19 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 67TheWrapRobert AbeleTheWrapRobert AbeleThere’s a refreshingly contained, deadpan sass to many of the characters’ personalities – and even Marino’s direction of the actors — that makes these people appealing, not abrasive, and which never devolves into the needlessly crude or ham-fistedly improvised, as so often happens in the more raucously engineered R-rated comedies.
- 65Film Journal InternationalDoris ToumarkineFilm Journal InternationalDoris ToumarkineNo spoiler here that all unfolds with twists and complications but lands in a colorful kibble bowl of happy endings. Surprise does lie in the fact that such familiar material can deliver some unexpected pleasures.
- 60Los Angeles TimesGary GoldsteinLos Angeles TimesGary GoldsteinAs any dog lover will tell you, our four-legged friends make everything better. That’s especially true when it comes to the genial if overly familiar ensemble comedy “Dog Days,” whose four-legged stars bring out the best in the movie’s crisscross of humans — and in the film itself.
- 50VarietyPeter DebrugeVarietyPeter DebrugeUnfortunately, the behaviors on display have virtually nothing to do with real life, serving as empty escapism for the dog lover in all of us.
- 50The Hollywood ReporterFrank ScheckThe Hollywood ReporterFrank ScheckFor undemanding audiences not looking for too much substance in the summer's dog days, Dog Days should go down relatively easy.
- 50Movie NationRoger MooreMovie NationRoger MooreIt’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny. But an engaging cast — human and canine — give it, and us, almost enough warm-and-fuzzies to get by.
- 50San Francisco ChronicleDavid LewisSan Francisco ChronicleDavid LewisDogs are notorious scene-stealers in the movies, but in the sappy yet mildly entertaining Dog Days, the humans mug just as shamelessly as their impossibly cute canine counterparts.
- 40Arizona RepublicBill GoodykoontzArizona RepublicBill GoodykoontzDog Days isn't so much a movie as an emotional delivery system, meant to make you laugh a little, cry a little and say, "Awww" about 10,000 times. On that front, it's a complete success. As an actual film, well, not so much.
- 33The A.V. ClubJesse HassengerThe A.V. ClubJesse HassengerIf Dog Days were a little weirder, it would just be a smug anti-comedy takedown of a late-period Garry Marshall picture, like "They Came Together" with its biggest laughs edited out.
- 25Slant MagazineDerek SmithSlant MagazineDerek SmithAside from the occasional idiosyncratic comic beat, Dog Days remains committed to coloring within the lines of established tropes in the animal-centric family film.