5 reviews
This film begins with two losers by the names of "Raymond" (Griffin Cork) and "Joey" (Ben Francis) going to an apartment complex to meet a drug dealer named "Brad" (Wesley Sellick) hoping that he will hire them as pushers. In an effort to demonstrate his wealth he brings out a bag of cocaine and allows the two of them to sample the merchandise. To further demonstrate his success he shows them a number of expensive items he has acquired to include a drone he uses to spy on the attractive prostitute one floor below him known simply as "Red" (Jolene Hexx). While in the process of showing them, however, he receives a phone call from an important client and subsequently leaves the controls to the drone to them while he goes to another room to conduct business. Naturally, being the losers they are they subsequently crash the drone near Red's balcony. Just before that, however, they glimpse what appears to be a room full of zombies attacking people in the room just below Red's apartment. Needless to say, Brad doesn't believe their story and attributes it to the cocaine they had just inhaled and is more concerned about his drone. So in an effort to retrieve it he slips and falls to his death on the main electrical power unit for the apartment complex. This leaves both Raymond and Joey alone in an apartment with no power and a bag full of cocaine to ponder what to do next. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film started off rather well but proceeded to get quite dull after the first 20 minutes or so as a good portion of that time was filled with nothing but an inane dialogue between two very uninteresting people. To that extent, although I won't reveal the surprise ending I will just say that it was quite appropriate and came at just the right time.
- nogodnomasters
- Dec 5, 2019
- Permalink
Absolutely nothing happens in this "movie". Watching paint dry would be a better use of your time.
- thedarkestshadow-32785
- Aug 16, 2020
- Permalink
- richardfuller-92973
- May 25, 2021
- Permalink