[Canute brings some food to Harald's cell]
Canute: How are we today?
King Harald Finehair: Oh, I had a long sleep, so I'm well-rested, and on the whole, pretty cheerful. Thank you for asking.
Canute: Are you hungry?
King Harald Finehair: What is that you're making?
Canute: It's hard to describe. But it's my very own recipe.
King Harald Finehair: Oh, then I'm sure I will enjoy it. It is served cold?
Canute: How else would it be served?
King Harald Finehair: [chuckles] Of course. If it wasn't for you, Canute, I'd be dead.
Canute: I had no orders to kill you.
King Harald Finehair: What can I offer you... to set me free?
Canute: I've always wanted to be a king.
King Harald Finehair: A king?
Canute: Can you imagine?
[he drapes a cape over his shoulders and holds a pot over his head like a crown]
Canute: [proudly] King Canute!
King Harald Finehair: [laughing] Of course, a king! A king!
[he quickly turns serious]
King Harald Finehair: I could make you a king.
Canute: Really?
King Harald Finehair: I swear.
Canute: And I swear you're lying. You do not have power. You just have words.
King Harald Finehair: So you are a philosopher also?
Canute: No, I am more the practical kind. Do you want some more stew?
King Harald Finehair: No, I think I might just wait until the point of my death.
Canute: Well, it won't go cold.
[Harald laughs, and Canute turns to leave]
King Harald Finehair: You really have to go? I enjoy your conversation almost as much as I enjoy your cooking.
Canute: I'm afraid I have more urgent matters to attend to. It seems Bjorn Ironside has arrived on our shore with a very large fleet. Possibly he has come to rescue you.
[he lets that statement sink in, then leaves]