Tue, Jun 13, 2023
Tom Sizemore finds himself up crap creek without a paddle once again. This time it's the Sanitarium. Our story opens with Tom coming out of either a drug induced stooper or a bad fantasy. He wakes up in the office of his new shrink Dr. Janice (Played by Janice Dickinson). Tom has been restrained and fitted with a straight jacket because of the delusions and fantasies he was uttering when he arrived. Tom tries to convince her that he is not insane and begins to explain how he got here and who did this to him. Dr. Janice tries to get Tom to admit to his addictions but as usual Tom claims that he was framed. Really Tom? After being...busted for the 69th time? Tom explains how he was looking at 30 years hard time unless he agreed to a plea deal which required him to become a Doctor at a place called B@rbee Rehab. We watch Tom and Dr. Janice play cat and mouse while he desperately and humorously explains just what B@rbee Rehab is and the cast of characters that are patients in the facility. Tom adamantly describes the rules of this world while venting about his interactions and experiences in the Rehab and all the craziness that took place. Tom introduces us to the players in the game and gives us some backstory on each of them while he retraces his steps and time spent there. We learn that Dr. Midge and Cop Ken are the main facilitators of the Rehab and that things were going well until the Queen of the Castle and the Cock of the Walk butted heads on the way the facility had been operating. We get an uncensored look at this place and the addicts involved through the eyes of one of Hollywoods most widely publicized, infamous and notorious recovering addicts.
Tue, Jun 13, 2023
Tom goes deeper into explaining this whacky place and it's inhabitants. We are introduced to neighbors that might be crazier than the patients. Cop Ken loses it when Dr. Midge refuses to reprimand/control the patients for obvious "infractions". He rips the uniform off thereby becoming Rogue Cop Ken. The lines are clearly divided and Dr. Midge becomes his sworn enemy. Dr. Midge's tainted past is exposed and while in a Diary Room tirade - she completely breaks down and reverts to her alter ego Teresa. Rogue Cop Ken and Haggard Ken bond while discussing the taboo pleasures of a Ken. Cop Ken learns that he is allowed to have SEX and proceeds to pop his cherry which leads to Ken having lump envy - An alien lands on Earth. The Alien meets a homeless friend while exploring, learns about B@rbees and begins her journey toward taking over the planet. The lunatic opportunist -Cat Lady tries to fill the Doctor void Midge left. Tom is not handling prison well. Between ranting to his cell mates and reciting Shakespeare, his resolve is being tested.
Tue, Jun 13, 2023
Cop Ken and Midge are pushing each others hot buttons. Todd comes back to Reh@b with PTSD from a Chupacabra sighting in Polynesia. Alien learns she has an affliction for weannies and learns the societal importance of B@rbee. Lonely and sad, she is guided to find her own "people" at Home Depot by her homeless friend. She learns what "alien" means in America and is introduced to "fear allegiance" and the Earth leader Trump. In her quest to infiltrate man kind...she decides to pose as Chinese B@rbee to sneak into B@rbee Rehab. Teresa has taken the high ground and made residence on the roof while Cop Ken is hydrating his plastic on good old Jack Daniel's while working his way through the B@rbees. Haggard Ken learns how inept his lump is compared to Cop Ken's anaconda. Mermaid B@rbee becomes sashimi and Two B@rbees have been kidnapped or killed? Who done it? The sexy Witch "Glinda" comes to town and crazy voodoo commences - the sexcapades are stopped by Aunt Flow and the Abracadabra begins to turn the feud in Teresa's favor.
Tue, Jun 13, 2023
It's ALL OUT WAR and the Rehab backyard is chaos. Teresa has lost her mind living on the scorching hot roof and learns a new war tactic -Paintball. Rogue Cop Ken thinks the battle is his to win since -"Everyone knows girls are inferior at everything". Fairy B@rbee is pissed and snitches to the MBI. Cat Lady is playing doctor to the frightened patients. Teresa enlists more dolls to her team and Cop Ken and Haggard Ken bond over booze, getting B@rbees to make noises during sex, and playing soldier boys. It's Star Wars vs. Star Trek inside the house and another B@rbee bites the dust. The therapy replacement doll "Prudence" becomes the "touching doll" and teaches one of the humans to obsessively click the mouse. What the Hell is going on with Glamour B@rbee? Is that a moustache? Paintballs are flying and oranges are becoming grenades. Backbiting and Double Dealing leads to old alliances being tested and new partnerships being formed. Head Collector frees a B@rbee from prison only to use her to assassinate another B@rbee. No B@rbee, Human, or Wildcard is safe.
Tue, Jun 13, 2023
"Crab King and Cat Parts" Chinese B@rbee discusses her evil plan in the Diary Room and her plan to get Cop Ken to do her bidding. She is not aware that the house thinks Cop Ken was killed by Korean B@rbee. Cop Kens "death" prompts Midge to have her own tear filled funeral. Glamour is transformed into a brand new B@arbee by the doctor. Dr. Tom orders Cop Ken and Midge to live together until they get along. It's also back to the garage sale with the whacky neighbors. How will Awaiian Tropi and her fellow discarded dolls escape?