All the potential in the world and THIS is what they come up with? I'm sorry. I love scifi, and horror, spanning back to the 50's and earlier, but this was just a turkey. My first thoughts were, well, the lead actress could not even take her own lines seriously nor be convincing. She'd smile & smirk at really awkward moments that should've been terrifying if it were really happening. The acting was only a small pinch away from bearable... but the momentum and potential really had me buzzed at first. Then I realized, oof.. this is a dud. First of all these are the only interesting people this movie can focus on? It's like... come on there has to be some more interesting people in the town. and don't get me started on the big CGI reveal....Let's just say That could've used a bit more time to cook in the kitchen. Even the sound editing was a complete turkey by the end and prior to that the musical notes were so dragged out it was almost unbearable. haha. This had potential, it really did...and somewhat competent actors. But the production was kind of just doomed from the start. I hate to rag on this derivative mess but right down to the writing it is just undercooked, all of it. Pass. A strong 3 out of 10. But for free on the ScyFy channel this could have it's place somewhere around Sharknado avenue.