- A Good Movie to Watch [Isabella Endrinal]
- Amir at the Movies [Amir Syarif Siregar]
- Indonesian
- Asian Movie Pulse [Marie Lee]
- Blu-ray.com [Jeffrey Kauffman]
- Elements of Madness [Douglas Davidson]
- Flick Magazine [Amir Syarif Siregar]
- Indonesian
- J.B. Spins [Joe Bendel]
- Korean Grindhouse [Drew P.]
- Metacultura [Emiliano Fernández]
- Spanish
- montasefilm.com [Luluk Ulhasanah]
- Indonesian
- Real Movie News - Blu-ray [Ryan Russell Izay]
- Seongyong's Private Place [Seongyong Cho]
- Sobekan Tiket Bioskop [Timotius] (Bahasa Indonesia)
- South China Morning Post [James Marsh]
- SWITCH. [Ashley Teresa]
- The Movie Beat [Tyler Colosimo]
- TheMovieBeat.com [Tyler Colosimo]
- View of the Arts (Maggie Gogler)
- Windows on Worlds [Hayley Scanlon]
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