Has Brian Zane's spirit finally been broken? What kind of madness has been laid before him? Find out, as Brian takes a look back at WWE's exploitation of the death of Eddie Guerrero.
What do Kanyon, Goldberg and Raven have to do with Jesse Ventura? Not a damn thing, but that didn't stop NBC from shoving them into this poorly-made network TV biopic that "The Body" wanted nothing to do with.
Happy Thanksgiving from Wrestling With Wregret. As you work to digest all that food you ate, sit back and enjoy some more laughably bad commercials with wrestlers in them.
Remember when people used to LIKE John Cena? Things took a turn for the worse once this album came out. Brian Zane listens to the one and only album by the Doctor of Thuganomics and his sidekick Tha Trademarc.
Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho, which man goes down as having the worst championship reign in history? Zane compares Rey's time as WHC in 2006 and Y2J's run as Undisputed Champion in 2001 to see which one is truly the lowest of the low.
It's been a wild year for WWE, and with 2015 wrapping up, Brian Zane gives his take on the top 8 WORST things to happen in the company during the last calendar year.
We like to poke fun at WWE, but we would be remiss if we didn't mention some of the actual GOOD stuff they did this year. Brian Zane counts down the top 8 BEST things WWE did in 2015.
Brian Zane starts the year off by reviewing one of the most cringeworthy PPV events of all-time...but he's not going it alone. Witness as BZ and Phelous take apart "Rodman Down Under".
Dancing wrestlers have been a part of the landscape since almost forever, but for every Rikishi and Ernest Miller, there are scores of other, much worse dancing wrestlers. This week, Brian Zane counts down the worst of them all.
Some second and third generation wrestlers are simply destined for greatness but for every Bret Hart or Randy Orton, there are tons of other men and women who just don't cut it.
In Part Two, the creator of Wrestling Society X talks about the most controversial moment in the show's history, what led to WSX's cancellation, comparisons to Lucha Underground and more.
Hell In A Cell...the Ladder Match...War Games...these are just some of the matches that WON'T be on this list. Brian Zane looks at some of the dumbest gimmick matches of all-time.
It's the video you've all been asking for. Wrestling With Wregret tackles one of the most infamous PPVs of all-time, Heroes of Wrestling. Brian is joined by none other than Adam From WhatCulture and they meet a surprise guest?
Will Wrestlemania 32 join this esteemed list? Probably not. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't relax and enjoy this look back at the best Wrestlemanias of all-time, as voted on by YOU, the fans.
It's the season of Tough Enough not good enough to get its own cable timeslot...the season that killed the franchise for years...and yet somehow produced the most WWE talent?
When Donald Trump isn't running his business or being president, he's responsible for some of the WORST storylines in WWE history. Brian Zane explains why.
MAY 19TH . - MAY 19TH - MAY 19TH. It's the tenth anniversary of the release of WWE Films' first movie, "See No Evil" starring Kane. And slasher expert The Horror Guru is helping Brian Zane out with this one.