- Shane: Steve says you never really say what you mean.
- Oliver: Really?
- Shane: Mm-hm.
- Oliver: Well I have quite a few very sincere things to say about Steve.
- Shane: You were right about him. He's not a bad guy but he's... competitive.
- Oliver: I won the high school regional chess championships three years in a row.
- Shane: So you mean you're competitive... too.
- Oliver: Didn't I just say that?
- Shane: Almost.
- Oliver: Almost?
- Shane: [Nods] And tell me again why you moved my desk?
- Oliver: Uh, it was hard to look at every day.
- Shane: So you mean you missed me?
- Oliver: I mean what I say when I say it. Although I don't always say what I mean when I do say it, I mean it. For example when I once said I hoped our first date wouldn't be our last, that was a true and transparent statement that if we had ever actually completed a first date would subsequently have born out in action assuming you were in agreement which given your extended absence you might understand my assumption that your intentions and mine were not in concert.
- Shane: If you are suggesting that I didn't miss you...
- [walks toward him and pauses next to him]
- Shane: and I might be the only person on earth who understands what you just said...
- [walks to her purse and holds up the first envelope]
- Shane: I wrote this one on the plane, with your pen, and talked about kissing you on the steps.
- Shane: [Holds up another envelope] And the second one I wrote, with your pen, after we landed
- [starting to cry]
- Shane: and told you that... I wish I'd never left.
- Shane: [Holds the rest one by one still fighting tears] And the third one. The third one is about how afraid I am that I can't do what they need me to do. And the fourth one is about how I'm afraid I'm gonna to die before I can see you again. And the fifth one is about deciding to survive it all so that I can come back to this crazy, stupid place...
- [turns her back on Oliver to look at her desk]
- Shane: and now you've moved my desk and you...
- [Oliver grabs her arm and in one motion spins her to him and kisses her]
- Shane: [after the kiss is over she smiles at Oliver still holding back tears] I thought of you every day. I know that might be hard for you to believe...
- Oliver: You'd be surprised.
- [Pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to Shane. Shane unfolds it and sees the napkin she drew the picture of jazz on. As she tries not to cry she folds it and puts it back in Oliver's pocket]
- Oliver: How have you been?
- Shane: Lonely
- Shane: [Reading from her first letter] Dear Oliver. When we lifted off and flew into the clouds I realized that you have made a believer out of me. It was no mistake that I was transferred to the Dead Letter Office instead of Direct Line Operations. We could not of begun dancing together so long ago without learning the steps we needed to find our way back to each other...
- Shane: We were out of the country. We had to turn in our laptops and tablets and phones. We couldn't carry anything that could be tracked or hacked or compromised.
- Oliver: There are means which you could of contacted us while still maintaining privacy. Postcard, letter, burner phone.
- Shane: The point is that I still would of been breaking the rules and you of all people should- wait, how do you know about burner phones?
- Oliver: Sometimes we watch action movies on poker night.
- Shane: Poker night, action- who's we?
- Oliver: Norman, Rita, my dad... Ramon.
- Shane: [laughs a little] I would give anything to see that!
- Oliver: Apparently not.
- Shane: Tell me the truth. Am I here because you need me or because you want me?
- Steve Marek: What kind of a guy flys all the way down here and then leaves without getting what he came for?
- Shane: The kind of man that lets me make up my own mind. But I can't do that unless I have all the facts.
- Steve Marek: Okay. Crisis is over. I could shut down your part of the operation but I don't want to for security reasons and for personal reasons.
- Shane: [Surprised] What?
- Steve Marek: Do you really think that delivering old letters is as important as some of the world changing stuff that we do here every day? Are you really telling me you wanna throw all that away for a squeaky porch swing in Denver?
- [Shane is struggling to respond]
- Steve Marek: And you wanna know the truth?
- Shane: Please.
- Steve Marek: I'm still in love with you.
- [From scene not shown in the US]
- Rita Haywith: Oh Oliver can you sign these priority mail requests for me please?
- Oliver: [Reaches into his coat pocket and realizes Shane still has his pen. Gets a pen from his desk and signs.] Dad... what are you doing here?
- Joe O'Toole: I brought you guys some veggies from my garden project.
- Oliver: That's very thoughtful of you.
- [Rita walks back to her work area]
- Joe O'Toole: Yeah we did a spring harvest this morning and I got some spinach and some cabbage and some kale here.
- Oliver: Kale, wonderful.
- Joe O'Toole: But, uh are you gonna ask?
- Oliver: I'm sorry?
- Joe O'Toole: I did it. I asked Kate out and she said yes. And we went to the movies and then we grabbed some dinner and we talked half the night. And then she asked me to go to the big band concert at Red Rocks next Saturday night.
- Oliver: Things are moving right along, huh?
- Joe O'Toole: Yeah. And how was your date?
- Oliver: Oh my evening with Miss McInerney was, uh... without precedent.
- [Says loudly]
- Oliver: Rita, Norman.
- [They walk over]
- Oliver: Our priority today is to locate the author of this letter and return to sender. I now believe that trying to find the addressee will sadly prove unfruitful.
- Rita Haywith: Oh I thought Shane was looking into this...
- [Oliver puts up his hand to stop her talking]
- Oliver: I have, uh, some news to share with all of you.
- Joe O'Toole: I better get going.
- Oliver: No, stay. Uh, Norman you might want to put the potato down for this.
- [Norman holds the potato even closer to his chest]
- Rita Haywith: Shouldn't we wait for Shane?
- Oliver: Shane... is not coming.