This documentary, directed by Andrew Morgan, focuses on Rob Bell, the former pastor and founder (along with his wife Kristen) of the Michigan Mars Hill megachurch, but who now is an author, freelance writer, and nationwide speaker.
Bell believes that so much of organized religion today has become corrupted and needs to be torn down. Today, he states, religion and spirituality needs to be inclusive not exclusive, and that so much of what goes on in Jesus' name is actually anti-Christ in its energy and direction.
In his New York Times bestselling book "Love Wins" Bell challenged the belief that sinners would burn in Hell for eternity and felt this concept enabled the established Churches to control their congregants with fear. In his 2017 book "What is the Bible" he again challenges many long held tenets of the Church. A good portion of the film shows Bell speaking to large and enthusiastic crowds at his book signings or other venues, often inserting well placed and effective humor.
Naturally, his popularity and platforms have made the religious conservatives and evangelicals quite upset and they have denounced his writings and words, labeling him a heretic of the Christian Church
The doc is quite brief running only about 1 hr. and 12 mins. in length, and I would say it you want to get the old brain cells cranked up this film can offer some very interesting concepts and at the very least things to "chew on".