- Roger Ebert [Brian Tallerico]
- Art TV [Astrick]
- Awards Watch [Daniel Bayer]
- But Why Tho? A Geek Community [Jason Flatt]
- Caillou Pettis [Caillou Pettis]
- Cambridge Day [Sarah G. Vincent]
- Cinecaps Digest
- Cinemagavia [Mario Peña Pérez]
- Spanish
- Common Sense Media [Tara McNamara]
- Culture Mix [Carla Hay]
- Darren's World of Entertainment [Darren Bevan]
- Digital Journal [Sarah Gopaul]
- Edge of the Reel [Becca Sandergaard]
- Film Reviews by Mark [Mark Schroeder]
- Film-Forward [Kent Turner]
- Filmstarts [Janick Nolting]
- German
- Flickreel [Nick Spake]
- Guy at the Movies [Jeremy Kibler]
- Guy at the Movies [Joe Peltzer]
- In Magazine [Matthew Creith]
- Irish Film Critic [Isabelle Anguiano]
- Keith Loves Movies [Keith Noakes]
- Kinótico [Mariona Borrull]
- Spanish
- La Estatuilla [Luis Servin]
- Spanish
- Last One to Leave the Theatre [Michael McKinney]
- Loud and Clear [Joseph Tomastik]
- Mark Reviews Movies [Mark Dujsik]
- Movie Madness Podcast [Erik Childress]
- Movie Meister Reviews [Lee Butler]
- Movies We Texted About [Russell Miller]
- OutNow [Chris Schelb]
- German
- Popcorn Podcast [Leigh Livingstone, Tim Iffland]
- Punch Drunk Critics [Travis Hopson]
- Riecks Film Kritiken [Jan Wilewald]
- German
- Screen Anarchy [Shelagh Rowan-Legg]
- Screen Rant [Mae Abdulbaki]
- Screen Zealots [Louisa Moore]
- Sean Kelly on Movies [Sean Kelly]
- Skewed & Reviewed [Gareth von Kallenbach]
- Slant Magazine [Derek Smith]
- Switch. [Chris Dos Santos]
- The Guardian [Charles Bramesco]
- The MN Movie Man [Joe Botten]
- The NYC Movie Guru [Avi Offer]
- The Spool [Shannon Campe]
- Weekend Notes [Nicholas Gordon]
- Wherever I Look (contains spoilers) [Austin Estrada]
- YNOT at the Movies [Tony An]
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