Casting was right on the money! The Super Sized lead actor was the epitome of a Film Major who lives in his Mom's basement, works at a video rental store and desperately dreams of being a movie director. Every video store had one back in the day. They were huge, girlfriendless and couldn't open a soda bottle without help, but they could list the entire cast of a 1923 movie, this guy LIVES that role. BUT he is a horrible actor!
The storyline is stereotypical right down to them leaving their cell phones in a drawer BEFORE they explore the haunted house! Talk about a classic trope overused in EVERY horror movie!!!
The scares are not scary, the dialogue is forced and unnatural and the characters are too overplayed: 1 the obsessed film buff, 2. The bitchy girlfriend who is suspicious of every other woman and distrustful of every man, 3 the goofy unserious male side kick and finally 4 the innocent ingénue who turns out to have a psychic connection!
It is all so predictable and sooooooo lame!!!!