made mistakes and references things unknown to the audience because that's what feels real. and when the game turns from fun to torture, the way each character reacts and feels is so good, its almost like the director made the actors actually go through all this pain.The film as you can see, has a lot of inspiration from Sidney Lumet's 50s masterpiece 12 angry men. The small cast, they single location, the small task that takes way to long and cause a large variety of emotions. Hell, Jeremy's character constantly references the movie Casablanca by saying "here's looking at you kid", and that movie is also black and white, so that's a connection, I guess. The length of the movie might be a turn off to most. At 2 hours and 45 minutes, the film takes its time. it actually becomes painful for the viewer which was one of my favorite aspects. Only a few filmmakers like Andrei Tarkovsky or Ingmar Bergman can make you feel like that to a movie
That being said, i did have a couple of nitpicks. Not to spoil anything , but half way through the movie one of the characters disappears and is replaced by another character. while it might be a jarring change, i found it to work to add to the dread everyone felt, but it could have been done smoother.
UNO: the movie has skyrocketed to the to of my favorites of the year. I recommend you see this before award season because you will definitely be a top contender next to Arrival, La LA Land and Moonlight. UNO the movie is a nearly 3 hour long trip of a movie, and I loved every second. A+
That being said, i did have a couple of nitpicks. Not to spoil anything , but half way through the movie one of the characters disappears and is replaced by another character. while it might be a jarring change, i found it to work to add to the dread everyone felt, but it could have been done smoother.
UNO: the movie has skyrocketed to the to of my favorites of the year. I recommend you see this before award season because you will definitely be a top contender next to Arrival, La LA Land and Moonlight. UNO the movie is a nearly 3 hour long trip of a movie, and I loved every second. A+
- shadows_million
- Dec 1, 2016
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I started the film skeptical. Who are these people to think that they can build a film upon a family card game? Was I wrong...
You begin as our heroes start fresh into the world of the game. Taking in its atmosphere and overall happy to be apart of the aura it puts off. However, things begin to fall in spectacular, confusing, awe-inspiring, and meaningful ways.
This film turned out to be not just a film created from a vision, but one that shapes the vision as it is filmed. It held no boundaries and it gave no cares to what human nature may wish for in life. This film wasn't a comedy, horror, suspense, drama, nor romance. This film was a close look into the sociology behind human nature. The slow degradation of man, the ever increasing distrust of others, the wish to only find the end.
Overall, this is not a film to be taken lightly. Expect nothing and accept everything for this is a commentary on life. I won't say that I cried, but I definitely cried. I give it a perfect 5/7.
You begin as our heroes start fresh into the world of the game. Taking in its atmosphere and overall happy to be apart of the aura it puts off. However, things begin to fall in spectacular, confusing, awe-inspiring, and meaningful ways.
This film turned out to be not just a film created from a vision, but one that shapes the vision as it is filmed. It held no boundaries and it gave no cares to what human nature may wish for in life. This film wasn't a comedy, horror, suspense, drama, nor romance. This film was a close look into the sociology behind human nature. The slow degradation of man, the ever increasing distrust of others, the wish to only find the end.
Overall, this is not a film to be taken lightly. Expect nothing and accept everything for this is a commentary on life. I won't say that I cried, but I definitely cried. I give it a perfect 5/7.
- prestonsletterman
- Dec 2, 2016
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I arrived home from work, exhausted from a long day, and noticed a video in my YouTube subscription box titled "Uno: The Movie". I scoffed at the thumbnail, Hollywood has officially run out of ideas! With a cynical smirk on my face, I decided to click on the video, thinking I was to see the death of cinema occur right before my eyes.
From the moment the video started to the moment it ended, I found myself captivated by the story, characters, and cinematography. Coworkers trapped in a room together until they finish a 500-point round of the classic card game "Uno", but with some sadistic rules added. As the hours wore on, I could feel the character's desperation to finish the game- almost as if they were actually playing a three-hour game of Uno. The camera angles used to show us each player's hand makes the viewer feel as if they were actually playing the game themselves.
With a stunning cast, crew, and soundtrack, I predict a complete sweep at next year's Oscars for this breathtaking film. "Uno: The Movie" did not kill cinema, it brought it back to life.
From the moment the video started to the moment it ended, I found myself captivated by the story, characters, and cinematography. Coworkers trapped in a room together until they finish a 500-point round of the classic card game "Uno", but with some sadistic rules added. As the hours wore on, I could feel the character's desperation to finish the game- almost as if they were actually playing a three-hour game of Uno. The camera angles used to show us each player's hand makes the viewer feel as if they were actually playing the game themselves.
With a stunning cast, crew, and soundtrack, I predict a complete sweep at next year's Oscars for this breathtaking film. "Uno: The Movie" did not kill cinema, it brought it back to life.
- abbystew-27925
- Dec 2, 2016
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I had my doubt when I started this movie. A nearly three hour long comedy? There would be no way that it could keep the comedy for that long. Now, I know that the creators have pulled of some great short films before, like Fuel and The Game of Life -- but a full-length movie? I honestly didn't think they had it in them. But they did.
Their previous short film, Let's Play Uno, was a amazing. This feature length follow-up was nothing less than a masterpiece.
In my opinion, Pattillo has the best performance. His acting is superb -- ranging from his loud outbursts of obscene words and jokes, to his silent denial of reality near the end. He's the best actor Rooster Teeth has had on camera. They missed a huge potential by not giving him more screen time.
The cinematography is amazing. The red color really symbolizes the hell the players are truly lost in. My only wish would have been that the Director would have added stationary cameras for the players faces. That would have really given us an opportunity to see the true depth of their despair.
The soundtrack is also incredible. The smooth jazz playing in some of the sequences really fits the story well. The song playing during the credits was also insanely beautiful.
I haven't seen a movie where I've been so immersed in the plot in a long time. I could compare it to movies like Shutter Island -- you're just sucked into the story, coming up with crazy ideas and conspiracies for how it's going to end. It's extremely unpredictable. The entire story can change in the play of a single card. The Notorious Seven or the Crazy Zero are telltale signs that something is going to happen.
I can't recommend this movie enough. It's definitely the Let's Play Movie of the decade.
Their previous short film, Let's Play Uno, was a amazing. This feature length follow-up was nothing less than a masterpiece.
In my opinion, Pattillo has the best performance. His acting is superb -- ranging from his loud outbursts of obscene words and jokes, to his silent denial of reality near the end. He's the best actor Rooster Teeth has had on camera. They missed a huge potential by not giving him more screen time.
The cinematography is amazing. The red color really symbolizes the hell the players are truly lost in. My only wish would have been that the Director would have added stationary cameras for the players faces. That would have really given us an opportunity to see the true depth of their despair.
The soundtrack is also incredible. The smooth jazz playing in some of the sequences really fits the story well. The song playing during the credits was also insanely beautiful.
I haven't seen a movie where I've been so immersed in the plot in a long time. I could compare it to movies like Shutter Island -- you're just sucked into the story, coming up with crazy ideas and conspiracies for how it's going to end. It's extremely unpredictable. The entire story can change in the play of a single card. The Notorious Seven or the Crazy Zero are telltale signs that something is going to happen.
I can't recommend this movie enough. It's definitely the Let's Play Movie of the decade.
Throughout the years there have been plenty of video game movies that have been terrible and some have been alright, but none have truly been great, until now.
Uno:The Movie is a story about Uno for sure, but it also has heart, joy, sadness, and a mixture of other emotions that makes it a well balanced and well paced film. The characters are great and the stakes are truly there once the film hit the final act.
This movie also shows the power of friendship and the effect an event like this can have. People's lives change in an instant and no one can really guess where this goes, and no one can guess the ending. Also, make sure to stay though the credits, you won't be disappointed with what you see.
The cast does a great job. You really feel like they are friends with each other and they all know each other so well. It gets even better when you learn that two people played Ryan in this film and you can't even tell the difference. They both sound so alike that there is not a chance to tell them apart.
Move over Mortal Kombat, this is the great video game movie of all time and one of the best ever regardless of genre.
Uno:The Movie is a story about Uno for sure, but it also has heart, joy, sadness, and a mixture of other emotions that makes it a well balanced and well paced film. The characters are great and the stakes are truly there once the film hit the final act.
This movie also shows the power of friendship and the effect an event like this can have. People's lives change in an instant and no one can really guess where this goes, and no one can guess the ending. Also, make sure to stay though the credits, you won't be disappointed with what you see.
The cast does a great job. You really feel like they are friends with each other and they all know each other so well. It gets even better when you learn that two people played Ryan in this film and you can't even tell the difference. They both sound so alike that there is not a chance to tell them apart.
Move over Mortal Kombat, this is the great video game movie of all time and one of the best ever regardless of genre.
- gamer-77249
- Dec 1, 2016
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I can honestly say that when I saw that this film was 2 hours long - I was a bit wary. I watched a preview of the video on Twitter of Jeremy and Ryan's humorous reverse debacle, and figured that I'd watch the first 10 or so minutes and then keep it on in the background while I finished up some work. But 5 minutes in I was already hooked. Rules that I'd never even hear of made it a thrilling nail-biter throughout the whole thing. The humour is made all the better by the fact that none of the players knew what was coming. Very immersive in that way. 10/10, would highly recommend for any fellow fan or someone just looking to throw away a couple of hours watching complete nonsense unfold by watching 4 grown men play a game made for children.
Play on, Achievement Hunters.
Play on, Achievement Hunters.
- angeldawnclan
- Dec 2, 2016
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Coming into the movie with little knowledge, I had few expectations. In the start, it seemed like nothing more that a quirky video game movie, but it quickly turned itself around. This movie is full of laughter, anger, frustration, and tears. It's the best roller coaster I have ever been on. If you want to see a movie that has everything you could ever want, this is your film. Ramsay, Free, Patillo, Haywood, and Dooley all gave excellent performances. Their roles felt real and raw, as if it was all actually happening to them. They committed to the movie like no actor I've ever seen before. A truly Oscar-worthy performance. Do yourself the favour of watching this amazing film. It is a tale of real life hardships that will certainly leave you blown away.
- roxiesbaby
- Dec 2, 2016
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THE MOVIE ITSELF This movie is amazing. The character development was like nothing I have ever seen before. Their acting was so good it looked like they were really held there by a spirit, and you could hear the stress in their voices. Although it is a very long movie, there is little off time. The plot twist at the end was made by a genius, and I believe the director did an amazing job with the special affects. SPECIAL AFFECTS This has some of the best special affects in recent movies, it looks like cards float and the spirit really does appear as a blue mass in front of one of them. I have even heard the cards themselves weren't real, which is insane if it's true. I would suggest this movie to anyone who isn't afraid of oceans or bad decks.
- samkeith-74191
- Nov 30, 2016
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Despite the name of the movie being called Uno, ill happily keep drawing to have this rated a 10
You're first thoughts upon seeing the run time might be 'uno... for 3 hours... how could they make this a movie?' but i assure you, unlike most other video game movie adaptations this one is true to the source material in it's fullest. All the cards are well represented even with a few new character traits added to '0' and '7' which weren't shown in the short film that this was based off.
You've really got your hands full with this one
With that I call UNO
You're first thoughts upon seeing the run time might be 'uno... for 3 hours... how could they make this a movie?' but i assure you, unlike most other video game movie adaptations this one is true to the source material in it's fullest. All the cards are well represented even with a few new character traits added to '0' and '7' which weren't shown in the short film that this was based off.
You've really got your hands full with this one
With that I call UNO
- isaacjones-52235
- Dec 1, 2016
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When I heard about this I thought it will be terrible. little did I know it will literally made me laugh so hard. A true masterpiece perfect for Christmas nights and New Years. Also perfect for making people think "what the firetruck did I just watch, because who the heck plays UNO THAT long?" Anyway, I still have to write around 5 more lines because I'm just here to top rate this awesome movie, okay? Seriously, it's really hilarious, and you're probably not gonna read this anyway, and there's so much I can do to extend this text! Make sure you get cozy before watching this, because your ass is gonna hurt a lot after this, sans padding. Oh and by the way, the cake is a lie.
- sorrowscythe
- Dec 2, 2016
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Dreadful movie that I only watched because of the rating. DO NOT LOSE YOUR TIME WATCHING THIS MOVIE. Its unbelievably boring. There is no surprise, its just a 3 hour long game of Uno.
- sophiaisabellk
- Oct 26, 2020
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- bebanacabana
- Dec 2, 2016
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When I first heard that Rooster Teeth's second film would be Uno: The Movie I was skeptical as I was unsure how they could make an enjoyable 2 and a half hour movie out of a simple card game especially since the film was done by the Achievement Hunter branch of the company. I was gladly Surprised though as we follow Geoff Ramsey, Jeremy Dooley, and Ryan Haywood (later replaced by Jack Patillo) as they battle with each other as well as the film's villain Gavin Free who has forced them to play an endless game of Uno. This movie is strong with comedy but also gives some heart-filled scenes like when Ryan must depart from the group and Jeremy must call his wife to explain his delay. This is a fantastic film 9/10
Uno: The Movie was a wonderful experience! The Ending was probably one of the funniest sequences I've seen in a very long time! The characters were incredibly interesting, though it was strange that the Actor for one of the characters switched mid-way through.
As a fan of this company for years I think it's interesting that they put out something that could have flopped so badly, but due to good chemistry between the characters and a fantastic plot, they make it work! This simply proves how talented this group is.
The plot itself is breathtaking, a simple story about a group of coworkers that just want to go home, but can't seem to finish their game of Uno. It's a basic premise, but the execution is what truly sells it!
A hilarious and wonderful experience overall.
10/10 would suffer through again.
As a fan of this company for years I think it's interesting that they put out something that could have flopped so badly, but due to good chemistry between the characters and a fantastic plot, they make it work! This simply proves how talented this group is.
The plot itself is breathtaking, a simple story about a group of coworkers that just want to go home, but can't seem to finish their game of Uno. It's a basic premise, but the execution is what truly sells it!
A hilarious and wonderful experience overall.
10/10 would suffer through again.
- edhelohtar
- Dec 2, 2016
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I really enjoyed the movie from beginning to end. The editing is perfect and actors do a spot on performance. It takes balls for a movie to do UNO: The movie does. Only thing I disliked is the lack of locations used. But everything was well lit.Overall I think the plot is solid and premise to be very original this hardcore movie viewer. Would recommend to friends, family, and kids (14+) of all ages. BONUS: Stay around for the end credits of the movie. It's no Marvel 15 seconds of footage extra. The credits could be it's own short film but let's not go too crazy. Rumor has it that actor Geoff "Lazer" Ramsey is going to star in 4 new films in 2017.
- maxxtmfacebook
- Dec 13, 2016
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- duckboxhouse
- Dec 2, 2016
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- profhehhoo
- Dec 3, 2016
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Watch as the Achievement Hunter crew slowly descent into madness, as they play the longest recorded let's play of Uno multiplayer in the history of mankind! It starts off as any other video would. At the end of a long, tiring day, our favorite achievement hunters sit down to play a game of uno, but soon they real's: this game might never end. Friendships will be broken, lies will be revealed, cards will be drawn and all kinds of twists and turns all the way through. And at the end you will cry, cheer, laugh, and most importantly scream from the top of your lungs along with our unlikely heroes. You don't want to miss this emotional roller-coaster of an online video! I highly recommend it for all the uno enthusiasts, haters of the color blue and masochists out there!
This is one of the most relatable movies I have ever seen. I feel like most directors would've added a lot of fluff to this film and made the situation seem better than it is, but not this one. You understand everything the characters are going through. Cheating, backstabbing, betrayal, and the ins and outs of a realistic friendship are the focus here. The best way I can describe it is that one time I was hanging out with a couple friends and we sat and played one round of Uno that lasted for an entire hour. The whole time we sat there we were wondering what the hell we were thinking, and it was miserable. This film captures that feeling perfectly.
Uno: The Movie is a roller-coaster of betrayal with an ending you'll never see coming.
Uno: The Movie is a roller-coaster of betrayal with an ending you'll never see coming.
- DanielStafford
- Dec 8, 2016
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- bernardosaguinaga
- Oct 26, 2020
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- dinofelis-00747
- Feb 5, 2017
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- copper_watermelon
- Dec 4, 2016
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This movie might not have had the biggest budget, but it definitely exceeded all of the viewers expectations. It's a real milestone for board game films. One of the best features of this masterpiece is the climax of madness and sorrow of the main protagonists. Another great thing, I would say, is the soundtrack: that saxophone is literally the best! I don't think that even the producers were expecting this Uno phenomenon to be as sensational as it is. The departure of the caring father is really one of the most emphatic moments of all time, it really captures the drama of a babysisterless family. It easily might be the best Uno movie ever made!
- stra-07333
- Dec 4, 2016
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