Maika Monroe credited as playing...
- Mia: Tinder has made you forget how to talk to girls in person. Now you're suffering due to no reception.
- Mia: It's not that I don't love you. I do love you. You're my first love. I... I just don't... I just don't know you're my only love.
- [Last lines]
- Mia: Yeah, you can... you can walk in front of me. Maybe, it'd make it less weird.
- Elliot: No, probably that'd be more weird.
- [pause]
- Elliot: Hey, you could wear your headphones.
- Mia: I don't have my headphones.
- Elliot: Really?
- Mia: I like to talk to people.
- Elliot: Uh-huh!
- Mia: Really take in that New York texture.
- Elliot: Hey, maybe I can get that handjob?
- Mia: What?
- Elliot: You remember the time on the train?
- Mia: Yes. I was drunk.
- [laughs]
- Elliot: So, that's a no then?
- Mia: I'll see to that.
- Elliot: Yeah?
- Mia: [indistinguishable chatter as they walk down the stairs of the subway]