None of the cast or crew have ever met in real life. The whole series was created online, with cast and crew contributing from 4 different countries.
Every character is loosely connected to an animal from a fable, fairy tale, or nursery rhyme. These connections are portrayed in character names, in visual layouts (Eg. Harley Swift (the hare) is seen in multiple instances with tree branches or signs behind her head like rabbit ears), in clothing (Eg. Tony (the tortoise) wears a turtle neck sweater, and Bambi Stirling (the deer) wears a shirt shaped like a deer head), in objects (Eg. Charlie Bacon drinks from a mug with 3 little pigs on it), and in conversation (Eg. Wolfe mentions that Bambi "looks like an absolute dear (deer)", Wolfe refers to her employees as her "pack").
Swift Detective Agency and Bar Black Sheep are located on 'Posea' Lane, which is 'Aesop' spelled backward.
The apartment number for Swift Detective Agency is 2/26, the same as the Perry Index number for the Aesop fable the 'Tortoise and the Hare' (226). The sign on the front door likewise features images of a tortoise and a hare.
The original title of the episode "Hare in a Snare" was Myxomatosis, the same as the title of a song from the Radiohead album Hail To The Thief. Episode 1 shares the title of another Hail To The Thief track, "A Wolf At The Door".