I liked Zombie World (2015) it was an enjoyable little zombie anthology that blended horror and comedy with great success. It also included Fist of Jesus, which is one of the best short films around.
Upon learning there was a sequel I was very excited, so based on my rating you can probably tell the film thoroughly broke my heart.
Still an anthology it has dropped the comedy element altogether, it's also dropped the wrap around, and instead we have an imbalanced set of short zombie movies which are a combination of frighteningly boring and bafflingly stupid.
I'm actually still reeling a tad, make no mistake my 2/10 is as low as a 2 can be before hitting a 1. The film has no redeeming features, the stories are just terrible and honestly can't really even be considered stories at all.
They just come across as snippets, cut from bad movies. It starts bad, then trails into boring territory, where the final story is so lifeless and so mundane my jaw dropped. It felt like a bad arthouse film, simply awful.
Zombie World (2015) fans, pretend this doesn't exist.
The Good:
Absolutely nothing
The Bad:
Awful cover art
Pretty much everything