Rubin Report is quite simply one of the worst talk show/ interview shows in the world of YouTube / independent media. Dave Rubin bills himself as a 'classical liberal' but in reality the show acts as a far right / alt-right safe space, whereby guests are allowed to spew falsehoods, deny climate science, promote race & IQ pseudoscience and tired anti-SJW talking points.
Rubin is a vacuous online personality, a loathsome buffoon who lacks any deep knowledge of politics or policy. He talks mainly in empty platitudes, is a weak & ineffective interviewer who never challenges his guests, no matter how unhinged their views are. Rubin bills himself as a liberal but relentlessly bashes the left for every little thing, whilst acting as a de-facto apologist for Trump, Fox News, conservatives & alt-right. To top it off, Rubin gets his funding from Koch Brothers; You will be hard pressed to find a more dishonest, sleazy & moronic character on YouTube. The show & its discourse are toxic!