25 reviews
"Fubar" (aka "Killer Weekend") was a movie that came into existence without my knowledge, and I happened to stumble upon it by random luck in 2019. And now that I've seen the movie, I can honestly say that the movie will equally silently and unnoticeably return into obscurity.
This movie was bland. Writers Ben Kent and Joel Wilenius attempted to come up with something that would mix horror and comedy, I suppose. But the finished result was one that was mediocre. I can't claim that I was particularly amused with what transpired on the screen and I definitely wasn't laughing. Nor was it enough in the horror lane to actually be interesting enough to watch.
However, I managed to endure "Fubar" to the end, hoping that the movie would pick up along the way and become better. But it just never did, so no thumbs up for director Ben Kent here.
The characters in the movie were bland and you didn't really care much about what happened to them, and that was a terrible blow to the movie, because there definitely was some potential to it.
The storyline of the movie wasn't particularly innovative or overwhelmingly interesting to me, so it only made for a mediocre watching. I sat through it to the end, but I will never watch the movie a second time.
This movie was bland. Writers Ben Kent and Joel Wilenius attempted to come up with something that would mix horror and comedy, I suppose. But the finished result was one that was mediocre. I can't claim that I was particularly amused with what transpired on the screen and I definitely wasn't laughing. Nor was it enough in the horror lane to actually be interesting enough to watch.
However, I managed to endure "Fubar" to the end, hoping that the movie would pick up along the way and become better. But it just never did, so no thumbs up for director Ben Kent here.
The characters in the movie were bland and you didn't really care much about what happened to them, and that was a terrible blow to the movie, because there definitely was some potential to it.
The storyline of the movie wasn't particularly innovative or overwhelmingly interesting to me, so it only made for a mediocre watching. I sat through it to the end, but I will never watch the movie a second time.
- paul_haakonsen
- Jun 25, 2019
- Permalink
Mark Heap saves this from a very poor film to just a poor film.
Unoriginal script reads like a poor man's "Tucker & Dale Vs Evil", some almost passable blood effects but terrible acting. ........ especially from the 'large' guy from UK The Office who's acting is so wooden I'm surprised someone didn't get a splinter.....and the Brother in law who came across as so camp I thought the twist would be he's gay.
If a Mark Heap fan then you may get some enjoyment out if it, it not then don't rush to see it. Unlikeable characters who you pray would die.
Unoriginal script reads like a poor man's "Tucker & Dale Vs Evil", some almost passable blood effects but terrible acting. ........ especially from the 'large' guy from UK The Office who's acting is so wooden I'm surprised someone didn't get a splinter.....and the Brother in law who came across as so camp I thought the twist would be he's gay.
If a Mark Heap fan then you may get some enjoyment out if it, it not then don't rush to see it. Unlikeable characters who you pray would die.
If you're an adult whose seen a few movies, you've almost certainly seen a better version of this film. If you can accept that, you might get a few laughs and some mild entertainment out of this. The characterisation is poor - too many indistinct characters and alot of the ones you do remember are annoying and derivative. The script has quite a few "do people really talk like that?" isms but some effective plot twists, snappy editing, well framed shots and even the odd funny joke mean it flies by quicker than it really ought to. Plus it's against the laws of God and man to totally hate something that features Mark Heap this heavily.
- johnnykowalski
- Feb 9, 2021
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Hoped that this would be similar to Doghouse or Severance but it was nowhere near! All of the characters are unlikeable and the story is awful, so it's hard to get invested in the story
- sir_riffalot
- Jun 20, 2019
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Incredibly bad acting throughout, lazy cinematography - from cheap, generic drone shots to terrible camera positions and angles (such as when they are lined up, and when they are digging a grave).
I would recommend reading a book or going outside for an hour or two, it will be time much better spent than watching this trash.
I would recommend reading a book or going outside for an hour or two, it will be time much better spent than watching this trash.
Absolute rubbish dnt waste your time watching, it's meant to be a comedy... its not even funny, the acting is terrible and its beyond low budget.
When a hopeless stag party goes on a mock zombie survival weekend, an unfortunate turn of events leave them fighting for their lives.
Outside of British comedy mainstay Mark Heap I didn't know anybody.
Me and British comedies don't have the best history, okay fine let me rephrase me and British movies don't have the best history (And I'm British) we focus too much on council estates, football hooliganism, chavvy behaviour and faux "Gangsters" none of which interest me. There have absolutely been exceptions over the years, masterpieces even! But I'm still hesitant and was going into Fubar (Especially as it goes by two names, I hate that).
Early on I realized they were your bog standard over the hard to like loud characters which made me even further concerned but once the film got going I found myself able to put that to one side and just enjoy the film, and enjoy it I did.
Sure Fubar is no comedy masterpiece but it's funny, it's well made, it has an interesting concept and a few memorable moments. For what it is it's a lot of fun and well worth 90 minutes of your time.
I'll tell you a bugbear I have with IMDB, 1 star reviews! Each to his/her own but to me 1 star review suggests a film has absolutely no redeeming features, not one thing going for it and is an offense to the eyes, ears and mind. Few films should ever be labelled as such and though taste is most certainly subjective I don't see how anyone could say this has no redeeming features yet there are a LOT of 1 star reviews for Fubar. Hate campaign? No shortage of them on here? Now don't get me wrong as you'll see from my profile I have at time of writing 927 1 star ratings, however that makes up 6% of almost 16k! I think a 1 or a 10 in many instances just can't be taken seriously and people have an agenda behind that decision. This is far from a 1 star movie.
The Good
Mark Heap is great Some really quite funny moments Surprisingly well made
The Bad
Characters can be a smidge annoying I'd have rather they wrote a certain fight scene differently.
When a hopeless stag party goes on a mock zombie survival weekend, an unfortunate turn of events leave them fighting for their lives.
Outside of British comedy mainstay Mark Heap I didn't know anybody.
Me and British comedies don't have the best history, okay fine let me rephrase me and British movies don't have the best history (And I'm British) we focus too much on council estates, football hooliganism, chavvy behaviour and faux "Gangsters" none of which interest me. There have absolutely been exceptions over the years, masterpieces even! But I'm still hesitant and was going into Fubar (Especially as it goes by two names, I hate that).
Early on I realized they were your bog standard over the hard to like loud characters which made me even further concerned but once the film got going I found myself able to put that to one side and just enjoy the film, and enjoy it I did.
Sure Fubar is no comedy masterpiece but it's funny, it's well made, it has an interesting concept and a few memorable moments. For what it is it's a lot of fun and well worth 90 minutes of your time.
I'll tell you a bugbear I have with IMDB, 1 star reviews! Each to his/her own but to me 1 star review suggests a film has absolutely no redeeming features, not one thing going for it and is an offense to the eyes, ears and mind. Few films should ever be labelled as such and though taste is most certainly subjective I don't see how anyone could say this has no redeeming features yet there are a LOT of 1 star reviews for Fubar. Hate campaign? No shortage of them on here? Now don't get me wrong as you'll see from my profile I have at time of writing 927 1 star ratings, however that makes up 6% of almost 16k! I think a 1 or a 10 in many instances just can't be taken seriously and people have an agenda behind that decision. This is far from a 1 star movie.
The Good
Mark Heap is great Some really quite funny moments Surprisingly well made
The Bad
Characters can be a smidge annoying I'd have rather they wrote a certain fight scene differently.
- Platypuschow
- Jul 10, 2024
- Permalink
Cheap, badly made and something to be avoided. The acting is quite appalling and the script ... awful
- Critic_042
- Sep 10, 2019
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This was much better than I expected it to be. While there's not much to get excited about from the dialogue and more jokes hit than miss, the interplay between characters makes up for this as you believe they are a real friend group in over their heads, even if they do settle into the reality of their situation a bit too quickly (but that's true of many, many movies). Keith from The Office and Brian from Spaced carry most of their scenes and hold everything together, and this is balanced out by two strong performances in the antagonist camp in a crowd of otherwise unforgettable baddies.
There's a few strong moments that are genuinely laugh out loud, and that's more than I expected. Best of all is the sub 90 minutes running length, this film does not outstay its welcome. Had they tried to pad the material out to 2 hours, the film would have suffered.
There's a few strong moments that are genuinely laugh out loud, and that's more than I expected. Best of all is the sub 90 minutes running length, this film does not outstay its welcome. Had they tried to pad the material out to 2 hours, the film would have suffered.
- beckettsid-43580
- Jun 28, 2024
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You wouldn't make a new movie called 'Strange Brew', or 'Kids in the Hall'. You wouldn't make a movie called 'Fubar' either, unless it was actually the next entry in the 'Fubar' franchise.
- absolutelylucid
- Mar 6, 2019
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Some of the reviews I've seen on here are pretty sad. This I a very low budget film made by a young British writer/director who got off his backside and made a movie. How about some of you 'armchair critics' try doing something with your lives instead of pouring scorn over a group of young film makers learning their trade. Mark Heap Tim Faraday been in high end films but they seemed equally at home and happy in this! Well done Ben Kent!!
Really enjoyed this movie, laughed out loud a lot. Well acted, liked the relationships between characters especially "Cheese and the Col". Type of movie to stick on with your mates. Doesn't take itself seriously but still well made so easy watching on a chilled afternoon. Will look out for what these guys do next
- kryptkicker-30845
- Sep 11, 2019
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You get caught by the title of the film, thinking that this could be a good film, only to realise early on that this is really I've of the worse finds you'll watch "ever".
Please avoid at all cost! Don't let it kill your weekend.
Please avoid at all cost! Don't let it kill your weekend.
The description for this movie was shaun of the dead meets the inbetweeners.... its neither and cannot even come close to being compared to either of these movies. It was as if two twelve year olds got together at a sleepover and came up with the god awful film. The acting seems lazy, the script terrible and the story is just wierd. A pointless hour and a half wasted. I am a great advocate of British film making which is why I watched the whole film so I can give a fair review. My advice is.... don't waste your time and watch Shawn of the dead or the inbetweeners. Only got 2* because its not the worst British film I've seen but it is definitely the second worst.
- alexjaymain
- Nov 7, 2022
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- johnstrick
- Mar 8, 2021
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It was so hard to sit through this entire film, the characters were unlikable, the acting was atrocious, the plot is so dumb and predictable after the first death I was able to predict the rest of the story. Don't get me wrong, I watch bad movies willingly but dont lie to me with your fake reviews just because its on prime. I would have given it at least a 3/10 since I got a chuckle but you dont deserve it after seeing these fake reviews like all the other ones from bad prime movies.
- honeybadgerboo
- Oct 10, 2020
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I could watch Mark Heap read something that Ricky Gervais wrote and considering that Gervais has made a career out of bashing little people and for some reason being allowed to portray comic versions of the mentally challenged long past when that was still ok that is saying something. I was well past the zombie craze but had to watch this once I noticed he was in this and was pleasantly surprised. Not great and it's most likely the last zombie film I'll watch. It's not a normal zombie movie that's all I'll say.
- berg-74532
- Aug 19, 2020
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The marketing for this film states that it's like 'The Inbetweeners' mixed with 'Shaun of the Dead.' I suppose I can see where they're coming from, but the films I'd liken it to would be more 'Doghouse' meets 'Severance,' but seeing as those two are probably not as famous as the first ones, I guess either comparison is fair.
It's about a party of British guys going on a survival weekend, where they basically have to rough it in the woods while paintballing 'zombies' (or ex-squaddies in bad make-up). Naturally, as the title suggests, things do not go to plan and the bodies start mounting up.
It's rare that a so-called 'comedy' film actually makes me laugh - normally only getting a wry smile out of me at best. However, the banter between the men actually did make me laugh in places. It's actually pretty well written and the characters will grow on you. About the only two you might know are 'Keith' from Ricky Gervais' 'The Office' (no, I don't know his real name!) and Mark Heap, who used to be in a lot of Chris Morris TV shows back around the year 2000. At first, they kind of come across as just a bunch of stereotypes - one of which is effectively every on-screen character Nick Frost and James Corden have played, only rolled into one. However, the stand-out was the posh lawyer, who I didn't like at the beginning, but he had a lot of the best lines.
If the film had a flaw it's that - for the main part - the story stay within the confines of reality and in the - albeit extreme - situations the characters find themselves in, everything is supposed to be believable and realistic. However, in some situations which start of grounded, sort of deviate into slapstick which then feels unreal and not in keeping with the general tone of the story. The writer in me kept trying to rewrite scenes so that they played out slightly different, keeping the situations 'more real.'
'Killer Weekend' may not be as good, or memorable as the films its marketing claims it's trying to live up to, but I found it good fun - give it a try, if you're not expecting anything too taxing on the old grey matter.
It's about a party of British guys going on a survival weekend, where they basically have to rough it in the woods while paintballing 'zombies' (or ex-squaddies in bad make-up). Naturally, as the title suggests, things do not go to plan and the bodies start mounting up.
It's rare that a so-called 'comedy' film actually makes me laugh - normally only getting a wry smile out of me at best. However, the banter between the men actually did make me laugh in places. It's actually pretty well written and the characters will grow on you. About the only two you might know are 'Keith' from Ricky Gervais' 'The Office' (no, I don't know his real name!) and Mark Heap, who used to be in a lot of Chris Morris TV shows back around the year 2000. At first, they kind of come across as just a bunch of stereotypes - one of which is effectively every on-screen character Nick Frost and James Corden have played, only rolled into one. However, the stand-out was the posh lawyer, who I didn't like at the beginning, but he had a lot of the best lines.
If the film had a flaw it's that - for the main part - the story stay within the confines of reality and in the - albeit extreme - situations the characters find themselves in, everything is supposed to be believable and realistic. However, in some situations which start of grounded, sort of deviate into slapstick which then feels unreal and not in keeping with the general tone of the story. The writer in me kept trying to rewrite scenes so that they played out slightly different, keeping the situations 'more real.'
'Killer Weekend' may not be as good, or memorable as the films its marketing claims it's trying to live up to, but I found it good fun - give it a try, if you're not expecting anything too taxing on the old grey matter.
- bowmanblue
- Nov 16, 2023
- Permalink
First things first: this is more fun than it has any right to be. The story is pretty simple. A last fun trip before marriage with the bros ... and the father in law of course as a major part. The dynamic and chemistry is set pretty early on. And while that may sound like cliche (relationships to each other), they all play out nicely.
Actually better than nicely. This is so much fun, I was kind of surprised. It is very well acted, you get many fun moments (especially if you are not easily offended, this is comedy after all and it does not take prisoners - quite literally at times). This was one of the best comedies I saw last year and I can only recommend it - the fun is shining through to the viewer in a big way
Actually better than nicely. This is so much fun, I was kind of surprised. It is very well acted, you get many fun moments (especially if you are not easily offended, this is comedy after all and it does not take prisoners - quite literally at times). This was one of the best comedies I saw last year and I can only recommend it - the fun is shining through to the viewer in a big way
The writers seem to be fans of "Very Bad Things," which is a very bad movie. This one is somewhat similarly mean-spirited, but in a classy British way. It was good on the character side and had some decent plot twists. Some of the good jokes are subtle, requiring close attention. Others, though, are not subtle at all -- and more delicate viewers might regret having seen. It seems to have many titles. The one I saw was "Game Over."
- MunkyMovie
- Apr 13, 2021
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- nogodnomasters
- Jun 22, 2019
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This is just what i imagine when young british chums are having a bachelor party, with the father in law attending the same staggering soaree. this is the archetypes of british men, and the hooliganism in their blood staines and sheins the enemy at all levels., they are bearded,saggy eyed,beer bellies, one eyebrowed foreheads, going out in the woods doing a warparty against trained zombies. its fallout are pretty fatal, and the fatalities counter plings even faster than reaplacements could ever replace. its hilarious and fun, if your in for it.
its a verbal tug of war, and the bachelor gets his loins and groins well thedered by the zombies, hired s/m hookers and his fellow mates. the panick made by this cataclysmic environment, takes out the neolittic adrenaline driven killer out from the dark, and the unpremeditated murdering starts. there is a car full of dead zombies being pushed in the water, a grave dug for, and the zombie given a dignyfying military salute, and when all this mongrelian fights are done, the father in law must accept the bachelors claim for his daughter, with PERMISSION GRANTED!!!
you will either love it or hate it, the grumpy old man loved the actors and especially their demeanors, and well done panick acting. its brilliant neo-british comedy. recommended
its a verbal tug of war, and the bachelor gets his loins and groins well thedered by the zombies, hired s/m hookers and his fellow mates. the panick made by this cataclysmic environment, takes out the neolittic adrenaline driven killer out from the dark, and the unpremeditated murdering starts. there is a car full of dead zombies being pushed in the water, a grave dug for, and the zombie given a dignyfying military salute, and when all this mongrelian fights are done, the father in law must accept the bachelors claim for his daughter, with PERMISSION GRANTED!!!
you will either love it or hate it, the grumpy old man loved the actors and especially their demeanors, and well done panick acting. its brilliant neo-british comedy. recommended
This movie is worth seeing and definitely funny. Loved all the characters and if you enjoy cheesy Indy films then this is one for you to see. After about the 3rd kill I literally caught myself laughing out lout at how stupid this movie was. The Billy jokes were hilarious! "What if Billy is boring!?"
This is a briskly-paced, fitfully amusing, luridly lad-magged British Zomcom with a terrifically titter-inducing twist. The noisome 'Mock-zom' action centring on an amusingly expletive prone group of disparate sitcom sardonic archetypes who find themselves on an increasingly boisterous, mishap-infected stag weekend in the country. Their elaborate Zombie-themed paintball escapades disturbingly take on a deliciously wrong-headed turn after these hapless, part-time paintballers accidentally kill one of the shambling, ill-painted, psychotically distempered faux-zombies for real, thereby hysterically helter-skeltering this bucolic, gag-infested, backwoods barmy B-Movie to a gallopingly grisly, suburban twits hit the fan, goo-flinging, Crossbow-swinging, fright-flocked finale! While 'Killer Weekend' is a somewhat derivative low-budget feature it nonetheless still proved to be an awesomeballs horror comedy, colourfully enlivened with some quality bants, zesty acting from a clearly game, 'give-it-a-go' cast, and, while, perhaps, not quite on par with blood-drenched Brit-Cult classics 'Severance', or 'Doghouse', it finally won me over with its rough-hewn charm, boundless enthusiasm, and splendidly splattery, far from stagnant silliness!
- Weirdling_Wolf
- Oct 29, 2021
- Permalink
Loved this. Really got into it. I didn't check the time once as could not take my eyes off the screen. Love British lower budget films they are usually so good. No computer messing about which is great.
- balaamdebbie
- Jan 17, 2022
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