This scrumptious French short film focuses on a young winemaker who, in his efforts to impress the wealthy father of the woman he loves and gain his blessing for them to marry, comes face to face with Death herself and sets in motion a series of events that have dire unforeseen consequences. At the heart of 'Death And The Winemaker (2021)' is love, as it's this that motivates the winemaker to perform his unintentionally cataclysmic action, but there's also a cautionary element that warns you of what would happen if one were to mess with the natural order of things, no matter how pure their intention. The palpably forlorn narration drives the experience, imbuing it with even more of its distinct dark fairytale vibe, and the excellent performances ground the picture in its own painterly reality. The aesthetic is just gorgeous, with its watercolour-like backdrops merging with cel-shaded characters surprisingly well, and it really captures the period in which it's set. There are some interesting shot compositions and transitions, too. The story is well-paced and compelling, even though its ultimate twists are both very obvious. It perfectly fits its shirt length, never feeling overstuffed or stretched thin, and the work that's gone into it is incredibly evident right from the start. It's a really atmospheric, enigmatic and enjoyable affair overall. It's great.