But still standing tall. This is not your flashy "Rocky" movie, something you should be aware from the start. And I'm not saying that one is better than the other. I'm just pointing out that you should not expect this to be a "winner" (or maybe it is?). Certain things are in the eye of the beholder. In this case you have a man who has failed more than once, but still keeps fighting and going on.
You could see that as a symbol or parabel connected to real life. Some may feel the movie is too slow. And that feeling is not "wrong". Like it or not, the movie gives you the silent moments. Gives you character moments and breathes quite a lot. Which is almost ironic when you thnk about the main character and his "breathing" or sometimes issues to catch a breath, especially while fighting or sparring.
Not for everyone as is evident by one reviewer here, but those who cherish it, will find a lot to love about this... almost a love letter to humans in general and their strong will - no matter how qualified or talented they are