Mackenzie Davis credited as playing...
- Dani Ramos: So, you're Carl.
- T-800: That's what everyone calls me, yes.
- Sarah Connor: I'm never gonna fucking call you Carl.
- Grace: They don't know?
- T-800: No.
- Sarah Connor: She hasn't noticed that you weigh 400 pounds? That you never sleep?
- T-800: Our relationship is not physical. She appreciated that I could change diapers. Efficiently and without complaints. I am reliable, I'm a very good listener and I'm extremely funny.
- Sarah Connor: So you're here to protect her. What are you? Never seen one like you before. Almost human.
- Grace: I am human. Just enhanced. You know, increased speed and strength, thorium micro-reactor. Which means I can rip your throat out if you piss me off, so don't.
- Sarah Connor: My name is Sarah Connor. When I was about her age... a Terminator was sent to kill me to stop the birth of my son, John. Leader of the Resistance.
- Grace: Which resistance?
- Sarah Connor: The human resistance. Against Skynet? The AI that's trying to wipe us all out?
- Grace: I've never heard of it.
- Sarah Connor: Good. John and I changed that. We changed the future. Saved 3 billion lives. You're welcome.
- Grace: Where's your son now?
- Sarah Connor: Skynet sent several Terminators to hunt him. One finally caught up with us out carried out orders from a future that never happened. Since then... I hunt Terminators. And I drink till I pass out. Enough of a résumé for you?
- Sarah Connor: [looking at family photos] Nice family. She a Terminator, too? That's your little Terminator kid?
- T-800: His name is Mateo. I met his mother, Alicia, a few months after I killed John.
- Sarah Connor: [stern tone] Oh, you don't get to say his name. Ever.
- T-800: Her husband had been beaten her. He was trying to kill her child. She had nowhere to go. Caring for this family gave me purpose. 'Cause without purpose, we are nothing.
- Sarah Connor: Touching story. Does it have a point?
- T-800: While raising Mateo, my son, I began to understand what I had taken from you.
- Grace: Wait. You grew a conscience?
- T-800: The equivalent of one, yes.
- Grace: I don't know how I made it through the next few years. I just try not to think about it. But I got lucky. Someone found me - saved me. And then we started fighting back.
- Sarah Connor: And let me guess. Dani gives birth to the one man that can stop it.
- Dani Ramos: What?
- Sarah Connor: The future wants you dead for the same reason it wanted me dead.
- Dani Ramos: But I'm nothing. I'm nobody.
- Sarah Connor: Yeah, you're not the threat. It's your womb. Fine, let someone else be Mother Mary for a while.
- Grace: If you're Mother Mary, why do I so wanna beat the shit outta you?
- Sarah Connor: So, that machine, who sent it? I can't fight it if I don't know what we're up against.
- Grace: It's a Rev-9 model. You don't fight it. You run from it.
- Dani Ramos: Yeah, but who sent it?
- Grace: Not who. What. And it wasn't some... Skynet thing. In the future that actually happened... it's called Legion.
- Sarah Connor: Legion.
- Dani Ramos: An AI built for cyber warfare.
- Sarah Connor: [sighs] Those assholes never learn.
- Grace: And it attacked.
- Dani Ramos: Attacked who?
- Grace: Us. Everybody. Humanity.
- Grace: Where are you going? Get back in the car. I have to protect you.
- Dani Ramos: You can't even walk. I'm going to the police.
- Grace: You do that, it'll find you. You put a hundred cops between you and a Terminator, you'll get a hundred dead cops.
- [being chased by Rev-9]
- Grace: Drive!
- Dani Ramos: What?
- Grace: Can you drive?
- Dani Ramos: No... I mean... I can't
- Diego Ramos: I can... I can
- Dani Ramos: I need to see my father!
- Grace: Your father is dead.
- Dani Ramos: What?
- Grace: It needs physical contact to copy people. And they don't survive.