I was wondering how this one of the most anticipated film of prithviraj gone ignominious in box office so I decided to check myself and you know what I got? Well,this film has almost everything from great actors, scintillating visuals to catchy music but it lacked in one major department- script. It lacks great storyline which actually could engage you right from the word go. Made as an emotional thriller and yet none of the characters barely could evoke sympathy from me, Prithvi's tragic past doesn't connect well, so is Nandu's, Rahman role was supposed to be menacing but it lacks that too and above all isha's character was totally bland after losing everything in her life I could barely feel bad for her. Even dialogues written for characters seems better than the film itself, albeit climax was somewhat better than I expected. Gangster genre is pretty much alien to Malayalam cinema even they attempt to make one it ended up as a failure so this one is no different.
Coming to the positive side film excels in capturing one of the notorious city detroit magnificently. Music done by Jakes bejoy was top notch and deserves an applaud. Action scenes were good and cinematography was breath takingly beautiful. Prithviraj and tragic character can't have a better match than this it is his forte playing stoic character so he was in his comfortable zone. Actors like Rahman, Nandu and some new actors did their part well. Isha talwar seem miscast at some places.
+ve: Music, visuals, actors
-ve: script, lagging
Putting all the technical finesse and not so bad climax I'll rate 6.2/10. Go for it if you're Prithviraj fan or all you just care about spectacular looking hollywoodish film with pretty good music and action.