Robert John Burke credited as playing...
Chief Bridges
- Chief Bridges: What was the room like?
- Ron Stallworth: Folks were hanging on every word.
- Jimmy Creek: Like a Baptist church on Christmas Sunday morning.
- Chief Bridges: Anything happens to one of my men, there won't be two Ron Stallworths. There'll be none.
- Chief Bridges: We've got limited time so I'll be quick. The black radical Stokely Carmichael is giving a speech tonight at Bell's Nightingale.
- Ron Stallworth: Yep.
- Chief Bridges: Carmichael is a former high muckity-muck with The Black Panthers and as far as I'm concerned, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was dead right when he said the Black Panthers are the greatest internal threat to the security of these United States. This Carmichael joker, former Panther or not, well they say he is a damn good speaker and so we don't want this Carmichael getting into the minds of the good black people here in Colorado Springs and stirring them up. Ron, your assignment is to go to this speech tonight, infiltrate these bunch of subversives and just monitor the audience reaction to Carmichael's speech. You ready?
- Ron Stallworth: Born ready!
- Chief Bridges: Gettin' pretty chummy with her, huh?
- Ron Stallworth: No. Just doin' my job, Chief. Undercover.
- Chief Bridges: Well, let's just make sure it ain't undercover of the sheets.
- Chief Bridges: Thank goodness Carmichael has left Colorado Springs.
- Ron Stallworth: Kwame Ture.
- Chief Bridges: What?
- Ron Stallworth: He changed his name from Stokely Carmichael to Kwame Ture.
- Chief Bridges: I don't care if he changed his name to that draft dodger Muhammad Ali. He's still dangerous.
- Chief Bridges: Ron, I'm transferring you to Intelligence.
- Ron Stallworth: What will I be doing there?
- Chief Bridges: Intelligence. Against my better judgement.
- Chief Bridges: Can you do that?
- Ron Stallworth: I believe we can. With the right white man, we can do anything.
- Chief Bridges: All good things must come to an end.
- Ron Stallworth: What does that mean?
- Chief Bridges: Budget cuts.
- Flip Zimmerman: Budget cuts?
- Jimmy Creek: And when did this happen? Last night?
- Chief Bridges: I wish I had a choice; but, my hands are tied with this inflation. Besides, there no longer appears to be any credible threats.