This is a bad movie.
Two girls are in a cabin preparing to scale a mountain face the next day. You learn later neither knows the first thing about mountain climbing - we're talking dropping your gear, not zipping your pack, not caring for your hands level of incompetence. Four thirty-five year old college frat boys arrive and the six of them decide to party together.
One thing leads to nothing and a guy tries to force himself on one of the girls. She runs off. The guys then decide the best thing to do to avoid a possible sexual assault charge on one of them is a double murder charge on all of them. Talk about loyal friends! They manage to kill one girl. One murderer promptly falls and dies.
What follows next is an hour of four people-who-can't-act climbing around a rock face about six feet off the ground. If that sounds dull let me assure, it's worse. It isn't helped by the fact Kelly seems to go out of her way to imperil herself in as stupid ways as possible. Night falls, instead of using the dark to her advantage, she sleeps in a tent. She screams to give away her position. She climbs vertically instead of horizontally. If it'll make her situation worse, she's up for it.
Three stars for a potentially gripping plot. No stars for not even trying to hire a cast of people who can pretend to act, for exactly zero suspense, and for the most amazingly inane dialog ever uttered on screen. Three stars.