16 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 80VarietyPeter DebrugeVarietyPeter DebrugeGiven all the attention on Russia in recent news coverage, Fogel’s Putin-centric approach will likely prove more effective than a deeper investigation into just how widespread such behavior is around the globe. But the greater takeaway is that the game itself is rigged, and the Russians only lost because they got caught.
- 80Village VoiceAlan ScherstuhlVillage VoiceAlan ScherstuhlA real-life absurdist thriller that, in its electric coverage of one Russian scandal, can’t help but illuminate another ongoing one.
- 80CineVueMatthew AndersonCineVueMatthew AndersonIts spontaneity and uncertain evolution are both gripping and slightly terrifying given that what becomes a quest for truth could just as likely see its subjects killed or imprisoned as set free.
- 75The A.V. ClubNoel MurrayThe A.V. ClubNoel MurrayBryan Fogel’s Netflix documentary Icarus tells such an eye-opening story that it almost doesn’t matter when the storytelling itself gets a little sloppy.
- 70The Hollywood ReporterTodd McCarthyThe Hollywood ReporterTodd McCarthyWhile Icarus technically doesn't break any news, it certainly scores many points by showing a diabolical wizard so surprisingly laying his secrets on the table.
- 70Screen DailyDavid D'ArcyScreen DailyDavid D'ArcyThis film is proof that, with the right protagonist, a documentary seems to tell its own story. Rodchenkov is one of those characters who, as they say, you couldn’t make up.
- 70TheWrapRobert AbeleTheWrapRobert AbeleThough the documentary’s early musings about athletic integrity in general are ultimately usurped by a tale of personal responsibility and nefarious global power, the disruption feels acute and essential.
- 70Los Angeles TimesGlenn WhippLos Angeles TimesGlenn WhippEven if you’re familiar with the facts, Icarus casts the depth of deception with an immediacy that’s often astounding.
- 67IndieWireEric KohnIndieWireEric KohnFogel’s only other filmmaking credit, the romcom “Jewtopia,” doesn’t suggest the makings of a sophisticated nonfiction storyteller, and Icarus suffers from an imitative quality that’s hard to shake. Fortunately, Rodchenkov’s dilemma single-handedly keeps Icarus engaging throughout.
- 38Slant MagazineClayton DillardSlant MagazineClayton DillardA routinely assembled mélange of provocative material consistently undone by its maker's perplexing need to foist himself into the center of every conversation.