Itsy Bitsy (II) (2019)
Bruce Davison: Walter Clark
Jesse Spencer : What do these markings mean?
Walter Clark : You know what a legend is?
Jesse Spencer : Yeah, it's a story.
Walter Clark : Well, stories, you tell in a bar. A legend has a spiritual quality to it. Uh, it's ingrained in a culture by being passed down from generation to generation. This particular legend is Maa-Kalaratri. The Dark Mother. She's ancient, before time was time, before humans existed. She is the spider goddess. A creator of worlds, a weaver of destiny. She presides over the time that we humans are given on this earth, and she lives in the darkness between the stars. There was a time when the people began to lose respect for the mother, and so Maa-Kalaratri emerged from a crack in the Earth, decimated the village, destroyed the crops, and stole a child from the village's chief. The people began to offer up blood sacrifices to appease her.
Walter Clark : Curiosity killed the cat... it can be deadly to people too
Walter Clark : I've seen things in this world that science can't explain
Walter Clark : You Believe In Something Long Enough... And Hard Enough... It Becomes Reality
Kara Spencer : It's for the pain
Walter Clark : My pain or yours?