- The extraordinary true story of Army Chaplain Darren Turner and his wife Heather. When war etches battle scars on their hearts, they face one more battle: the fight to save their marriage. One marriage, one family, under God.
- INDIVISIBLE is the extraordinary true story of Army Chaplain Darren Turner and his wife Heather. When war etches battle scars on their hearts, they face one more battle: the fight to save their marriage. One marriage, one family, under God.—Ribbow Media Group
- Indivisible is a real-life heartwarming story about a family that endured the pressures of an army life, as well as the shortcomings of mankind, during the 2007 Iraqi war. Their faith in God, enduring values to help build community no matter where they are, and commitment to each other provide just the right elements to combat the consistent drama that comes with the separation of military families, and the terror that war instills in all of them..
- Starts with a military couple fighting. The active-duty guy was banging on the door to be let in. Their neighbors come out to see what's going on. The guy banging on the door turns out to be the Major and the neighbor is the Chaplain and his wife, Heather. Then, we see an active-duty woman doing her job protecting a child during what looks like an arrest. Then it shows unit members dealing with family members who are getting upset at the possibility that their husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, are being deployed to Iraq. This is right at the beginning of the Iraq war.
The story shows some of the everyday issues that the families deal with together, like the Chaplain's daughter has asthma. This plays later in the film. Then, we see what looks like a unit BBQ. The main character, the new Chaplain Turner, is concerned because this will be his first deployment to a war zone, and he is the new guy in the unit. He doesn't know the unit members very well and he's afraid he won't know how to serve them.
Next, we see the day that they leave their families. Then on to Iraq. They are given the canned "Welcome to ...", instructed to know the difference between those they are to protect and those who want to kill them. The Major asks the Chaplain how his family life is. Then he gives the chaplain a large stack of files for all the divorces filed in the last three months.
Chaplain goes to the range looking for Sgt Peterson. He finds out it is a woman and is surprised. She excuses his reaction and takes no offense. Sgt Peterson's sole purpose is to protect the Chaplain while deployed. Then we see him unpacking in his hooch before he calls his wife. So far, things are great, but the call must end because his time is up. The Chaplain spent most of the allotted time talking to the children, now they know that Heather and the Chaplain need to talk first then allow the kids time if there is any time left.
Morning prayer and a beautiful sunrise starts the next sequence. Sgt Peterson brings a package to Chaplain Turner. He tells her "Keep the family together - keep the soldier together." He prays for the unit members that are going out on patrol. We then get introduced to more family situations of some of the members.
The Major meets the Chaplain on the basketball court. Chaplain tries to talk about the Major's family and get him to call his family, but Major tells the Chaplain to stay out of his business because he (the Chaplain) won't be the same when he gets back from deployment, so quit bugging him about his family. Chaplain makes a deal with Major: Chaplain will quit bugging Major if Major calls his wife. Major calls his wife. She is surprised by the call.
An Iraqi man and his two girls are brought into the compound by the medic. One of the girls is dead. The medic tells the chaplain to do whatever it is he does. Chaplain tries to give comfort to the medic. Then the chaplain is seen bringing the dead Iraqi little girl into medical.
TV News report at home tells that two soldiers from Ft Stewart were killed. The chaplain's wife hears a knock at her door and is relieved that see it isn't the chaplain telling her that her husband is dead. Chaplain calls home and talks with his daughter. His wife goes on notification calls with another wife. The Chaplain needs to talk to the troops but isn't sure what to say. The Major tells him to forget his "Masters of Divinity" and give his heart. Then the chaplain goes to talk to the members of the squad of the dead soldiers. Bradley questions a god who allows death like the little Iraqi girl and the two members of their squad. Chaplain tells him God brings us life for a specific purpose and specific time then brings us safely home.
Next day Bradly apologizes to Chaplain but questions that if God brings him "safely home" to heaven what happens to his wife daughter and unborn child? At another time, Major tells chaplain that he is talking with his wife. Chaplain tries to give Major a coin for safe keeping but Major refuses to believe in good luck charms. Sgt Peterson is afraid she is a terrible mom but doesn't know where to start. Chaplain says they will work on that.
Chaplain kids are shown praying that daddy is safe at the same time that the unit members are visiting another compound and the compound gets shelled. Everyone is seen scrambling for cover. Major helps Chaplain to safety as the kids are praying fervently at home. Back at their own compound, Chaplain gives Sgt Peterson her son's favorite book. He has set up a chair and video so she can read the book to her son. She talks to her son on video tape then reads the book.
Chaplain talks with his wife again. The unit is going out on patrol. Bradley tells chaplain thanks for what he is doing. Chaplain gives him a coin for safe keeping. The unit is out on patrol then they show the chaplain's daughter, lost at what looks like a Christmas tree farm. The squad finds the bus they are looking for then gets ambushed. Eli, the chaplain's daughter has asthma. She isn't breathing and mom can't find her inhaler. The squad is trying to get out of danger as Heather is trying to get out of the maze to get help for Eli. The convoy almost gets hit by an RPG but seem to be safe. Eli is in an ambulance and being cared for by the medics. Chaplain is shaking and when he gets back to base, he talks with Heather. Chaplain gets mad at his wife for complaining about how it is without him. She doesn't understand why he's so mad. He said if she only knew how hard his day was and she yells at him to tell her because he doesn't tell her what's going on. He gets mad and she has to go tend to Eli.
Christmas time shows the unit celebrating and the families back at home. Then Bradley's wife sends pictures of their new baby that Heather took for them. Chaplain struggles with writing a sermon. Bradley gives Chaplain an idea. Chaplain sets up a large tub of water to do baptisms. It's Easter. Some of the unit members get baptized. Bradley is the first. Chaplain tries to give Major one of his coins again but Major just flips it back at him. Bradley goes out on patrol and asks if the Chaplain is going but he has to pack up. Sgt Peterson thanks him for all the help he has given her. He offers her one of his coins. Alpha and Bravo got hit by an IED. Bradley got killed and another member, the Major, got blown up. He may have lost his legs. Heather is shown comforting the wife. Then she needs comforting. Bradley's wife reads his last letter home, the one they write that is only to be read when they die.
Chaplain talks to the troops about the difficulties they will have when they get home. They get to Bagdad and see another unit being given the same "Pep talk" they received months earlier. Then homecoming. Heather has prepared a nice meal, but Chaplain just stares across the street at the Majors empty home. The Major's family has gone to Walter Reed to be with their husband/father. He sleeps on the couch instead of with his wife. Major apologizes to his daughters and his wife. Sgt Peterson brings her son back to school. He has been away living with his grandma while mom was away. Chaplain has a flashback, thinking his family is in danger. He is pulling away from his family but spending time trying to heal the unit members. He is avoiding his family. Heather tries to get him to open up. She has enough when he breaks a glass and cuts his hand. Heather tells him he doesn't understand anything about what she has been through for the past 17 months. He says those men need him; she says his family needs him. She kicks him out.
He goes to counseling. Then they are in couples counseling. Major's wife tells Heather that he is a different man and not to feel sorry for them. Counselling chaplain explains PTSD. Chaplain tells her he is angry because God let his men down. Heather says she can handle anger but not being shut out. He's ashamed of how he feels, terrified because he misses the kids. He gives her his diary, which she reads.
Chaplain has been working in a Nursery, digging in the dirt, and planting flowers. Major shows up in a wheelchair with one stump. Chaplain says he's glad that Major is home but Major says he's home, but his neighbor isn't. Major tells about when Bradley died. He was glad that he was wearing HIS helmet, the helmet of God. Major asks when the last time the Chaplain gave his wife a call. Heather goes to counseling without Chaplain. Chaplain goes running with the Major, in a wheelchair. Parent's job day at school, Heather tells why she loves being a photography. Then, Chaplain shows up, surprising Heather. He talks about heroes, that they all win medals but not all the medals are visible. The true heroes are the families.
Heather reads the journal and watches the video of his "last letter home". She prays and asks for forgiveness. Chaplain is working in the nursery, and it starts to rain. Then we see Chaplain has been building a fort for his family. Chaplain gets a flower delivery and message to meet at the park at 6PM. Heather has decked out the gazebo in lights and tells him she did some reading. She tells him she thought she knew what he went through, but in reality, she had no idea of what he went through.
One year later, Chaplain Rogers meets Turner at the nursery. He tells him that the Special Forces needs a chaplain, it would come with a promotion to Captain, and the tours on deployment would be much shorter. Turner turns it down, but his wife thinks it's a good idea. Later, Captain Turner is awarded the Bronze Star. Sgt Peterson gives him a picture she took of him in action. The Major shows up walking with a new prosthetic leg.
This film is obviously Christian in nature but could be used by any faith. It tells the story of HOPE, FAITH, and COMMUNITY.
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