Great storytelling here from Liz Marshall as can be expected based on her stick-to-the-facts past films. And what better subject than a cardiologist who cares about saving people's hearts, the environment in which his own children do and will live in and the welfare of animals which die inhumanely, no matter what the marketing says on the package to the contrary to make us feel better about paying for death.
This is a story about meat. Real meat that doesn't require the slaughter of animals after they have spent months standing in their own excretions. That doesn't require the cutting down of the Amazon. That doesn't require massive use of water. In fact it is minimal. That doesn't pollute and change the temperature of the oceans. That doesn't create greenhouse gasses destroying the biosphere. It is about a food that could feed the planet with minimal land use. And it is real meat which people have an appetite for.
By 2050 it is expected that we will have about 3 billion more mouths to feed and that the consumption of animal based products will double. That is 29 years from now. Animal production for food is only second to fossil fuels in greenhouse gas emissions. It sometimes seems hopeless our fight for the planet we live on. And then here is a film that shows a solution. A doable solution! A humane, good for the health of the planet solution. And this is a story about solutions. We need those.
There is one thing I know and it is that people care about their kids, this planet, their own health and the world we live in. There are so few solutions offered to counter our sadness of what is happening to the world by our consumption habits , but if you watch this film for nothing else watch it so that you can feel hopeful. Watch it with your kids so that they can also.
Two thumbs up for Liz Marshall's Meat the Future.