The story starts with the District magistrate Mr.Mukherjee who lives a blissfully happy existence with his wife, Mira and twin sons Indranath and Chandranath. They decide on a trip to visit ... Read allThe story starts with the District magistrate Mr.Mukherjee who lives a blissfully happy existence with his wife, Mira and twin sons Indranath and Chandranath. They decide on a trip to visit Mr.Mukherjee's native village. An accident happens in the way and they lose their son Chan... Read allThe story starts with the District magistrate Mr.Mukherjee who lives a blissfully happy existence with his wife, Mira and twin sons Indranath and Chandranath. They decide on a trip to visit Mr.Mukherjee's native village. An accident happens in the way and they lose their son Chandranath. Chandra was rescued and nursed back to health by a sage who adopts him as his own... Read all