This series tells the story of a small country in the turmoils of WWII through the eyes of the employees of an elite brothel. The premise is quite interesting, and as I like unconventional heroes, I was sold. Plus, the show got plenty oh hype about the extensive research and preparations to capture the essence of that period. And yet, the show doesn't live up to its hype, although with interesting setting and subject matter, the show feels uninspired and unimaginative most of the time. The first couple of episodes were quite dull and boring, with wooden acting and static directing (throughout the show there were moments were camera sat still, and then suddenly started to move, almost like the director got a sudden flash of, oh we got to move the camera or the picture feels static). The characters developed over time and became more lively changing the wooden dolls with real humane characters, but still, only a few characters got some more extra layers added to them, while the rest stayed as talking heads with trivial conversations. The story also developed, but many plot devices and nuances were underused, or not used at all. Most of all, the show failed to create any proper mood or atmosphere. Too many important events weren't shown but told instead by other characters' unpassionate newscaster's manner. I understand that low budget set some restrictions, but that's why the show feels safe (and here I don't mean lack of raunchy scenes considering the placing of the bulk of the story) and uncreative. I guess the creators of the show could have spent more energy on script and atmosphere than historical accuracy of some minor knick-knacks - beauty lies in the details, I know, but sometimes you have to hone those things that are not always visible at first sight.
Not the greatest historical shows in television history, and despite its many flaws, the show still manages to build some mild interest and sympathy. But if you are not very into the political situation of WWII, then it is very easy to move on as the show simply isn't that exciting. There are rumors about the second season, and how the last episode ended, one can expect the continuation of the story. The only hope is that the makers will be more bold with the second season (if they ever decide to make it).