The first guy to die is almost immediately eaten by the T-Rex. It cuts to his VR unit turning red as he is killed by Injection. Yet, when the host then disconnects asking when they're on air, the camera pans across all contestants and his mask is clearly still blue.
Approximately at 10 minutes Joy can be seen walking without collar. In next her appearance collar is on her neck.
Joy is hanging Tucker with noose on his neck and rising him in the air using just her weight. That is impossible as Tucker is obviously heavier than she.
Pterosaurs can't lift anything as heavy as a human, as they themselves couldn't have weighed more than a couple hundred pounds, though the dinosaurs are programmed to be as they were in nature.
Velociraptors were much smaller than portrayed in this movie. As with "Jurassic Park", which is part of this movie's inspiration, the dinosaurs called velociraptors are more like Utahraptors.