- Cinema Slasher [Blair Hoyle]
- CrypticRock.com [Sarah Salvaggio]
- Culture Crypt [Ian Sedensky]
- Dark Eyes of London (David Dent)
- De Nachtvlinders [Michel Bonset]
- Dutch
- EFilmCritic [Jay Seaver]
- Entertainment-Focus.com [Pip Ellwood-Hughes]
- EyeForFilm.co.uk [Jennie Kermode]
- Film-News.co.uk [Paul Chapinal]
- For It Is Man's Number [Kevin Matthews]
- Gruesome Magazine [Joseph Perry]
- His Name Is Death [Albert Nowicki]
- Polish
- MCBASTARD'S MAUSOLEUM [Ken Kastenhuber] Dark Sky Films DVD
- Moria - The Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film Review [Richard Scheib]
- MOVIES and MANIA [Adrian J Smith]
- Nerdly [Matthew Turner]
- Nightmare on Film Street [Grant DeArmitt]
- Projected Figures [Anton Bitel]
- Real Movie News - DVD [Ryan Russell Izay]
- The Grump Of Horror [Kevin Crighton]
- The Kim Newman Website
- The Scariest Things Podcast [Mike Campbell]
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