Comedy series which, for the first time, brings together four diva characters from four former hit shows, in one show written especially for them: Naomi Shachar (played by Hanna Laslau in "O... Read allComedy series which, for the first time, brings together four diva characters from four former hit shows, in one show written especially for them: Naomi Shachar (played by Hanna Laslau in "Our Song"), Idit Linovitz (Gilat Ankori, "Ramat Aviv Gimel"), Bruria Paskal (Evelyn Hagoel,... Read allComedy series which, for the first time, brings together four diva characters from four former hit shows, in one show written especially for them: Naomi Shachar (played by Hanna Laslau in "Our Song"), Idit Linovitz (Gilat Ankori, "Ramat Aviv Gimel"), Bruria Paskal (Evelyn Hagoel, "Pickup", and Merav Ben Bassat (Zufit Grant, "Exposed").