28 reviews
Touya Mochizuki is an ordinary fifteen year old boy... until he is accidentally killed by God! He can't have his old life back but as compensation God brings him back to life in a fantasy world with boosted magical powers. He is allowed one wish and chooses to take his smart phone with him. Once in this new world he meets Elze and Linze Silhoueska, two sisters who teach him about the use of magic... they are surprised that he can use all seven types of elemental magic as well as 'null magic' once he has observed somebody else using the spell. With his amazing powers he is quickly helping many people and befriending people in high places... he is also acquiring a harem of female friends who all seem to be attracted to him.
This could easily be just another 'ordinary person in a fantasy world' series with in overpowered protagonist but thankfully it manages to be better than that. It doesn't try to dodge genre stereotypes; instead it revels in them. The characters are likeable and it is fun watching Touya learning about this new world, gaining new skills and defeating various threats. Towards the end of the series the fan service increases somewhat with the near obligatory beach episode. The animation and character designs are pretty good with the sort of look one would expect from the genre. The series ends in a way that hints at more to come; if there is eventually a second season I'd definitely watch it. Overall I wouldn't say this is a must see but would definitely recommend it to fans of the genre.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
This could easily be just another 'ordinary person in a fantasy world' series with in overpowered protagonist but thankfully it manages to be better than that. It doesn't try to dodge genre stereotypes; instead it revels in them. The characters are likeable and it is fun watching Touya learning about this new world, gaining new skills and defeating various threats. Towards the end of the series the fan service increases somewhat with the near obligatory beach episode. The animation and character designs are pretty good with the sort of look one would expect from the genre. The series ends in a way that hints at more to come; if there is eventually a second season I'd definitely watch it. Overall I wouldn't say this is a must see but would definitely recommend it to fans of the genre.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
Although this anime is only 12 episodes, it does deliver something unique. The titular item takes a backseat most of the time being used for AoE (Area Of Effect) spells like "Shining Javelin" or as a map. & though the anime's pacing is awful, jumping from one plot point to the next (Arrival, Adventurer Registration, Forest Battle#1 etc), I found it enjoyable, however there needs to be more filler episodes, but that doesn't mean make you seasons 30+ episodes long like "Dragon Ball" or "Naruto". That being said, if "Production Reed" (or any production company for that matter like "White Fox") chooses to continue this series, they need to slow down a bit & build the world a little more. In that regard, I look forward to future seasons.
- Wolfkin1993
- Sep 29, 2019
- Permalink
Not bad and enjoyable. Looking forward to more in future. Simple storyline with few cool characters. Not fan of the voice casts nor the sound effects. World buiding and the lores were good. Recommended.
- LancelotSB
- Aug 7, 2022
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It delivers exactly what it says, a fun storyline challenging monogamy with beautiful young women and the unusual use of the cell phone in a magical place.
Not bad, good to spend some time, but see if you have anything better to watch before you start.
Not bad, good to spend some time, but see if you have anything better to watch before you start.
- kimyoungjin
- Sep 28, 2018
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Okay... gonna get this out the way, this is objectively a very mid anime but this is not a case of mistaken identity. It is not trying to be anything more than it is with the very low stakes considering the themes explored and un-compelling but very likeable characters. I couldn't stop smiling as I binged both seasons and whilst there are other animes that handle wholesome vibes with a more compelling story, this was just something harmless and sometimes it's nice have something to switch off to. However, I am by no means discouraging good art, this is still a very average series but if you want some fluffy background noise, then this might just be for you.
- thewrongjeans
- Mar 31, 2024
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Despite all the hate it rightfully received, I really enjoyed the first season of In Another World with My Smartphone. The English dub of the first season brought self-awareness to the characters, injecting some much-needed humor into an otherwise insipid storyline. This season, that spark of life from the English voice actors is sorely absent. Everyone goes through the motions, counting the days until their paycheck arrives.
Season 2 is purely an abysmal descent into the depths of mediocrity, doubling down on its repulsive misogyny and complete lack of creativity of its predecessor. The episodes are a disgraceful showcase of women reduced to objects.
To start, we should get the animation out of the way-or should I say, the absence of it? Instead of breathing life into the action, they serve up mind-numbing still shots that make a snail's pace look like a Formula 1 race. Who needs fluidity when you can have a slideshow of stagnant scenery? And the art? It's a mishmash of confusion and chaos. Character designs morph into distorted monstrosities, mocking the very notion of artistic coherence. You'll be playing a game of guess-the-character as they transform into unrecognizable blobs before your eyes.
But hold on, we can't overlook the anime's defining trait-the abominable off-model faces. When our forgettable protagonist Touya and his harem dare to look sideways or tilt their heads, brace yourself for a roller coaster of contorted faces. Their faces twist and warp into grotesque abominations as if the animators collectively were overworked to exhaustion. It's as if they took a lesson on character design taught by deranged Dadaists.
One example of their inept compositing is when the characters use their invisibility power. Instead of employing subtle visual cues to convey their appearance, the compositing team opted for a shockingly horrific eyesore. The resulting effect is a jarring combination of poor color grading, sloppy filters, and clashing layers. The characters appear as if they were hastily copy-pasted onto the scene, with no regard for proper lighting or integration.
Now, let's take a minute to summarize the story-equal parts mind-numbingly dull and painfully predictable. In this pitiful season, we witness Touya's shameless pursuit of multiple engagements, and his harem of indistinguishable girls expands. The show stumbles through a series of contrived scenarios, presenting forgettable female characters solely to satisfy our protagonist's romantic interests. Along the journey, we bare witness to coerced relationships, absurdly imbalanced power dynamics, and the relentless sexualization of women, all woven together in a quilt of tastelessness. The only time he rejects a girl is when a child flirts with him-her father offers her hand in marriage, but Touya respectfully says, ""Wait until I AM eighteen.""
This season fails to rise above the cesspool of misogyny established by its predecessor. It revels in reducing women to objects of desire, forsaking originality, and engaging storytelling. The abomination continues with episodes that range from cringe-worthy to appalling. We witness the main characters frolicking in a hot spring, girls non-consensually kissing Touya, and unnecessary fanservice while dismissing any semblance of storytelling or character development. The plot introduces female slaves, miraculously transforming them into "employees" for our esteemed hero. What a good guy! And let's not forget the fascination with Yaoi-themed books because nothing says respect for women like reducing them to objects of fetishization.
And what about the humor? Prepare yourself for a tidal wave of juvenile jokes and stale innuendos, the sort that could only make middle schoolers laugh. The writer's misguided attempts at humor only amplify the show's overall pitiful quality and reinforce its grim treatment of women.
Political intrigue in Smartphone, or so it's meant to be, dissolves into a mishmash of forced engagements and the protagonist's relentless pursuit of romantic conquests. The show's obsession with accumulating wives and establishing kingdoms reaches nauseating heights, reaffirming its status as a prime example of the harem genre at its most repugnant. The plot, if it can even be called that, lingers in a wasteland of predictability and worn-out tropes. The dialogue is contrived, lacking any depth or meaningful exchanges. Instead, we're subjected to a parade of vapid interactions and vacuous relationships centered solely on gratifying the self-insert protagonist's ego.
In Another World With My Smartphone's second season is a seething pile of excrement. Its abhorrent misogyny, creative bankruptcy, and absence of character development make for a hilariously awful twelve episodes. Protect yourself from this animated accident and seek out series that treat women with a modicum of respect, subvert stereotypes, and offer engaging stories worth your time.
Season 2 is purely an abysmal descent into the depths of mediocrity, doubling down on its repulsive misogyny and complete lack of creativity of its predecessor. The episodes are a disgraceful showcase of women reduced to objects.
To start, we should get the animation out of the way-or should I say, the absence of it? Instead of breathing life into the action, they serve up mind-numbing still shots that make a snail's pace look like a Formula 1 race. Who needs fluidity when you can have a slideshow of stagnant scenery? And the art? It's a mishmash of confusion and chaos. Character designs morph into distorted monstrosities, mocking the very notion of artistic coherence. You'll be playing a game of guess-the-character as they transform into unrecognizable blobs before your eyes.
But hold on, we can't overlook the anime's defining trait-the abominable off-model faces. When our forgettable protagonist Touya and his harem dare to look sideways or tilt their heads, brace yourself for a roller coaster of contorted faces. Their faces twist and warp into grotesque abominations as if the animators collectively were overworked to exhaustion. It's as if they took a lesson on character design taught by deranged Dadaists.
One example of their inept compositing is when the characters use their invisibility power. Instead of employing subtle visual cues to convey their appearance, the compositing team opted for a shockingly horrific eyesore. The resulting effect is a jarring combination of poor color grading, sloppy filters, and clashing layers. The characters appear as if they were hastily copy-pasted onto the scene, with no regard for proper lighting or integration.
Now, let's take a minute to summarize the story-equal parts mind-numbingly dull and painfully predictable. In this pitiful season, we witness Touya's shameless pursuit of multiple engagements, and his harem of indistinguishable girls expands. The show stumbles through a series of contrived scenarios, presenting forgettable female characters solely to satisfy our protagonist's romantic interests. Along the journey, we bare witness to coerced relationships, absurdly imbalanced power dynamics, and the relentless sexualization of women, all woven together in a quilt of tastelessness. The only time he rejects a girl is when a child flirts with him-her father offers her hand in marriage, but Touya respectfully says, ""Wait until I AM eighteen.""
This season fails to rise above the cesspool of misogyny established by its predecessor. It revels in reducing women to objects of desire, forsaking originality, and engaging storytelling. The abomination continues with episodes that range from cringe-worthy to appalling. We witness the main characters frolicking in a hot spring, girls non-consensually kissing Touya, and unnecessary fanservice while dismissing any semblance of storytelling or character development. The plot introduces female slaves, miraculously transforming them into "employees" for our esteemed hero. What a good guy! And let's not forget the fascination with Yaoi-themed books because nothing says respect for women like reducing them to objects of fetishization.
And what about the humor? Prepare yourself for a tidal wave of juvenile jokes and stale innuendos, the sort that could only make middle schoolers laugh. The writer's misguided attempts at humor only amplify the show's overall pitiful quality and reinforce its grim treatment of women.
Political intrigue in Smartphone, or so it's meant to be, dissolves into a mishmash of forced engagements and the protagonist's relentless pursuit of romantic conquests. The show's obsession with accumulating wives and establishing kingdoms reaches nauseating heights, reaffirming its status as a prime example of the harem genre at its most repugnant. The plot, if it can even be called that, lingers in a wasteland of predictability and worn-out tropes. The dialogue is contrived, lacking any depth or meaningful exchanges. Instead, we're subjected to a parade of vapid interactions and vacuous relationships centered solely on gratifying the self-insert protagonist's ego.
In Another World With My Smartphone's second season is a seething pile of excrement. Its abhorrent misogyny, creative bankruptcy, and absence of character development make for a hilariously awful twelve episodes. Protect yourself from this animated accident and seek out series that treat women with a modicum of respect, subvert stereotypes, and offer engaging stories worth your time.
- RebelPanda
- Jun 20, 2023
- Permalink
- ethanschoenwald
- Aug 26, 2018
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I have never watched a show that has made me more angry and utterly BAFFLED than this has. This is just filled to the brim with bad writing, ugly animation, and bad music. The characters are UNBELIEVABLY irritating. It's like this was written by a lonely teenage boy that hasn't had any human interaction since he was 7 years old.
Please, for the love of everything good, don't watch this, for your own sanity.
Please, for the love of everything good, don't watch this, for your own sanity.
- dustyoldtshirt
- Jul 6, 2022
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I recommend not to watch this anime.Bro seriously its a waste of time.Even a hentai is better then watching is anime.
- jeffreystaats62
- Oct 10, 2018
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This is ma first time seeing an worst anime series. The writer must be an idiot or living in worst situation to write an anime series like this...
- seanbosskiller
- Feb 4, 2019
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And that's about it. It was poorly directed, poor acting and poor art quality.
- josiahconnell
- May 18, 2019
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It's a very entertaining and fascinating series. I don't understand why the rating is low, it's deserves more than 7.5, to the least. The story is very enjoyable, characters are pretty good, art is mesmerising. Everything so far is very good. I strongly recommend it to everyone. It's better than most anime from its genre. Just give it a go!
- hsherlock-77919
- Nov 2, 2018
- Permalink
The anime only covers the first 2 volumes of the LN, but 12 episodes of this was more than I could normally stomach. The biggest points of criticism would be the bona-fide Marty Stu nature of Touya, the complete absence of conflict, and how it has as many clichés of the subgenre as one could possibly cram in. Eventually one has to wonder if this is less of the writer's creative outlet and more of a personal wish-fulfillment story to jerk off to.
However, those criticisms can be flipped into something of a positive. Isekai as a whole is generally focused on escapism; in other words, it's not so much wish fulfillment for the AUTHOR, but rather for the AUDIENCE. There's a gray area between Mary Sues and escapist characters, but Touya is in my opinion more the latter (hence why he's made deliberately bland in design; he's meant to be a stand-in for the reader/viewer). Hell, even the cheap animation and simple art style give vibes of late-90's anime, making it charmingly retro in contrast to a lot of today's vector, digital, and/or CGI-based animation.
All in all, In Another World With My Smartphone is one of those shows that's "so bad, it's good", sorta like The Room or Chargeman Ken. It's super dumb, but it's fun to watch anyway because of that.
However, those criticisms can be flipped into something of a positive. Isekai as a whole is generally focused on escapism; in other words, it's not so much wish fulfillment for the AUTHOR, but rather for the AUDIENCE. There's a gray area between Mary Sues and escapist characters, but Touya is in my opinion more the latter (hence why he's made deliberately bland in design; he's meant to be a stand-in for the reader/viewer). Hell, even the cheap animation and simple art style give vibes of late-90's anime, making it charmingly retro in contrast to a lot of today's vector, digital, and/or CGI-based animation.
All in all, In Another World With My Smartphone is one of those shows that's "so bad, it's good", sorta like The Room or Chargeman Ken. It's super dumb, but it's fun to watch anyway because of that.
- BigChungusMan
- Nov 30, 2019
- Permalink
With this title I was ignoring the anime for a long time and finally completed. It's pretty good anime, I didn't thought it was this good. Curiously waiting for the next season.
- akarunkumar-48613
- Sep 14, 2021
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The characters were just so dim witted and the storyline literally fell into a black hole. See for yourself but I just think this is one of the worst anime I've ever come across.....
- Irishchatter
- Jul 29, 2019
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I have watched a lot of of Isekai Anime over the years, this one is one of the best. If you like Isekai/Harem anime that has a good overpowered main character and he accept the love of multiple girls and would do anything to protect them. Then this is the anime for you.
- shuvongkor
- Apr 22, 2021
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I watched episode one, and I'm not planning on going any further. Everything from the voice acting (yes I watched it with the Japanese dub) to the animation to the story to the music is unbelievably dull. The premise is mildly interesting, but at the same time, boring. If the protagonist wasn't so overpowered, then it could be better, but I don't see how this show can have any tension.
I don't have anything else to say except that the theme song is really, really annoying.
I don't have anything else to say except that the theme song is really, really annoying.
- invisibleunicornninja
- Jul 14, 2018
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Yes... It's not an epic piece of work. But so what? It's a slice of life set in another world. It's light-hearted and fun. Everything does not have to be such a big deal to be good. There is a time and place for all things, and sometimes light entertainment is what is needed. I like the innocence of the characters and the world is fun. I would love to see another season or three.
- carlos-03716
- Jun 17, 2022
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There's very little character development with the mc and the girls, they made the mc too op making 0 obstacles to face, they made all of the girls personalities to be the same. The only thing that I find good in this series is that it is sometimes entertaining but besides that everything sucks about this anime and I'm honestly surprised that most of the reviews are 7 cause the Highest review I can give this is a 4.
Highly recomend, this show was excellent. I patiently await a second season. The show is well worth the watch. Originally I didn't like it, now I am hooked.
This show is honestly worth the watch. 10/10 highly recommend to all.
This show is honestly worth the watch. 10/10 highly recommend to all.
- callum-76319
- May 28, 2022
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- sophiakoo-55310
- Aug 3, 2019
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