33 reviews
There's just seem to be a lot of people out there who are just making movies just for the sake of making movies with no other purpose. The movie is void of explanations to the situations we are presented with. The acting varies from passable to worst. The sound editing is absolutely horrible. The cinematography is o.k. At best. Not much is happening overall and the all thing feels very very long and is more of an exercise in patience than an entertaining experience and at almost two hours running time, you better brace yourself if you are determined to go through with it. Oh... And the musical score is as generic as they come.
- Opacus_Music
- Feb 3, 2020
- Permalink
This is a pretty run of the mill post apocalyptic movie, one that is actually better than many others, but that's not saying much considering how terrible the majority are.
The story is nonsense. An apocalyptic event happens and now it's a couple years later and a small family is struggling to survive while moving around, there is nothing remotely original about any of this. The father is a useless oaf who is already wounded when we're introduced to him, the daughter has no personality to speak of throughout the entire film, and the mother is one of the worst written, poorly acted, and most obnoxious characters I've seen in awhile. They meet a random "soldier" of some sort who is a complete piece of trash and they for some stupid reason take care of him and trust him in some hope of a bunker full of goods. That's from the movie synopsis mind you, the actual movie has nothing to do with it, you have no idea why they put up with this violent psychotic idiot.
The movie is filled with stupid decisions and absolutely horrible acting, the mother is the worst. She's the main focus of the movie but she is just plain unlikable and annoying and a terrible actress. The daughter and the "soldier" come in equally second as the worst and most annoying. They're all terrible. There is a little plot sequence involving a hippy commune that ties into the end of the film that isn't too terrible, but story and acting wise this movie sucked.
There was some competent broad shots and music scores here that were quite nice, it doesn't feel low budget for certain sequences, but this is not a good movie. Also much of the dialogue is clearly dubbed over the film because they were too cheap or incompetent and had to do it in post production. I wouldn't recommend spending money to watch this film and the woman who plays the mother is a horrible actress regardless of how poor the script was and would have been better without her.
The story is nonsense. An apocalyptic event happens and now it's a couple years later and a small family is struggling to survive while moving around, there is nothing remotely original about any of this. The father is a useless oaf who is already wounded when we're introduced to him, the daughter has no personality to speak of throughout the entire film, and the mother is one of the worst written, poorly acted, and most obnoxious characters I've seen in awhile. They meet a random "soldier" of some sort who is a complete piece of trash and they for some stupid reason take care of him and trust him in some hope of a bunker full of goods. That's from the movie synopsis mind you, the actual movie has nothing to do with it, you have no idea why they put up with this violent psychotic idiot.
The movie is filled with stupid decisions and absolutely horrible acting, the mother is the worst. She's the main focus of the movie but she is just plain unlikable and annoying and a terrible actress. The daughter and the "soldier" come in equally second as the worst and most annoying. They're all terrible. There is a little plot sequence involving a hippy commune that ties into the end of the film that isn't too terrible, but story and acting wise this movie sucked.
There was some competent broad shots and music scores here that were quite nice, it doesn't feel low budget for certain sequences, but this is not a good movie. Also much of the dialogue is clearly dubbed over the film because they were too cheap or incompetent and had to do it in post production. I wouldn't recommend spending money to watch this film and the woman who plays the mother is a horrible actress regardless of how poor the script was and would have been better without her.
- terrencepatrix
- Feb 3, 2020
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I wish I knew where to start with this review, I guess it was when this 'film' finished and thank God it did, and I wish it had of been sooner rather than later, very poor and that's being kind. I like b movies, some of them are real gems, but this? No, just no, I'm giving it 2 stars because the actors took it seriously, even though the script is terrible and half of them cannot act, it's a D movie, just a tad over Asylum quality, it must have been a tax write off or something. Skip it, avoid, or watch it if you like a terrible film, terrible acting, and laughs at which you was not seriously supposed to laugh, be warned, you will not get this 1hr45min of your life back, and you will regret it, the only upside, it does have a few hot woman, other than that, nothing, just nothing, a solid 2/10 a number 2!, and that's only because I have to save 1 for Asylum films. I wish they had a 0/10, so I could rate this 1/10, but they don't.
- mckeen-13639
- Feb 4, 2020
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Was the mother mentally ill? Some of the stuff she do and the way she act is child like. She would've been dead in the first day of the apocalypse. Who the heck would wear a big silver helmet, when they know people will happily kill you for your stuff? For some reason she thinks a hard hat is bullet proof.
- draftdubya
- Dec 8, 2021
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A lot of work has gone into this movie and generally it's not terrible. ( I have just watched Birdemic so my bar isn't very high :)) Some nice performances but the story is preposterous. From Nuclear war to near neanderthal cannibal in two years? Give me a break.
- future_release
- Feb 7, 2020
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Guide to those who choose to wade in - do not set your heart on a sophisticated, slick piece of Hollywood disaster-flare, nor on a deeply philosophical art house diatribe reflecting on our societal ills. This is low budget fare, unabashedly and to its core. More a buddy film / road trip set in after the apocalypse than anything else, this film isn't going to challenge your intellect or your adrenal glands. It is sweet, a little corny, and intermittently sticks it's tongue in its cheek often enough to keep things light. It ambles and rambles, but does manage to keep itself generally on course. One of those flicks that packs in a range of quirky characters and events, yet not too much of great consequence, but with enough of a glittery thread running through it to pull you through to its neatly woven end.
- troy-boulton
- Feb 5, 2020
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...definitely written by college sophomores! This movie had a lot of potential, and I can only give credit for great cinematography, all else is...sophomoric. I started watching it and realized, "Oh crap, it's gonna suck...", and it did, faithfully, but I watched it till the end to give it a fair review. Ah well, not everyone is meant to be a writer. But I need 600 characters to end this, so...boohoohoo. All I want is to have 600 characters so I can finish this. Stupidity states 600 min characters for a review when sometimes only less than 20 suffice. Oh please! This is worse than the movie! Must I go thru this twice? Come on man, 600 characters? Really? Who came up with this amount? Certainly not Roger Ebert.
- Catracho0227
- Aug 27, 2022
- Permalink
The story was decent but everything else was very bad.
such bad acting and transitions from story to story.
a lot didnt make sense.
Ending went against what they were fighting for the whole time.
so now it is normal to have children with 3 eyes?
so now it is normal to have children with 3 eyes?
- natcalgary
- Feb 4, 2020
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This is oh so very ,very bad. Skip on this one, thank me later ...I watched it and did the suffering for you . SO BAD!
- ferdmalenfant
- Feb 4, 2020
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Black Flowers, Clearly a low budget film. Not the worst movie i've ever seen. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. .{nothing personal to the actors involved}.
- bigpauleyd
- Feb 9, 2020
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I was expecting your normal low budget mediocre acting not very well thought out film and was pleasantly surprised by Martin Gooches directorial prowess and Krista DeMilles awesome kick ass character.
Not only is it beautifully filmed it was wonderful to see a female driven plot line delivered with so much honesty. DeMill's performance was captivating and heartbreakingly real. I have no idea why other reviewer's didn't feel the same. Do yourself a favor and check this film out and be glad you did
- thejca-98794
- Feb 7, 2020
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Overall, not a bad flick. There are both pros and cons. While I feel the story moves along and has a clear intention, there are a few holes in it that leave to be desired. The acting is up and down - some people do well and there are parts that feel forced.
The scene with the party is probably the best part - it feels good overall - this is in terms of how it is acted, the story telling, as well as the cinematography.
There are a lot of generic aspects to it, but again, low budget flick, so that gets a pass from me.
I personally think people are giving it a hard run - yea, it's not a big box film with a huge budget, it's not gonna be able to fight with them in terms of all the aspects we judge amazing films by... but for a B-flick... def worth at least a watch if you are into them.
Overall - decent flick with a handful of pros that balance out the cons. If you are into post apocalyptic flicks and especially B-flicks then give it a go.
The scene with the party is probably the best part - it feels good overall - this is in terms of how it is acted, the story telling, as well as the cinematography.
There are a lot of generic aspects to it, but again, low budget flick, so that gets a pass from me.
I personally think people are giving it a hard run - yea, it's not a big box film with a huge budget, it's not gonna be able to fight with them in terms of all the aspects we judge amazing films by... but for a B-flick... def worth at least a watch if you are into them.
Overall - decent flick with a handful of pros that balance out the cons. If you are into post apocalyptic flicks and especially B-flicks then give it a go.
- BandSAboutMovies
- Feb 20, 2020
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If you happen to make it through this like I did... don't recommend it. I can't tell if this is a comedy or a thriller my god the acting is horrible and so many plot holes I can't even count! Just don't watch this, it's 2 hours of your life you will not get back. It's just sooooo bad
- samistar888
- Sep 10, 2020
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"Atomic Apocalypse" falls short of being a strong thriller with heavy drama. It often feels aimless with no clear agenda for the story's path forward. Some moments seem to tap into dark humor that doesn't look intentionally don't. Still, much like the films I mentioned above, "Atomic Apocalypse" has heart, deep emotional awareness and a singular focus, even if the plot isn't that original.
The cast seem carefully chosen and I found the female leads strong and emotive. To me they were the most developed characters in the film. At times the acting did get shakey. Moments when high tension kicks in the acting seems forced. Other characters fail to deliver dialog convincingly at times. Still the story flowed forward due to enough quality moments stringing the plot along.
Special effects are a strong blend of low grade practical choices mixed mostly with "gamer" level CGI. Stuff commonly seen on the Syfy channel. There is a portion of the film dealing with cannibals but not nearly enough attention is to them. Overall "Atomic Apocalypse" will find a fan base and for indie sci-fi fans, but don't go into it with high expectations.
The cast seem carefully chosen and I found the female leads strong and emotive. To me they were the most developed characters in the film. At times the acting did get shakey. Moments when high tension kicks in the acting seems forced. Other characters fail to deliver dialog convincingly at times. Still the story flowed forward due to enough quality moments stringing the plot along.
Special effects are a strong blend of low grade practical choices mixed mostly with "gamer" level CGI. Stuff commonly seen on the Syfy channel. There is a portion of the film dealing with cannibals but not nearly enough attention is to them. Overall "Atomic Apocalypse" will find a fan base and for indie sci-fi fans, but don't go into it with high expectations.
- ASouthernHorrorFan
- Apr 17, 2020
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I didn't think filmmakers strived to make the most brutally-boring movies. You will want to end your life or the creators for sitting through this.
This idiotic, cheap, badly acted, badly scripted, movie is supposed to show that strong, independent women could survive an apocalypse better than most men. Unfortunately, the women in this movie are blundering their way from place to place, going with the flow rather than make any smart decisions. The entire cast lacks acting skills. And the fact that the "star" is also an ugly, annoying as hell, woman on top of being a terrible actress doesn't help.
The ancient Roman pagans worshipped gods. When Rome had been converted to Christianity, the church fathers substituted Saints for the pagan gods. Is Goldie Hawn a goddess or saint? I guess both, to the makers of this film. Hopelessly dopey. Silly. Seen on Tubi, the free streaming site; which has many indies, foreigns, older major studio films, box-office flops, and now, live TV.
- bemyfriend-40184
- Jan 17, 2022
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- gdippenaar
- Feb 5, 2020
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I enjoyed this movie mostly because I know the director and lead, and because it was shot heavily in where I'm from. The aesthetic was very specific and consistent, and the cinematography stood in a really pleasing way from time to time. I had a hard time connecting to any of the characters, but many of their decisions sparked sympathy for them in their situations. If you like dissecting low budget films and enjoy the post-apocalyptic genre, I would definitely recommend this film.
- moviestuff-37533
- Feb 28, 2020
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Always easy to beat up on the small budget films, or in this case probably a micro budget. However, I felt they did a great job and had some moments of real story telling - the reason we go to the movies. Creative elements and some good human connections. Some of the landscapes were really well shot and Krista DeMille was a super strong lead. Would love to see what this team could do if they had the budget and time and resources of even a middle market film. Hope they get a shot at the next level.
- mfortinberry
- Feb 10, 2020
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I would like to express to points right up front:
1. After reading all the previous reviews I have come to the conclusion some people are far too critical. Yes, this is a low budget flick, but that is not a reason to vomit bile all over it as some reviewers have.
2. I love low budget movies. Hell, I grew up with Drive-Ins and straight to VHS movies dominating the market. I am actually far more critical of filmakers like Michael Bay then I am of Martin Gooch. Martin Gooch manages to do nearly the imposible in this world of 100 million dollar blockbusters. He creates an engaging and entertaining movie on a shoestring budget. Michael Bay on the other hand is given hundreds of millions of dollars to churn out films that only quality is explosions and CG.
Atomic Apocalypse aka. Black Flowers is a Post Apocalyptic romp through some of the most beautiful locations in Northern California. The film takes little time bringing us into a post nuclear war America with the bombs dropping during the films opening moments. We are then transported to nearly two years later. The story focuses predominantly on three characters; Mother and daughter, Kate and Suzy, and bad boy Joe. I feel the performances by Krista DeMille, Andrea Sweeney, and Jesus Lloveras are quite good and far exceed the majority of low budget films I have seen. Unique to this Post Apocalyptic film, in my eyes, is the focus on strong female characters. As someone who has grown up with apocalyptic fiction all too frequently women are treated more like props or an object to be possessed by competing male characters.
I'm an old pen and paper roleplaying gamer from way back and this film carried me back to the days of playing TSR's Gamma World in my youth. Much of the humor in this movie, along with the inclusion of a few mutants made me feel as if I was watching an old Gamma World game brought to life on the Big Screen.
In conclusion, If you are someone who enjoys lower budget independant films, Apocalyptic fiction, old school roleplaying games, or beautiful vistas, you should check out this flick. Do like me and curl up on the couch with your spouse and watch Atomic Apocalypse. You won't be disapointed.
What would you do if the World came to a sudden end and you were fighting for your life and for your family?
I have to admit upfront that post apocalyptic is not my favorite genre. I was intrigued because I knew that the film had been shot in a beautiful area most people don't get to see... And the past films of Martin Gooch have a lovely balance between the feminine and masculine. I was not disappointed!
Since I'm not into all the scary stuff(some people love it!) I'll focus on what was important to me. The relationship of Kate and Sally... A mother struggling to protect her family while her daughter is making naïve decisions, In the midst of a dangerous background... Caught me as so real. The trust between them and yet the important lessons the young Sally would have to learn are relatable...And I might add are part of Greek/Roman legendary myths.(and experiences we have presently...)
Krista DeMille rocked it! As Cate... The badass mama with a great big heart and awesome sense of humor!
The choices they have to make, the discernment needed, the gut instinct, and the variety of dangerous or strange personas they interact with really get you thinking... What would I do?
The other piece I just adore was the directors use of humor... It's such a rare thing for a post apocalyptic film to have occasional comic relief... This was certainly appreciated and helpful! Some images and lines will stay with me for quite some time!
Lastly... It's almost unheard of to have strong female roles in film, in this particular genre and not objectify them... I completely appreciate this! I shouldn't have to. The directors choice in representing these women as women... Strong, powerful, funny, charismatic, frightened at times... Fierce, Collaborating... All made me feel like this director has a respect for women that most do not.
The scenery is amazing!... Knowing this area pretty well it was super fun to see some of my favorite places... I'm glad it got me to see this film.!!
I look forward to see what Krista DeMille and Martin Gooch do next!!
I have to admit upfront that post apocalyptic is not my favorite genre. I was intrigued because I knew that the film had been shot in a beautiful area most people don't get to see... And the past films of Martin Gooch have a lovely balance between the feminine and masculine. I was not disappointed!
Since I'm not into all the scary stuff(some people love it!) I'll focus on what was important to me. The relationship of Kate and Sally... A mother struggling to protect her family while her daughter is making naïve decisions, In the midst of a dangerous background... Caught me as so real. The trust between them and yet the important lessons the young Sally would have to learn are relatable...And I might add are part of Greek/Roman legendary myths.(and experiences we have presently...)
Krista DeMille rocked it! As Cate... The badass mama with a great big heart and awesome sense of humor!
The choices they have to make, the discernment needed, the gut instinct, and the variety of dangerous or strange personas they interact with really get you thinking... What would I do?
The other piece I just adore was the directors use of humor... It's such a rare thing for a post apocalyptic film to have occasional comic relief... This was certainly appreciated and helpful! Some images and lines will stay with me for quite some time!
Lastly... It's almost unheard of to have strong female roles in film, in this particular genre and not objectify them... I completely appreciate this! I shouldn't have to. The directors choice in representing these women as women... Strong, powerful, funny, charismatic, frightened at times... Fierce, Collaborating... All made me feel like this director has a respect for women that most do not.
The scenery is amazing!... Knowing this area pretty well it was super fun to see some of my favorite places... I'm glad it got me to see this film.!!
I look forward to see what Krista DeMille and Martin Gooch do next!!
- katdancing-97942
- Mar 1, 2020
- Permalink
I think this was a great film. Not a high budget but great job by all those involved making the most. Lots of good actors bringing it together. Martin and Krista thank you for all you do. Looking forward to the next!!!!
- svmccauley
- Mar 15, 2020
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