So, a woman who is dating a controlling abusive man, and she is having an affair with an old friend. The couple, this man, and a another male who is an old friend of the woman spend the day at a quarry. She shuns her boyfriend. The lover is agitated. Boyfriend seethes. Violence occurs. The woman is helpless. The abuser is insecure. The lover wants to ride in as a White Knight savior. The other friend is texting to get a "hot woman" he wants to have sex with to come to the quarry.
Whew! That's a lot of nothing. I'm not dismissing the need to understand domestic violence and be available to be supportive, take action, protect, etc. This movie unfortunately doesn't add anything new or serious; it simply depicts this dynamic and then creates drama for the sake of the movie. And it takes forever to get there.
Oh and there is some analogy related to turtles that doesn't make any sense I could find. Or maybe it was just a piece of random information that was added to the film. I don't know.