Impossible Horror has some interesting ideas at its heart, though they might have been more fully developed given more time/money. Even so, unlike many low budget movies, there's enough here to get you interested.
Like many indie / low budget films, Impossible Horror has some of the usual giveaways that betray its lack of budget that all film makers should be avoiding as a matter of course by now.
Most unforgivable is have the entire soundtrack played on what sounds like one single cheap synthesizer. It really is better to have no music at all than music that just sounds awful.
The other giveaway is that nearly all the cast look to be about the same age - possibly in the same year group. This is less of an issue in this movie than in some others, however, because the scenes are so intensely focused around the two leads.
Speaking of which - the two leads are both really really good; empathetic, strong, and convincing - there's nothing low budget about the quality of the acting, which will keep you gripped right until the end.
Similarly, Impossible Horror is beautifully shot, putting most far bigger budget movies to shame: subtle yet sumptuous colours, strong contrast yet with subtle detail and superbly framed. Even though a lot of the movie is shot at night, you never feel frustrated in wanting to see more.
Impossible Horror is held back by some of its obvious budgetary limitations; however, if a conscious decision was made to spend the bulk of the money/effort on high quality cinematography and quality actors and not worry too much about the rest, as opposed to spreading the budget evenly risking an even mediocrity, then I for one applaud it. It's rare to find low budget movies that excel in any areas, let alone two.