The story is a blend of psuedo-scifi thriller and crime drama based melancholy. At first glance I was eager to check this one out, knowing that John Noble was apart of the cast. Been a fan since season one of Fringe. However, this film practical keeps him in queue, with limited character development and weak writing. It is a shame really because with the right development, Noble could have brought his character to life, and helped vitalize the story. Same with others, several familiar actors both recognizable and talented.
The concept is a great scenario with its blend of human nature and tragedy, showing a very relatable balance between conflict and resolution set upon the backdrop of near supernatural circumstance. Unfortunately there is so much about the plot that is confusing, muddling the dramatic tendencies with questionable science fiction that raises more eyebrows than excitement. Even with the actors' committment to the project "Silencio" fails to ever pull you into the intended thriller elements.
There isn't a lot happening as far as special effects. Most of the sci-fi aspects take place in the opening scenes with quick bursts of CGI. Beyond that the film relies mostly on monochromatic atmosphere both dark and moody. Situational moments and dialog are meant to solidify the breadth of science fiction stuff with slow paced drama and some crime thriller thrown in. Overall "Silencio" never really catches enough energy to be thrilling and the writing and tempo create a sedated experience. Which is sad because the idea and the cast were great enough to elevate the story's potential.