32 reviews
I stumbled on this show and have enjoyed watching it. I am 65, lost my husband last year to cancer after 35 years together, and I have been a cattle producer for all of my adult life. Now that I am mostly alone, it's a lot tougher. I run 350 mother cows on my 4000 acres in OK. The guys on this show are carbon copies of my husband...full of faith and appreciation for God's blessings, honest, hard working and true gentlemen. I have really enjoyed the idioms of cowboyography that they say...these are things I have heard all my life and they still make me chuckle. I guess sometimes I say them too...
Wish there were more shows like this for people to realize what our way of life entails. It can be so rough at times, and blissful at other times. Few people understand what our industry does on a daily basis. I wouldn't trade ranching for anything else.
And I guess I just don't get it...but Booger makes me wish I was 25 again. I suppose the main problem for him was finding someone who understands this lifestyle.
Blessings to all and I hope they all have lots of little cowboys and cowgirls!!!
Wish there were more shows like this for people to realize what our way of life entails. It can be so rough at times, and blissful at other times. Few people understand what our industry does on a daily basis. I wouldn't trade ranching for anything else.
And I guess I just don't get it...but Booger makes me wish I was 25 again. I suppose the main problem for him was finding someone who understands this lifestyle.
Blessings to all and I hope they all have lots of little cowboys and cowgirls!!!
The cowboys were great. I grew up in Florida with horses and cattle. My God, I raised 3 kids and did t whine everyday how I needed my husband home to help me! He had a hard job everyday and handled it. I handled the house the kids and the horses and thought it was no big deal. Meal on the table, laundry done and the house was clean. Who raised these wimpy girls!! They are NOT real cattle ranchers wives. They need to live in town in a sub division and 1 mile from the hospital. It's this new breed of women that are so helpless. I'm disgusted with them. I bet Bubbas grandmother never did such a thing.
She's a great lady. Grow up girls, get a grip and put your big girl panties on and stop putting your husband's on a guilt trip!!
She's a great lady. Grow up girls, get a grip and put your big girl panties on and stop putting your husband's on a guilt trip!!
- buffy-34518
- Mar 8, 2022
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I like this show and continue to watch it. I would give this show a 10 of it had more diversity in race. I am in season 4 and still have not seen any other race. Even in the bystanders or extras, there is a lack of diversity. This may be due to location but it's hard to believe only one particular race are Cowboys in Alabama. I think if this show was miter diversified it would gain more popularity. It highlights a good way of life and living. It shows a great example on how a family works and how a community should operate. It also gives a great example of how money should not come between friends.
- pnlbrown-26627
- Jan 14, 2023
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Stumbled upon this show on Roku Live. I am hooked !! Watched every episode and found more current episodes on IMDb.
Love watching these 3 families play out their lives.
- bjstockton
- Feb 24, 2021
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- acraw-12480
- Aug 19, 2020
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I just happened upon this show and love it. They are fun to watch and I love how real they are. I can't wait to see more!
- cahenry-28664
- Dec 31, 2020
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Just happened across this one evening and got interested in it. Love the guys and their faith. It is a decent, Christian program that we need more of ! Please, Please, have a second year of this show. Want to see how the babies do and see if Booger "gets a wife" .
thanks and God Bless
thanks and God Bless
- hilyer-09762
- Oct 4, 2017
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Hope a second season is coming. Enjoy show and all the characters. Down to earth they all seem to be.Brothers of Sisters to us all. Trying to make it in today's life. Farming/ranching is a background for most of our ancestors. Some moved away and some stayed down on the farm. Wished life had been easier for my grandparents and I would be enjoying the life I wished I'd had.
- firecap-78294
- Sep 28, 2017
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Should change the name to cowboy's go their own way. It was good in the beginning showing how they we're keeping cowboy's alive by running their faith cattle company in modern time. But lately Codey is the only one trying to keep it going. Bubba and Booger are to busy off doing their own thing to work on their business. I have lost interest.
- mhbaker-11103
- Mar 12, 2020
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I am so glad to finally see something descent on TV again. I love this show. You can sit with your kids an see without hearing cursing and seeing half naked people. I have my DVR recoding so I can get to re-visit it whenever I want. Hope this show continues for a long time. They feel like family!!
- paulinetaylor-11635
- Jan 20, 2018
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Almost every review you see here and elsewhere are all about how much people love having a nice, clean, family oriented tv show folks can watch with their kids. This show does have that, and it is indeed a good thing and it would nice to have more clean shows. But just because it doesn't have cursing, violence, sexuality, etc doesn't make it a good show.. First, who thinks of Alabama as "Cowboy country"? I live in an adjoining state and love AL but it isn't exactly known for cowboys. We call guys like these farmers. Even if they raise cattle and not crops, and even if they sometimes ride horses to do it- they aren't cowboys. (One wonders how often they really ride horses to do their work since a SUV/4 wheeler would be easier for the Alabama landscape and range).
Next is the obvious degree to which the show is scripted. Look, we all know by now that reality TV is far from reality and almost always includes well planed activities and discussions if not outright verbatim scripted dialog. But most do a much better job of at least appearing to be legit.
Another problem is that their is nothing noteworthy about these people, their lives, or activities which captivate viewers or compel them to watch. THey are just boring. Look, my life is no better- just like them, I just do my regular job and do things with my family and friends- a reality show of my life would be just as boring- but this review is of the one about these 3 guys. Them and their family seem like really nice people and it is nice to know they are good, Christian American families-but that doesn't make for a compelling TV show. Go film some real cowboys in Wyoming or New Mexico or other places where they have to cover thousands of acres, cross rivers, climb steep rocky terrain, and do other things that make horses necessary, not just a romantic and fun way to do a job that can better be done with a 4-wheeler. Those cowboys have more risks, longer periods of life out on the range (even today they often camp while driving stock across very large areas). Guns are a necessary tool for them, and cowboy hats don't look unnatural as they do in AL. There are real cowboys today who live lives that would make good TV. 3 farmers in Alabama just don't.
- thecityman
- Sep 9, 2018
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Loved this series, clean, interesting, all the group is fun to watch! Now I'm wanting it to continue! Let's get caught up on all of them!
- gchristinehill
- Jan 24, 2021
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I love this show! It is wonderful to have a good family show on for a change! Please keep it going!
- gaylewestbrook
- Sep 13, 2020
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Bubba, Cody and Booger and families are the real thing! I've been binge watching the show and I hate the thought of running out of shows! I sure do hope the series continues for a LONG time!
- sandi-96189
- Jun 6, 2019
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So happy to find such a show about some real cowboys. Makes me feel as if I'm home.
- swest-19007
- Nov 9, 2019
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The whole family watches. Good clean heartfelt family programming. We love what these young men and women bring to the table each and every episode.
- mikecampbell-31662
- Apr 18, 2019
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Wow this is fake as a 3 dollar bill. My grand father was a rancher all his life and he NEVER worried about an 800.00 freight charge when he sold cattle since he made real money doing it. PLUS he never farmed out to work for others nor did he ever take on other jobs outside the field of ranching even in lean times. The best episode was the one when they were saying they needed to go to texas (1000 miles away) to make a 3000.00 check each. $3000.00 is spent on breakfest on a real ranch. These are TV actors acting out on someones farm for a per episode check for acting these are FAR from cowboys.and they NEVER will be cattlemen. Bubba (THE FIST NAME CHOSEN BY All FAKE COWBOYs) when he was injured with panels fell on his hand. No COWBOY would call an ambulance like he did. They would drive to the hospital bleeding and all and walk in. FAKE FAKE FAKEEEEE.
- incomingbills
- May 22, 2022
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- uoyhtiwtseippah
- Jul 11, 2020
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The fact that Bubba calls every horse a colt is so irritating. He just sounds ignorant. The fact that this man handles horses and does clinics is a joke. I loved watching a young girl beat him in a small trail practice when he claims it was his best horse. What a joke. People like him get people hurt. Please do not hire or encourage people like this.
- jm_kennedy-93891
- Mar 27, 2020
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Don't know which neighboring State the other guy was from, but there's a difference in farmers & Cowboys. Yep, they have strange ideas, but they're young. I grew up on a farm in MS with vegetables, pecans, cotton, 2 horses, 6 cows, a bull, cattle, pigs & chickens. That was a farm. A man down the road had 50 head cattle & was a Cowboy! Truthfully, this show is a copy of his family's life. Good, bad, & boring. Christian, Church, children, trying to keep up with the Joneses is part of it.
Love this "REALITY" Show. Shows real life with no cussing, sex, violence, etc.
- cricketbwood
- Mar 21, 2019
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- brittanneberry
- Dec 25, 2019
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God Fearing Young Families with great seasoned loving support.
This has to be one of the best shows I can remember. Even though it's a reality show, it's a world away from what most consider a Reality show. Theres no gossiping, no back stabbing, no shade...out loud or on the sly. You'd be very hard pressed to hear a curse word. The men are so respectful of their wives, actually they're respectful to all the women. In turn the women also would walk through broken glass and fire for their men all with a massive smile.
The new season just started and I couldn't be happier. You just have to give mad props to these 3, extremely hard working men. If you haven't seen this show, you're missing some of the best that TV has to offer. Sit down with your family, enjoy some diner and I guarantee you won't regret it.
What a wonderful reality show!
I have literally sat for hours watching this program because it is so good, I just can't seem to get enough of it. I love the family values, I love the fact that there's no cussing or swearing, and I love it the fact is about three good friends just doing plain old hard work, and it looks like they all are Christians and love the Lord. Along with the wonderful camaraderie they have with each other. I can relate to bubba Thompson because I'm a carpenter also and that was my trade for over 40 years. I was raised on the farm when I was a kid so I just love the storyline of all three men and their wives and families. What do you think I want to see it continue to grow. You guys need to make more episodes.
I have literally sat for hours watching this program because it is so good, I just can't seem to get enough of it. I love the family values, I love the fact that there's no cussing or swearing, and I love it the fact is about three good friends just doing plain old hard work, and it looks like they all are Christians and love the Lord. Along with the wonderful camaraderie they have with each other. I can relate to bubba Thompson because I'm a carpenter also and that was my trade for over 40 years. I was raised on the farm when I was a kid so I just love the storyline of all three men and their wives and families. What do you think I want to see it continue to grow. You guys need to make more episodes.
- ablondmoment
- Apr 27, 2020
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