INFILTRATOR was originally written as a pitch video for James Cameron, a proof of concept leading to a feature-length Terminator script titled, "SKYNET", written by Gershom Reese Wetzel in just 9 days.
INFILTRATOR relies on The Terminator, T2: Judgement Day, and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles as the sole canon references to The Terminator franchise, disregarding the iterations not involving James Cameron in production.
Most of the first section of INFILTRATOR is filmed at The Six Flags Mall (aka Plaza Central) in Arlington TX, which was torn down during production. Production continued on a private locations in and near Sherman, TX as a result.
Is a non-profit fan-film created and produced by TEKSYN Projects. TEKSYN made the film on a self-funded budget of approximately $9000 and without any monetary contributions from any outside sources.
Film is dedicated to the life, generosity, work, and memory of Bill Paxton (dec. 2017).