People don't realize how easy it is to be conned and therefore anyone who uses the internet should watch this. It's easy to think we would not have been fooled but you can't know unless you're in that situation. Worse maybe is that while many of us know this exists, the majority actually don't know how the tricks work and how to avoid them. When someone asks you for money it should be a big red flag. Imagine thinking the government wanted you to prove your trust by sending them money! It's almost unbelievable. And going to jail because of a lie - how is that even possible?
What I will say is this is a very confusing layout if you're playing it just for the story telling without watching. They switch between stories without any real segway, so I got confused and wouldn't pass a test on what happened to who. They also use emojis constantly as if the very young were anticipated viewers.
But if you have teens or friends who date online, you should have them watch this.
It's ironic that if you post about someone being a con on fb, they'll remove your post and threaten to close your account yet they pretend to be all about safety. There used to be a website where you could discuss cons and cheaters but that was also shut down. The best thing to do is research someone at least superficially befor you ever let them know details like your last name or address or where you go to school. Conning is one of the fastest growing problems world wide.